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Open Mouth, Insert Foot


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
CJ said:
"Its a known fact that "our kids", fighting in Iraq, are mostly poor kids who could`nt afford an education on their own and did`nt think anything bad would happen to them by joining the nations armed services. Watch a recruiter sometime, they are as slick as they can be trying to get some young, dumb kid to sign his life (literally) away.
It is also a known fact that only a select few of the members of our nations governing body have relatives fighting for our country. Most of them would never hear of it."

Mustanglvr; I don't know where you got your information. Perhaps you should read the following research. Although rather lengthy, it doesn't support your statement.

Heritage Foundation

Who Are the Recruits? The Demographic Characteristics of U.S. Military Enlistment, 2003–2005
by Tim Kane, Ph.D.
Center for Data Analysis Report #06-09


This information is from the link you posted.....

(Like their peers in 1999 and 2003, recruits in 2004 and 2005 came primarily from middle-class areas. Poor areas are proportionally underrepresented in the wartime years (2003–2005).
The Department of Defense (DOD) does not track family income data for recruits, and there are no individual income data for enlistees. Military service is the first full-time job for most of them. We approximate each recruit’s household income by using the median household income of his or her hometown ZIP code.)

I don`t necessarily consider the "middle class" the "rich" either. Many middle class familes can`t afford an education for their children.

(The military continues to enforce educational standards in its recruiting process. The high school graduation rate among recruits is higher than it is among the national youth population. While the active-duty enlisted ranks have fewer college graduates than the comparable civilian population, DOD annual updates on population representation indicate that many who join the military are taking advantage of educational opportunities while serving and that many others continue their education after completing their enlistment period.)

"DOD annual updates on population representation indicate that many who join the military are taking advantage of educational opportunities"

I believe I`m correct, maybe not 100%.
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Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Mosesatm said:
If what we are doing in Iraq isn't working shouldn't our politicians let the President know that fact instead of going along with a policy that has already killed thousands of our young men and women soldiers?

Why is it that everyone who points out the fact that our kids are getting slaughtered is anti-American or a traitor? I see it as just the opposite. I see it as being loyal to the country and to our children, and not to some egomaniacal demigod and his cronies sitting in the white house, playing with people's lives just because they can.

Hell, Bush has even finally agreed that what we are doing now isn't working. Of course, he also says that he never used the phrase, "Stay the course".

And it’s been proved over and over that Iraq has nothing to do with Bin Laden, or the twin towers, or 9/11, or any known terrorist act. The Bush administration and Karl Rove are very good at confusing the American public about that fact.

I Really don't agree with (or even know what the hell) your talking about...

You seem to follow the same script as most other liberals. HATE Bush, GET Bush, Destroy Bush!! Truly - What would be Yours and Kerry's plan? From 911 on?? To go on blaming?? We could've been hit many more times since 911, but weren't. Does that mean anything to you?

And what if the cynics prevailed during Normandy, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, on & on & on... You know; those battles didn't go very well either. I can only assume you would've sat in your chair and criticized Roosevelt for the tens of THOUSANDS of troops who died there...And they were a hell of alot more poor (on the heels of the Great Depression) Rhonda than some of these troops are. Where would we be today if a Kerry were prominent then??

My earlier posts here summarize a bigger picture based on working with and knowing/ admiring veterans from our greatest generation who unfortunately with their passing, goes the memory and appreciation of their sacrifice. I hate to say it - But until you can show me how all this finger pointing is benefitting our troops and this country - a terrible history will indeed repeat itself... Again.

No worries - We'll always be "brothers in cars" tho Arlie ;-)


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Our government needs a complete overhaul and I think everyone thats not in the upperclass population of Americans will agree with that. The rich just keep getting richer. The war is only a part of the problem. I just think fairness should be a part of the big picture.
Sooo,why don`t we all agree to disagree and end this thread?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Rhonda's right. Let's debate it over a beer some time.
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Well-known member
Mar 12, 2006
Sacramento, CA
Yeah, We might not all agree on issues such as politics and the war and things like that, but, we all have the love of cars and the California Special that is what we have in common.. Lets keep that commonality in perspective, and thrive on that.. :)) that's what this site is about..


