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1968 Question on Barrett-Jackson


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2002
Poway, CA (near San Diego)
It's sold

It finally happened, I sold my car at B-J today for $24,200 (including commission). I was disappointed in the price, but felt I did everything I could do. I spent about 30 hours over the last week getting the engine compartment in to look factory correct and I got many compliements on how it looked from many, including SAAC members who made a big fuss over it.
The Speed Channel people were great, and singled out the car from the beginning, first by getting the car on display in the "big house" for the bidder's gala event (party) on Friday night, and then making it a "fantasy bid car" today. They filmed it on two separate occassions and did an extensive interview. A number of people suggested that the car should go for around 50-70k, but I knew better. I know how this goes from previous auctions and the reality of what people are willing to bid on our cars. Kristi and I prepared ourselves for something between 20k and 30k, but were disppointed that it wasn't closer to the higher figure. I did plug Paul Newitt's new book and Sun Valley Auto Body in Ramona, but that probably didn't get on TV.

In the end, I don't regret selling the car. It was time; the 16 year old in me had long been satisfied, and my priorities had shifted awhile back. We are thankful that Kristi is healthy again and I prefer to spend my time with her, rather than in the garage.

This GT/CS adventure has been a tremendous experience and I enjoyed reading what you all have written and thank those of you who have helped me restore and promote the car.

Take care, and God Bless.

Sven and Kristi Beck (rananim)


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
There are 2 of them. 32.1 and 628

32.1 is Rich's old blue J-code. It sold for $16K including the fee.

628 is Sven's (Rananim) Lime Gold car. It hasn't come up for auction yet.


DAMN!!! I didn't know my old car was going across the block at Barrett Jackson!!!
I would have liked to have watched that if it was on TV - have to check the re-runs.

Congrats on your sale Sven.


Well-known member
Apr 23, 2007
Valencia, California
I think that was the price the former owner wanted for it a year ago – IMHP after personally seeing this car I think it’s worth that.

This dealer must think that it will bring him a quick dollar; and that is good for our cars; we'll see.