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New Spy Photos of the GT/CS



That particular Mustang was a V-6 on a dealer's lot, to get people interested. Sure--adding a few things stirs folks into wanting something like that. I think the basic convertible is about $24k, and the added items--wheels & tires, and stripes and 'glass is worth about $1,500....with the markup, etc.

It's called marketing.

But that doesn't mean that we have to buy into it, although that's not why I responded. I "hear" between the lines from Don, a pride in the old Specials, and I totally understand. I have just as much (if not more) faith, pride and passion for the original as anyone here.

The new cars are the new cars. Period. I have recently embraced them, and talked to those who make them, so that the history, heritage and same pride is still there (as much as possible). Those at Ford who run these programs are enthusiasts, too. They want everything that we want., and they have the same passion for the same heritage that we do.

If things don't turn out like they "should", know that production and corporate decisions are what "limit" our wish lists--not those who work on trying to make it happen.

There's a story about the new GT/CS that I'll tell soon enough. Just know that there has been a lot of the same understanding and "behind the scenes" efforts to honor the original. You can say that it's your GT/CS, and the appreciation of it that made this happen. In fact, "California Made It Happen TWICE!".

So--nothing has been taken away from Don's 390, or David's drag car, or the six cylinder seafoam green grocery getter out there. In fact, it's been re-affirmed, and we have a lot to look forward to this summer!

Paul N.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Paul, hopefully I somewhat speak for the silent majority with the following rant.

As much as I'd like to get on board with your enthusiasm for the new GT/CS I just can't because I haven't seen anything that gives me reason to and whatever nonsense Ford is up to with the aborted releases and apparent false information campaign just turns me against them even more. I mention the false information campaign because I hope that is what is going on. That seems a better answer than admitting that they are just totally inept fools who should not be running the company.

The original GT/CS was instantly recognizable as something special. It did not look like a '68 Mustang at any distance or from any angle.

The pictures we have seen of the new car to me look like any number of gussied-up new generation Mustangs. Not instantly recognizable in any manner. Nothing special (pun intended).

IMHO, Ford needs to either put up or shut up. And it doesn't matter who in Ford is at fault. Blaming the executives means nothing to those who are thinking about spending nearly $30,000 on a car. The car is the car and Ford is Ford. As far as the public is concerned there is no difference between a designer or a VP Finance.


I don't disagree, and I'm NOT working for Ford's PR dept. (LOL). We're "dang lucky" that this car was done at all. Especially since they've been closing plants and cutting other programs, including the Ford GT.

We are SO lucky that back in '68 there were people that really did make the CS happen. Lee Grey, Lee Iaccoca, Fred Goodell, and the folks at A.O. Smith all got together, and this car came to be. It was against terrible odds. Dearborn didn't think that California "deserved" this car.... Shelby Automotive took on the design and production job on this car, so it was very easy to make just as they wanted (minus the Shelby nose and hood).

Fast forward to 2005. It's a whole different world. The bean counters rule. For example, to put a "special" enblem on the car in just a certain way costs over many thousands of $$$ to set up the templates at the factory--that is, if they approve doing it. Anything out of the ordinary may require testing, air bags, etc. You just don't "bolt it on", like in 1968. And you have different departments that won't cooperate to make a car "what it should be". It's very territorial in this corporate world.

If you knew--and were there--you'd know who the designers are, and how hard they try to play this "bean counter" game to make (their "enthusiast") things happen. It's not easy. No matter what you do--you're going to have ALL the Ford line's cars change their design very little....It's easier to move a mountain than to redo a grille.

So--I think your criticism is a little unfair, but you're on the consumer side. I appreciate your passion, and I don't argue with it. But, it's a different world today. My only criticism is that "someone" should take a stand and do these limited editions with more determination...but in a corporate setting, those people don't last too long. Too bad, since that's just what Ford needs to make $$--with this talk about "new thinking", and "innovation".

Just don't blame the designers.