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Midnight Special said:
I Really don't agree with (or even know what the hell) your talking about...

You seem to follow the same script as most other liberals. HATE Bush, GET Bush, Destroy Bush!! Truly - What would be Yours and Kerry's plan? From 911 on?? To go on blaming?? We could've been hit many more times since 911, but weren't. Does that mean anything to you?

And what if the cynics prevailed during Normandy, Iwo Jima, Okinawa, on & on & on... You know; those battles didn't go very well either. I can only assume you would've sat in your chair and criticized Roosevelt for the tens of THOUSANDS of troops who died there...And they were a hell of alot more poor (on the heels of the Great Depression) Rhonda than some of these troops are. Where would we be today if a Kerry were prominent then??

My earlier posts here summarize a bigger picture based on working with and knowing/ admiring veterans from our greatest generation who unfortunately with their passing, goes the memory and appreciation of their sacrifice. I hate to say it - But until you can show me how all this finger pointing is benefitting our troops and this country - a terrible history will indeed repeat itself... Again.

No worries - We'll always be "brothers in cars" tho Arlie ;-)

I know you were not responding to me on this but I still need to comment regarding *my* thoughts.

I do not hate President Bush or want to destroy him. I do personnally feel that he is not particularly competent. As for going into Iraq there are valid arguments for doing so. There were equally valid arguments for not (I can go in to the for/against arguments in another posting if needed). So, while I was against the initial invasion because I thought the arguments against outweighed the arguments for, once we did go in I backed completing the job. In fact, the *military*, our troops, *won* the war. They did what they were trained to do and were stunningly successful at it. The politicans and adminstrators win or lose the peace. President Bush and those around him apparently did not use history as their guide for winning the peace - this is where I find the adminstration to be less than competent. In a number of cases they ignored history (specifically WWII history) and they ignored thier military advisors (look at the links I provided). It does not help that few in the upper echelons of the adminstration have never served in the military or were never in harms way.

Its not clear to me that the invasion of Iraq did anything to prevent us being hit after 911. I think the increased security within the country and the increased interaction between intelligence agencies has more to do with this than anything else. And it has been argued that an unstable Iraq (which we have now) actually generates more terrorists than what you would have had otherwise.

Now, you keep bringing up WWII. OK lets take your analogy of 911 being the same a Pearl Harbor. After Pearl Harbor we turned around and took on Japan (and Germany after *she declared war on us*). After 911 we took on Afganistan and the Taliban. But in WWII we didnt unilaterally attack *another* country just because it was (1) Asian, (2) close to Japan (3) had a similar religious structure, and (4) had a despot at its head. That's effectively what we did with Iraq. If anything, WWII tells us to focus on defeating the enemy at hand. We are still trying to finish the job in Afganistan.

Also, the underlying current (I sense from the thread) is somehow that Republicans = Good and Democrats = Bad. Well, again, with regard to WWII (and WWI) our country had Democrats as presidents during both those wars. Both FDR and Wilson were extremely capable - *far* more capable that either Kerry or President Bush.

You're right that "fixing the blame" (finger pointing) is not the same as "fixing the problem". In that you are right that Kerry shouldn't have even tried to make a joke at the Presidents expense. But people do need to understand how we got here so that history will not repeat itself. That's how it benefits the country.

Finally, Republicans and Democrats are not sports teams. When you vote, vote the man not the party.


Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
p51 said:

I know you were not responding to me on this but I still need to comment regarding *my* thoughts.

I do not hate President Bush or want to destroy him. I do personnally feel that he is not particularly competent. As for going into Iraq there are valid arguments for doing so. There were equally valid arguments for not (I can go in to the for/against arguments in another posting if needed). So, while I was against the initial invasion because I thought the arguments against outweighed the arguments for, once we did go in I backed completing the job. In fact, the *military*, our troops, *won* the war. They did what they were trained to do and were stunningly successful at it. The politicans and adminstrators win or lose the peace. President Bush and those around him apparently did not use history as their guide for winning the peace - this is where I find the adminstration to be less than competent. In a number of cases they ignored history (specifically WWII history) and they ignored thier military advisors (look at the links I provided). It does not help that few in the upper echelons of the adminstration have never served in the military or were never in harms way.

