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. Ruppstang's grouping in Mustang Times


Well-known member
Nov 24, 2004
I just received my Mustang Times and skimming through it I saw the article Mary Jean Wesche did on her trip there in the summer of 2009 (page 48) and staying a weekend with Marty and his family. This is what owning a Mustang is all about. Owners getting together and displaying their ponies just for the fun of it. You must have a fairly good size yard to park 23 Mustangs on it. Sound like you all had a great time.

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Well-known member
May 22, 2009
Bill you are so right! Those kind of get togethers are what it is all about. Boy was my neighbor surprised when he came home, good thing he is a car guy too. To bad every one on this site is from all over the place. I am certian that we could spend many enjoyable Sunday afternoons together. Tim's gathering is proof of that. I am sure a good time will be had by all at Rob's this summer. Our side yard is allways available for Mustang gatherings one or fifty. Marty


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