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Paul's mom


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Any word regarding Paul's mom? Or how Paul is doing? Its been on my mind since the other day, but I don't wish to intrude.



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
On another thread I mentioned that Paul called me a few days ago and his mother is now in the hospital, and he wouldnt be on the site for a while. Things look difficult. Please keep him in your prayers. Casey


Active member
Apr 18, 2008
Would it be helpful if we each send our GT/CS Mom a Valentine Card c/o Paul?


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
Just spoke. Paul says she's out of the hospital and into hospice. He's doing "ok" and he'll be online in a couple of days. And he's proud of the support from this site. I told him we CS people stick together. We really do. I felt it first hand recently.


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
Good to hear...

...Paul's mom is out of the hospital, continued prayers for her and Paul.

I had PM'd him yesterday about an original CS related document I had recently got off eBay that he might be interested in including in the new book and he usually replies right away so fig'd something was not right.



Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
The same way here, as he has asked for some info on the late model GT/CS's and hadn't heard back, but this explains it. This is for you Paul....


  • thinking of you.jpg
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Paul called me yesterday. His mom is now in hospice care. He wanted everyone to know that he is very touched by the support this community has given him. It means a LOT to him. Continue to pray for him and his mom during this time. He said he would try to get online sometime early to mid next week. Casey


I don't know where to begin, but to say that I'm deeply touched by all of your support.

Feb 4th began with taking my mom to the emergency room of a local hospital, to find that my mom (at 84) was dehydrated. She had cancer surgery in Dec 2007, and was doing OK, but there was a relapse found in a PET/CT scan in August last year. The oncologist told her to take Xeloda--a chemo pill--which made her very sick.

At the ER she took down three IV's, and they did a chest x-ray. The cancer had metastacized into her lungs and bones.

The she was admitted until Monday, the 9th, and although she got good care, the discharge people were pushing her out (I had a tough time with them). We frantically looked for a rest home for her, and it was awful.

A miracle fell into my lap Sunday AM, and a family friend offered to take her in, with hospice care (which those people are angels).

Right now it looks bad, and it's already sad....the time is running out.

I don't mean to take away from anyone else's family sadness, or losses at all. And.. my mother is a modest person, and in fact, I showed her a Valentine someone sent (Mark H. in AZ), and we cried at the love from you all.

My mother was my family....since I don't get along with my brother all that well. The love from my Mustang Family means everything to me--beyond my wildest hopes. I am overwhelmed and embraced by your attention and care for me and my mother.

I told her that I'd dedicate the book to her, and she was very touched and honored.

The You Tube clip of me getting my Iaccoca award was on a little Acer laptop, that she got to see two nights ago. She was very proud of me, and I am So glad that Obwan filmed it for her to see.

My mother is my best friend, and she has always respected and supported and believed in everything I did in my life. To lose her is very sad, and yet, your support is equally just as moving. To have people believe in you, and from something you love to do is the best thing in the world.

We look forward to quite a wonderful book, that my mom helped with (the Registry cataloging).

More to follow. I'm fighting a bad cold--brought on my days of lots of stress.

Thank you all so very much.



Active member
Apr 18, 2008

Awesome you are going to dedicate the book to your Mom.

You might ask the good folks at hospice if they have a chair that folds out into a sort of sitting up bed. That way you can sleep next to your Mom to get more precious time with her.

Sometimes the best conversations happen deep in the middle of the night. Now is the time to talk to your Mom about anything you have ever wanted to tell her.

Love, blessings, comfort and peace to you both.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I have lost both my mother and my father. Both were so special to me. My Mother 10 years ago, and my Dad almost exactly a year ago. My brothers and my sister spent all our waking moments while my mother passed into heaven. It was an ordeal. My father passed away a year ago, the day after my birthday. I spent my birthday with him until midnight and the rest of the night until the morning of the 15th of February. I was exhausted, but I made sure nothing was unsaid. He knew my love for him. I went home for rest and he passed away mid-morning. My other brother was on the day shift. I was at peace with not being there at the moment and had a chance to say goodbye while warmth was still in his body. It was so peaceful to me and I had no regrets.

Be sure to make sure everything is said. Be sure to make her know your love. Do not beat yourself to death to be there to her last breath. That is not important as long as you commit your love. Put yourself in her place. You would wish to see her fret over not being there at your moment?

The key is to make sure nothing is unsaid. I am sure you have done that. To know that there is a heaven and she will be there to ensure your place. To believe in the afterlife and all it will provide. To believe that allowing Jesus to enter your heart is the doorway to heaven!

Wow, what a sacrifice our lord God made. To give us hope and a place in eternity with those we love. May God’s grace and strength comfort you in your time of need!

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Thank you for your thoughts, Rob.

I have expressed all of my thoughts & love, and my mom knows me so well, and how I feel.

She knows that what she taught me has worked out very well. She is very moved by my accomplishments and talents.

I don't mean to take away from any other's family situations here. I know of a grandchild with a heart problem in Canada, and others that have lost parents and siblings--all members here. My heart goes out to everyone.

Thank you again,


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal

Rob is right on several key things ... and as friends, we can be quiet, listen, and pray for God’s help. We can always “give a hand” to hurting friends and family by understanding their sorrow and not expecting them to just “get over it” when time is really needed to heal.

In Romans 12:9-21, the Apostle Paul gives us ways to express practical Christianity in our relationships. One seems especially important: “Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep” (v.15).

Paul, my friend, my heart and prayers will continue to go out to you and your mom, and also to the rest of your family ... God bless ...


I wish to thank everyone all so much for your kind words for my mother and me.

I spoke with an Episcopalin Father for 2 hours the other day, and I mentioned how our Mustang Family has stepped up to bat for me.

He said that life in so interconnected, and that we are truly a community here, and not unlike a church in some ways, by how we express concern, joy and support for everyone here.

I am truly blessed by the help I am getting. I've had about three Mustang connections here--one being a social worker that is into Mustangs, and from the connect, he pushed through another night for my mom in the hospital.

I know that God is in on this one, because of all the doors that are opening for me, and my mother.

To be good to others really does come back for you later in life.

Be glad that you can walk and breathe, and that you are alive. Tell your parents how you feel for them, and that you love them.

My mother and I won every battle we fought together--from family problems to my projects. She made me stay up late the night before I took my 1988 CS book to the printer to do final typo fixes.

This is the hardest time in my life right now, and I am SO honored and blessed to have you here to help me through it.

Sorry for the drama--but it's very meaningful to heve so many people that I know in different ways to come to my side.

When this has passed, we, as a group will be doing a LOT of wonderful GT/CS things together, like regional events, book signings, and picnics.

Thank you so much.



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
I know what you are going through, Paul. It's awful, just awful to watch a parent die when there is nothing you can do but love him/her. My Mustangs Northwest group has been here for me 24/7 in ways you can't imagine.

My '68 CS is holding my sanity together right now. My dad will never see it, but we did remember together (before the morphine) his poppy red '66 fastback, my '66 Springtime Yellow 289, and getting my '68 CS home from SoCal.

And if I may be blunt. It seems this hospice thing may go on forever, a month, maybe two, but are you ever really ready to lose a parent?

"Life is good when you can be distracted by Mustangs." And I'm stickin to it.