Well-known member
Hi Skip,
1. I'm not sure of that answer. When you call I would ask that question. I also put down my Mustang Club when I registered but I might be the only one going from my club so I will probably just change it. But when you call I would ask. I would think they may want you registered with one club because they use the club name that is entered on registration to figure out if a club qualifies for a free tent. I'm sure they wouldn't want one entry counting toward multiple clubs.
In our case I believe they are also using the entry to see how big the CS/HCS class is going to be.
2. Paul Newitt is selling the decals and I do not think he will be attending Carlisle.
This is for Skip too. I am still registering as and also South Jersey Mustang Club, and adding the club. I am already counted as part of the Badmustangclub for qualifing for their tent, and don't want to chance them losing their tent.