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1968 over heating issue

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
In hard water areas distilled water is a good choice. Here in Western Washington we have the best water in the world!! And plenty of it pouring out of the sky's!!!

You get this engine dialed in with a 3 core radiator, a shroud, and a good fan blade, you should never need water wetter. It is snake oil in my opinion. I am sure that will bring in some other opinions....



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
over heating

Jim when you ever find out what the problem is please let every one else know what you found it is nice to know when the problems come up and are fix. It would be nice to find out what was done lncase you have the same problem Thanks Tom From WI


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
Jim when you ever find out what the problem is please let every one else know what you found it is nice to know when the problems come up and are fix. It would be nice to find out what was done lncase you have the same problem Thanks Tom From WI

will be happy to share just got the 6 blade fan and overflow tank in the mail today. expect to put them in tomorrow and give it a shot. first with just plain water will share the results.


Well-known member
Mar 15, 2003
Redondo Beach, CA
will be happy to share just got the 6 blade fan and overflow tank in the mail today. expect to put them in tomorrow and give it a shot. first with just plain water will share the results.

well just finished installing the new 6 blade fan and coolant tank. added distilled water until it spilled over the heater hose fitting on the front of the manifold. took the thermostat out and fired it up without the radiator cap on. saw lots of flow so water pump must be working. She never really got much over the cold line. put cap on and took it for a spin. stayed on the low side of the gauge the whole time. the only time it got above the mid point was after I stopped to get gas and restarted the car she was a bit over half way on the gauge. as soon as I started driving her she went back to the low side. next ill try to put the 185 thermostat in and see how she does. I plan on running 80/20 h20/antifreez mixture
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