I don't know where to begin, but to say that I'm deeply touched by all of your support.
Feb 4th began with taking my mom to the emergency room of a local hospital, to find that my mom (at 84) was dehydrated. She had cancer surgery in Dec 2007, and was doing OK, but there was a relapse found in a PET/CT scan in August last year. The oncologist told her to take Xeloda--a chemo pill--which made her very sick.
At the ER she took down three IV's, and they did a chest x-ray. The cancer had metastacized into her lungs and bones.
The she was admitted until Monday, the 9th, and although she got good care, the discharge people were pushing her out (I had a tough time with them). We frantically looked for a rest home for her, and it was awful.
A miracle fell into my lap Sunday AM, and a family friend offered to take her in, with hospice care (which those people are angels).
Right now it looks bad, and it's already sad....the time is running out.
I don't mean to take away from anyone else's family sadness, or losses at all. And.. my mother is a modest person, and in fact, I showed her a Valentine someone sent (Mark H. in AZ), and we cried at the love from you all.
My mother was my family....since I don't get along with my brother all that well. The love from my Mustang Family means everything to me--beyond my wildest hopes. I am overwhelmed and embraced by your attention and care for me and my mother.
I told her that I'd dedicate the book to her, and she was very touched and honored.
The You Tube clip of me getting my Iaccoca award was on a little Acer laptop, that she got to see two nights ago. She was very proud of me, and I am So glad that Obwan filmed it for her to see.
My mother is my best friend, and she has always respected and supported and believed in everything I did in my life. To lose her is very sad, and yet, your support is equally just as moving. To have people believe in you, and from something you love to do is the best thing in the world.
We look forward to quite a wonderful book, that my mom helped with (the Registry cataloging).
More to follow. I'm fighting a bad cold--brought on my days of lots of stress.
Thank you all so very much.