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1968 Power Steering Leak


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
So after taking the GT/CS to an all-Ford car show this weekend, I do a once over the car before an evening drive and find that she has a power steering leak!

I think I've found the issue -- a leak at the output line from the power steering pump. It looks like there is a loose nut on the output line, but I can't tell which direction to tighten it. Looking through my repair manual (Chilton's) and doing a quick Google search yielded no results.

The attached pic shows the nut that I'm referring to. It's on the pump side of the high pressure output line and can either be tightened to the output line or the pump. I'm hoping that someone here has seen this before (or at least has replaced the power steering pump) and knows a quick fix. Any thoughts?


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Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Hmm... by your description - I would just tighten it (normal clockwise direction) and see if it still leaks. Worse case, maybe remove and clean the flared hose fitting & threads, then re-install with thread sealant.

How dramatic is the leak?


Well-known member
May 10, 2010
How dramatic is the leak?

Completely emptied the pump of all fluid between Saturday and today (2days). Walked up and found huge puddle that needed cleaning. No leaks at or prior to the show. Strange how it just happened all of a sudden.

I'll probably go the "trial and error" route, but thought I'd check to see if anyone had seen this before. I'll post the solution as soon as I find it.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Righty tighty, lefty loosey.
Tighten the nut to the P/S reservoir. Then tighten the P/S pressure line fitting.



Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Tighten the nut to the P/S reservoir. Then tighten the P/S pressure line fitting.

Thanks. I'll try that. Only other option is to tighten it against the output line...unless, of course, there's another issue.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Tighten the thin nut to the case first. With a wrench on the thin nut, remove the power steering hose and inspect the flare on the steel pipe for large noticeable cracks. Tighten the hose back on the pump and see what happens.

If it still leaks it gets tougher. Many a person has loosened the “thin” nut from the case and after that it starts to leak. There is a thin paper gasket that is on the inside of the steel can reservoir that seals the fitting that the hose attaches to, to the steel can reservoir. This paper gasket is very brittle on an old pump and any loosening of the thin nut will allow it to fall out, as it is already broken.

Have you recently replaced a hose and possibly disturbed the thin nut by loosening the hose without a wrench on the thin nut? Never never let this thin nut turn lose!!!

If that is what has happened you can replace this gasket by tearing the pump apart. Not a fun job. Or you can get a refurbished pump.

Rob just visited this rodeo a few months ago….. I rebuilt my pump….



Well-known member
Jan 28, 2006
Funny........I have the EXACT same leak from the exact same place! I intend to just remove the pump and check everything out. The leak (right now) is fairly minor but VERY annoying.



Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
Funny........I have the EXACT same leak from the exact same place! I intend to just remove the pump and check everything out. The leak (right now) is fairly minor but VERY annoying.


Ditto, and I thought I would take some teflon tape and just revisit tightening everything.
Rob, how bad is the rebuild for these pumps?

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Not so bad for the guy who has been around a wrench or two. You need a rebuild kit and a pulley puller if you rebuild the front bearing. If the front bearing ain't a "growlin" and the seal is not leaking, you can skip the step. There is a large square seal around the front cast iron housing and the "can" so to speak. Remove the thin nut and apply gentle presure to separate the cost iron front from the can. You can use a vice to capture the outer edge of the front of the can and "bang" on it a bit to separate it. Your definiton of "bang" may different from mine!! Once apart, you will find the brittle paper washer more than likely laying in the can.. In a couple pieces.

You can replace the paper washer gasket and the front seal that seals the can to the cast iron cover and put it back together......

worked for me.... Or get a rebuilt pump....



Well-known member
May 10, 2010
Tighten the thin nut to the case first. With a wrench on the thin nut, remove the power steering hose and inspect the flare on the steel pipe for large noticeable cracks. Tighten the hose back on the pump and see what happens.

If it still leaks it gets tougher. Many a person has loosened the “thin” nut from the case and after that it starts to leak. There is a thin paper gasket that is on the inside of the steel can reservoir that seals the fitting that the hose attaches to, to the steel can reservoir. This paper gasket is very brittle on an old pump and any loosening of the thin nut will allow it to fall out, as it is already broken.

Have you recently replaced a hose and possibly disturbed the thin nut by loosening the hose without a wrench on the thin nut? Never never let this thin nut turn lose!!!

If that is what has happened you can replace this gasket by tearing the pump apart. Not a fun job. Or you can get a refurbished pump.

Rob just visited this rodeo a few months ago….. I rebuilt my pump….


Thanks for the great info.
I haven't touched the P/S. The only thing that I've done under the hood is swapping out the points for a Pertronix ignition. Pretty sure I didn't touch the P/S :wink:
I'll run through the steps you mentioned (hopefully tonight) and with a little luck that will solve the problem. Otherwise it's off to the store to get a rebuild kit.


Well-known member
Aug 15, 2004
Rosharon, Texas
It will be 4th of July weekend before I will have a chance to work on my car. I already tried tightening the nut between the can and the high pressure hose and that didn't change the leak at all. I'll try the rebuild Rob pointed out. Can you get the front and can parts apart without a vice?
While fabbing parts for my car I kind of broke my vice, long story but its amazing how much damage you can do with a 5lb sledge.
Thanks for the info Rob, I'll post some photos when I do it.

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
There is a lip around the sheet metal can. I opened my vice enough to just support the lip with the pulley facing down in the vice. I removed the thin nut and then gently applied force by pulling down on the pulley to separate the front case from the can. I used a hard rubber mallet against the end of the power steering hose coupling point to "shock" it a bit. I had a helper pulling on the pulley downward while I held the mallet in contact with the end fitting and hit it with a gentle dead blow from a large chunk of brass I have.

They can be stubborn to separate. You do not want to damage the lip on the can. You can rotate it a bit each time in the vice to ensure you do not use the same section of lip on the can.

The trick would be a piece of ½ inch aluminum with a laser cut hole in it that would just grab the lip on the can and let the forward case drop through. A couple blocks on you work bench and bingo, you are ready to separate the can.

To all!!! Never, never remove your power steering hose without holding the thin nut tight. If it loosens once on an old pump it will more than likely be fractured and fall out. An annoying “small” drip will be the result!! Keeps the oil filter lubed so you can never get a grip on the darn thing…