CJ 56

Well-known member
Nov 16, 2003
Auckland, New Zealand
Hi Paul, think everyone is right, the pictures at the beginning are rubbish, but you know more and understand why you can not say anything untill the show where it will be launched. It has to have the duck tail and badging on the rear fenders, bonnet would be better with a twin vent like the 68 but if back faceing is not made now then it has to be forward but twin and got to have 4 pipes out the back. There must be something low cost they can do to the back lights, something from the finished TBird or a cowling to fit over them to make them different, any way if we all voice our opinion Ford will pick up the mood and ideas.
When are they comming on the market July 06 or july07, thought it would be july 07 to be an 08 car, 40 trs after the original GT/CS

Chris - NZ


Well-known member
Jul 25, 2004
San Fernando Valley, California
Mr. Paul Newitt,

I have much faith in you. I believe that you are on top of it and that YOU have an influence on what Ford is actually going to release as the California Special. Knowing that you are "Mr. California Special", i do not doubt that i won't be disappointed! Its probably inside information that Ford is keeping a secret of, so that they can release the new CS with a Bang! I hope that when the new GTCS comes out, that i will want to buy one. On a side note: I hope they put an 03-04 Cobra motor with a 6 speed maunal and an independent rear suspension in the GTCS that i buy! Thanks for all your work Paul, and i totally agree with you that I personally am lucky that Lee Iaccoca et. al created the 68 GTCS, that car is my greatest accomplishment so far and its nowhere near done :)


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas
for the record I don't really get excited about new cars in general. When the new mustang came out I thought it was kinda cool but I would not buy one, it does nothing for me. The 07 Shelby is a big disappointment as well except for the motor. The photos we have seen of the new GT/CS is a big disappointment as well. Will I buy a new CS? nope, does nothing for me. If they put the Shelby motor in it I would consider it ONLY because of the motor.


I don't think that anyone has, or ever will claim that the new GT/CS is "better than", or "replaces" the original.

It's a new car, and I think we're fortunate that Ford thinks enough of it to make it now. It could have been a Boss, or another Mach 1. They are what they are. Those that create these cars--as enthusiasts just like us--try to work within great limitations.

Two quick additional details: The wheels will be the Bullitt type, and we might see a couple more colors available. Expect a different hood than what you've seen, too.

Paul N.

p.s. anyone who owns one of these will have an "advantage" over owning a "regular GT", in that it's a step closer to the GT-500 (in looks). You'll have a platform to do lots of cool mods that will only enhance the CS status. Not even the new Shelby has side scoops! Engine mods, suspension-lowering-wheels/tires, adding the Shelby spoiler, etc., will be noticed MORE on this Mustang than any other. You can even add custom taillights (when they're made), and I'm sure that Graphic Express will make the rear deck stripe like in my photoshop pic above.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
PNewitt said:
So--I think your criticism is a little unfair, but you're on the consumer side. I appreciate your passion, and I don't argue with it. But, it's a different world today.
Just don't blame the designers.


Paul, Ford is a retail company so they sell stuff to survive. That means that the consumer is all that matters.

Sadly, it's not a different world today. The same corporate nonsense has been going on for the past 2000 years. If you tell me that it is a different world today at Ford than it was in 1968 I'll take your word for that but in general poor-to-average corporations are still run as they always have been run.....by people who only care about their bonuses and stock options. Good-to-great corporations are run by people with a vision.

I won't blame the designers if you don't blame the bean-counters. The BCs are not at fault, the top executives take the numbers generated by the bean-counters and skim them without digging down and understanding the true meaning of the numbers. They then make decisions based on their limited interpretation of complex numbers.

