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Russ in Mustang Monthly Again!


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2002
Congratulations, Russ. Not only featured in the December issue of Mustang Monthly with his GT/CS, but now the January 2005 issue as well. On page 68-69 of the January issue, his 66 GT350 is featured. Other than regular columnists, not many of us are featured in a national Mustang publication two months in a row! Congratulations! Oh...and some nice cars, too!


What? Twice in MM?

We need to start charging him admission to this website from now on...


Paul N. ;)


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
OK Guys,
I want everyone to know that I didn't have to give up my first born to get my Mustangs published!!! Interestingly enough, Jim Smart, Senior Editor of MM, took the photos of the GT/CS twenty-one months ago, and he shot the Shelby nine months ago. Both cars were shot in Tucson at the Old Pueblo Mustang Show. I had no idea these features would come out one month apart!

I have to say, I'm humbled by the exposure of both of these cars, and want to thanks all of you who have taken time to make nice comments. By the way, Jim Smart is always looking for interesting cars at MCA shows, and the GT/CS and HCS cars we own really peak his interest. Look him up, he is a great person who really knows Mustangs.
Thanks again,