Its not clear to me that the invasion of Iraq did anything to prevent us being hit after 911. I think the increased security within the country and the increased interaction between intelligence agencies has more to do with this than anything else. And it has been argued that an unstable Iraq (which we have now) actually generates more terrorists than what you would have had otherwise.

Now, you keep bringing up WWII. OK lets take your analogy of 911 being the same a Pearl Harbor. After Pearl Harbor we turned around and took on Japan (and Germany after *she declared war on us*). After 911 we took on Afganistan and the Taliban. But in WWII we didnt unilaterally attack *another* country just because it was (1) Asian, (2) close to Japan (3) had a similar religious structure, and (4) had a despot at its head. That's effectively what we did with Iraq. If anything, WWII tells us to focus on defeating the enemy at hand. We are still trying to finish the job in Afganistan.

Also, the underlying current (I sense from the thread) is somehow that Republicans = Good and Democrats = Bad. Well, again, with regard to WWII (and WWI) our country had Democrats as presidents during both those wars. Both FDR and Wilson were extremely capable - *far* more capable that either Kerry or President Bush.

You're right that "fixing the blame" (finger pointing) is not the same as "fixing the problem". In that you are right that Kerry shouldn't have even tried to make a joke at the Presidents expense. But people do need to understand how we got here so that history will not repeat itself. That's how it benefits the country.

Finally, Republicans and Democrats are not sports teams. When you vote, vote the man not the party.


Thanks James! I know It's risky to try to put all of our history into perspective for discussion here. I do want to say that I don't mean to imply that all liberals are democrats and visa-versa. I beleive that Roosevelt (and John F. Kennedy) would be considered "radical right wingers" by today's democrat party however, because of the way they acted against threats to our country (WWII and Cuban Missle Crisis to name a few). I just don't see today's democrats with a consistent "resolve" there.... I mean - "peace at any price" to a liberal seems to mean to pull out and hope for the best as opposed to conservative - remain on the offensive until the threat is subdued.

But, you know - we put this thread to bed once already and as much as I would love to continue this discussion - perhaps Arlie's suggestion would be the best method for later on sometime. As much as YOU pray for our president, troops and our overall well being... I give thanks that we're in the country we're in, where we can speak freely, drive California Specials, and enjoy open friendship with the likes of You, Steve, Rhonda, Uncle Joe, CJ and Arlie!... 'Make mine a Bud Light please :)


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
Midnight Special said:
I give thanks that we're in the country we're in, where we can speak freely, drive California Specials, and enjoy open friendship with the likes of You, Steve, Rhonda, Uncle Joe, CJ and Arlie!... 'Make mine a Bud Light please :)

I agree completely!!! Who's Uncle Joe??? I'm not old enough to be your uncle. Maybe your nephew. In fact, you can leave me a couple of those beautiful cars in your will. :grin: :grin: :grin:


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Tim, everyone is a liberal compared to someone who is more conservative.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I think I have the solution!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Midnight Special said:
But, you know - we put this thread to bed once already and as much as I would love to continue this discussion - perhaps Arlie's suggestion would be the best method for later on sometime...
Fair enough. Sorry to stir things up again but I was a day behind the rest of you guys in my ranting-and-raving. :grin:


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
p51 said:
Fair enough. Sorry to stir things up again but I was a day behind the rest of you guys in my ranting-and-raving. :grin:

James, I certainly can't speak for the others but I think you are an extraordinary diplomat and have an amazing ability to politely get your point across. If that was ranting and raving I can't imagine what you're like when you're calm!!!:thumb:

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Mosesatm said:
James, I certainly can't speak for the others but I think you are an extraordinary diplomat and have an amazing ability to politely get your point across. If that was ranting and raving I can't imagine what you're like when you're calm!!!:thumb:

Ditto that! By the way - Arlie's buyin'!
(Mosesatm - "Let's debate it over a beer some time.")

P.S. How much $ for the neckties??