If anyone wants to see just how scary coroporate America is read, "The smartest Guys in the Room". Since it's about Enron it's an extreme case but all corporations do a lot of the same things to one degree or another. That could be looked at as a bean-counter who went off the deep end but, to a greater sense, it was a bad manager, and a weak board, who gave the bean-counter way too much control and rewarded him for performing illegal transactions.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
As I've already stated, I'm not impressed with the new GT/CS. But, in all fairness, I'll hold my final judgement until the actual product hits the streets and then decide. If it stays as is, then my decision has already been made. It will take some drastic changes to peak my interest in this so called retro model GT/CS. Heated seats, compass and some kind of new front facia just doesn't do it for me. I just wish they would turn the GT/CS stripe around and at least give it something in common with the original CS.

I also have to say, I agree with Arlie in regards to the bonuses and stock options part of it. I see it everyday here at Victoria's Secret. We are so top heavy in upper management it's not funny. We have VP's watching VP's, six figure salaries and in some cases six figure bonuses. Way to many chiefs and not enough indians. Those that are in the trenches trying to get the job done can't because of all the buracratic bullshit and petty rivialries between each department.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
68gt390 said:
....all the buracratic bullshit and petty rivialries between each department.


That's the phrase I was looking for!!! Perfectly stated, Don.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
68gt390 said:
I just wish they would turn the GT/CS stripe around and at least give it something in common with the original CS.

I see it everyday here at Victoria's Secret. We are so top heavy ...it's not funny.


If I buy one of these cars, I've already decided to remove the factory stripe and modify an original one to fit.

I was to slow to make the first comment on your working conditions.:grin:



Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Don't get me wrong. I love the working conditions/scenery. :icon_ecst
It's the way some of the decisions on how to get things done are made and all the back stabbing that I hate. Working in the Security/Safety Services side of it we are expected to sugar cote anything we send up the ladder. The ability to not always do that has gotten me in trouble on several occassions. If it smells like shit, looks like shit then I figure they need to taste it to really know it is shit. It's funny - when they have a problem in the building that they either can't or don't want to deal with when dealing with either employees or outside vendors guess who gets the call. Sometimes I really have to fight within myself to hold my tongue. The good part is I'm not always successful. :grin:



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Don, I'll bet it's not the people at the very top who want it sugar coated. It's usually the ones just below them.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Just to throw my 2 cents in for what's it worth.

I was excited about the car when I first heard about it.
But these pictures do absolutely nothing for me. I can't get excited by what I'm seeing so far.

As Don said ... there has to be some major changes to make me move even a little in the other direction.


You have to remember that those of you that have had a GT/CS for five, ten or more years have had that design actually "grow" on you.

In contrast, I wonder how, in 1968 the original GT/CS went over with those who went with Shelbys or not at all. Most Marti reports show about a 6 month lag time between when the dealer got the car, and when it was sold. Some sold as late as March 1969!

We've had a long time to know and love the version that we have. Certainly, it's BECOME the car we adore and love to drive. But, back in '68, it wasn't as well accepted as you might think.

I also have some problems with what I've seen and know about the '07 version. I didn't like the '05 when I first saw it--I thought the back was too high. But, it's growing on me.

We're the worst critics, because we are so close to the original. For the other 95% out there, they will like the novelty of a "California" Mustang to drive around. That is who Ford is expecting to buy the car--the average person who may not necessairily be "into" Mustangs, or know the whole GT/CS history and heritage (heck, we have a hard enough time with the vintage Mustang owners out there).

We'll see how it comes out. I'll accept it as it is, because I know that there will be new GT/CS owners out there that will embrace THEIR car just as much as we do ours.

Paul N.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
I predict that Ford will make the new GT/CS the baddest modern musclecar yet, not only under the hood, but the exterior will exactly reflect the original. I know, "only in my dreams!" I feel if you`re gonna dream, you might as well dream big!


Well-known member
Jan 27, 2006
Hey, I look at this as the glass is "half-full." At the very worst, the ressurection of the CS/GT is great news for us. The 68s will now get to feed off of the PR of the new ones-- something we've deserved for a long while. I personally can't wait to have the CS's heritage firmly cemented by the creation of a new Mustang. It's not like they're rolling out a Mustang II...Robb