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National GT/CS Rescue Squad?



Since I experienced a GT/CS rescue in person lately...It occurred to me that perhaps we could form some sort of network to help other owners that are in need, whether on the road, or at home, during some sort of "emergency".

I do realize that this website already provides a lot of information to folks--some in immediate need.

I was thinking of some sort of way members could call each other in a dire moment. I'm not sure how this would be done, or if it's even feasible or possible, but I wanted to throw this idea out and see where it may go.

I just know that as these cars age, more things can go wrong on the road. I think we should talk about some serious preventative maintenance for trips, but we have a LOT of cumulative knowledge of when something like a water pump, or oil pump will go out...or the time frame a headlight switch will last, etc...

Any ideas?? (as an extreme example I heard that the SAAB club has this "overnighter" thing between owners to stay at other owner's homes...which I think is interesting, but a little odd (and a bit much)).

Just wondering what your thoughts on this might be. I'm not asking anyone to compromise their privacy, but some may be open to providing "sanctuary" and help for lost CS souls???

p.s. maybe make this a "National Classic Mustang Rescue Squad", through MCA, and provide members with a roster of those willing to help??? Heck, I'd even design a window decal & patch for those willing to participate.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
Sign me up for the Greater Seattle region for the "GT/CS Rescue Squad".

I was telling you how we do this for our National Ridgeback Club. We have transport set up all over the US, one member to another will take over a leg of the journey for our dogs. An all volunteer support group!

GTCSRS- Seattle Region of GT/CS Rescue Squad

If there's one thing I've learned from this trip, it's that we are family. I can't thank you enough.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Since I experienced a GT/CS rescue in person lately...It occurred to me that perhaps we could form some sort of network to help other owners that are in need, whether on the road, or at home, during some sort of "emergency".

I do realize that this website already provides a lot of information to folks--some in immediate need.

I was thinking of some sort of way members could call each other in a dire moment. I'm not sure how this would be done, or if it's even feasible or possible, but I wanted to throw this idea out and see where it may go.

I just know that as these cars age, more things can go wrong on the road. I think we should talk about some serious preventative maintenance for trips, but we have a LOT of cumulative knowledge of when something like a water pump, or oil pump will go out...or the time frame a headlight switch will last, etc...

Any ideas?? (as an extreme example I heard that the SAAB club has this "overnighter" thing between owners to stay at other owner's homes...which I think is interesting, but a little odd (and a bit much)).

Just wondering what your thoughts on this might be. I'm not asking anyone to compromise their privacy, but some may be open to providing "sanctuary" and help for lost CS souls???

p.s. maybe make this a "National Classic Mustang Rescue Squad", through MCA, and provide members with a roster of those willing to help??? Heck, I'd even design a window decal & patch for those willing to participate.

...I think it's a great idea that has been loosely implemented in the past within our group. Some formalization within the membership would indeed be outstanding, although I'm not sure if I would personally want to handle all of MCA if it got that big.

For example: It was pure "good fortune" that Amy was able to coordinate w/ you and you with Ron as you did. I would hate to think of what could've happened... But perhaps when a member plans such an ambitious trip in the future - they post it here (on a special "sticky") where others in the path can provide cell #s, boarding, who has car trailers, etc... and remain somewhat on call.

I welcome any and all GT/CS members for boarding, special events, rescue, and in one case - a place to perform major repairs and have hosted five to date. I (like virtually everyone here) would gladly go to the rescue if called. The network you propose would indeed make that alot more efficient w/ awareness that someone is on the road.

Great idea socially as well!


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
At one time, long long ago before the internet was ever imagined, the MCA used to publish a little glove box sized book containing the names, location and phone numbers of all members. Everyone could call someone listed in an area for insight looking at a car, parts, or for help when in the area. It worked well, but issues of privacy seemed to put a halt to what was one of the best features of any national organization. It is very nice to be able to contact someone who has the same interests. Perhaps the net has taken over these duties, so maybe the idea should be modified to have an E-list available by State or city rather than a little book, but you have made a great suggestion! Most of us would certainly lend a hand to any in the Mustang or CS fellowship in any way possible.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
If someone breaks down in my area, you're also lost, because I'm kind of off the beaten track. However, if anyone thinks they might be within a hundred miles of me on a trip, let me know and I'll be at your beck and call.



Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
If anybody needs help in SoCal, call someone else. I'm not helping anyone. I don't like any of you that much. :wink:


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
If anybody needs help in SoCal, call someone else. I'm not helping anyone. I don't like any of you that much. :wink:

Didn't we discuss the need to share when you were little? SIGH! Kids never listen. :icon_lol:

Steve (Catching up on the threads. Just got back last night from my rafting trip in the Grand Canyon. WooHoo!)


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
Great idea Paul, never know when anyone of us needs some help and us late model GT/CS's may need some assistance too. I would help, if I am able to.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
Didn't we discuss the need to share when you were little? SIGH! Kids never listen. :icon_lol:

Haha...Joe got in trouble!!!:grin:
However, since I am the good child, I will offer my help......:kiss:


uh....looks like we'll have to take a map of the US, and put push pins in various locations, and then draw 100 mile circles for coverage for each assisting member.

But...we'll leave a big So Cal empty spot.....(tee hee). So, folks with CS breakdowns, are on their own in the dreaded "Joes' Dead Zone". Signs with skulls and crossbones stating that you are now entering a "GT/CS You're on You're Own" area...

You'll know you get 'dere, 'cause there are pieces of broken Lucas Lights, grilles, and broken fuel lines, windshield mirrors, decklids and scoops scattered all over the place...

an awful sight.

Paul :)


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
Yeah, if anyone wants to get lost, just give Donna a hand-held GPS system and ask her to get you where you need to go.

That may be true, but give her a Thomas Guide and she will get you all over this country...


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
This is a great idea. Although the V10 F250 sucks on gas mileage I have a nice garage and a car hauler trailer that is just begging for a good hauling party.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Okay. Now that we're all on the same page - let the regional ads begin!


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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
Yeah, if anyone wants to get lost, just give Donna a hand-held GPS system and ask her to get you where you need to go.

Wait a sec- ya'll laughed at me when I tried to plug in my GPS to the cig lighter of my '68. Did I miss something?

And did you know I considered doing it again? I seem to have 4 weeks of paid time off all the sudden due to orientation diffuculties at work. Nothing but time this month.

d-e-t-e-r-m-i-n-a-t-i-o-n (or insanity?)

Except I hear that Ron is having so much fun with this car... so I'll wait till Sat when it comes to me via Hero Ron.