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Thanks to Ron for the California Special emblems and me having the Mustang emblem put in a differant place, she has her new jewelry on. Taken with my new camera, not a perfect pic, but boy is she black.
come to Iowa and you can sure have one and maybe get behind the wheel. Remember she is a mannual granny. You need bring yours too so I can get an up and personal look see.:smile:
Wow, that really dresses the CS up. Tell me how you extended the side stripe? I love your new placment of the Mustang script. Was it a glue on, or were there studs on the Script?
Thanks I can't wait to dress up our new Red CS.
Wow, that really dresses the CS up. Tell me how you extended the side stripe? I love your new placment of the Mustang script. Was it a glue on, or were there studs on the Script?
Thanks I can't wait to dress up our new Red CS.
I had Bob white just send me some decal striping and all I needed to do was cut it to fit both side scoops, and you can either get peel and stick or those with studs for the Mustang script emblems. By the way, I have an extra set, with stud, that are for sale in the C J Pony Parts catalog. One can always go to there web site to check them out.