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. Seattle GT/CS family welcomes PMN to the Northwest!


Well-known member
Nov 10, 2004
Seattle, Wa
Ditto to Karens reply! It was a privilege for me to meet the master (Paul), the Pricess Leia : ) and my fellow Cal special enthusiasts. I felt lame for not driving my Cal Special up from Bonney Lake after meeting Ralph and Karen, who came all the way up from Bend! It may not have been the best of circumstances, but it was a fun gathering of "special" people with the same infectious feeling for the GT/CS!

Great to meet you all and a big thanks to Amy for coordinating!


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Yellow is "68special", red is "powell", black is mine, blue is "traveledgtcs".

Mike from MustangsNorthwest has the aqua '65 GT, "calspcl" has the lime GT (not pictured).

"68 special" did you add the black tach on your hood (didnt see it in your avatar)? and "traveledgtcs" you got the stock tach (you can make it out in one of the pics)?

Very cool...would have loved to see more angles. :thumb:

68 special

Well-known member
Jan 17, 2004
Yes Robert, I added the tach myself. I haven't wired it in yet. I had it wired in until I kept blowing fuses, so I'm researching wiring diagrams. I thought about a tach dash, but I like my guages and clock. If I'd had time I would have crawled under Bills (Traveledgtcs) dash and checked out his wiring. His car is the one that inspired me to track one down years ago. I finally found one at the local swap meet a couple years ago.

Thank You Amy for arranging the get together for Paul and Liea. It was great to meet everyone. We'll have to plan something this summer.



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
Thank you all for coming!

I felt lame for not driving my Cal Special up from Bonney Lake after meeting Ralph and Karen, who came all the way up from Bend!

Powells are from Portland, actually, and these people made the drive to and from in one day. This has inspired me to keep going on my Special and know she will someday be trusted to make a grand road trip like they did.

If we do another "show" at this location, the mgr of the Marina offered to rope off parking areas so we can have our own "show" again. He was so in awe of our cars... as of course he SHOULD be!

I especially enjoyed touring thru the city of Seattle with our 4 68 Specials. There's nuthin' like a parade of Specials!!


We're almost home....posting at a Marriott in Medford.

Yesterday we saw the Spruce Goose in McMinnville, and two days ago we saw the Museum of Flight at Boeing Field in Seattle. Before that we just sqeaked over Snoqualamie Pass an hour before a snowstorm.

The get together was totally awesome!! We drove up and got out of the car--with about 9 sets of eyes on me!! LOL!!

The Powells are wonderful people! As meeting everyone else was fantastic! Yellow should have been a '68 color.

More when I get home tonight.

Side note--the CSs are looking out for me.....as we stepped out of the Mus of Flight, a Grabber Orange '08 CS went by!!

I think we should line up GT/CS get togethers all around the country--if just luncheons or meetings here and there. Let's do it!

Thanks again--it's been a big (cathartic) trip for me.

p.s. my thoughts to anyone affected by the floods in ND

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
Yesterday we saw the Spruce Goose in McMinnville, and two days ago we saw the Museum of Flight at Boeing Field in Seattle.

I think we should line up GT/CS get togethers all around the country--if just luncheons or meetings here and there. Let's do it!


...Well if you're serious, then I can supply the following NorCal venue.

The Nevada County AirFest will take place on Saturday, July 11 in Grass Valley. (see attached website, ad and video from last year for details)

I can provide space on the airport for you to display up to five GT/CSs (of your choice) & have tables/ chairs & shade to promote/ sell/ autograph books etc... all within site of the fly-bys and areial demonstrations. For food, there will be a pancake breakfast and many lunch vendors already there.

You (Paul) may invite whomever you want whereby I can send you admission tics in advance to disperse. there is in addition a "classic car show" at the event which you can be part of or separate, as well as thousands of people to draw more book sales and awareness from...

Naturally, I can't facilitate a Galpin size display of CSs on the ramp in context of the air show, but certainly a destination and activity that can include cruising & visiting the many historic sites around here on the following day. We could also arrange for a "photo op" w/ a P-51D (one of three scheduled to be here so far) as well....

I personally don't plan to bring my CSs to the show this year, although Renee will likely bring her's...

At any rate...Think about it... If enthusiasm is high, I can also incorperate "GT/CS" into the PR in future ads, radio spots, posters and announcments... 'Sky's the limit!


AirFest 2007 video:


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My comment, of course was serious....and anything like I suggested would have to be arranged once the book is out.

I honestly think that we should focus on locations other than the Grass Valley area for GT/CS get togethers (and I'm not into being greeted with animosity there).

(the great exception is Mike and Robinette's fantastic GT/CS parties for two years; thank you M&R!!).

There are too many other places to have small get togethers. I've asked my close friend Val DuPratt (Ford Dealer) in Dixon for a CS show, and we should have one in San Jose to honor Lee Grey.

Washington and Oregon are great locations, and I think that the midwest and east coast should have one, too.

Just like Seattle--if it's only a handful of good people and their Specials--it's well worth the effort.

Once the book is done, I can network through my mailing list to do this in a regional manner.

thanks! Paul.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
My comment, of course was serious....and anything like I suggested would have to be arranged once the book is out.

I honestly think that we should focus on locations other than the Grass Valley area for GT/CS get togethers (and I'm not into being greeted with animosity there).

Once the book is done, I can network through my mailing list to do this in a regional manner.

thanks! Paul.

What we had in mind was promotion and awareness of the GT/CS in an area where there are many and in a way that might benefit the big picture and timeliness of your book. We showcase many forms of historic transportation by bringing in those folks most formative. Successes are based how well a person presents the exhibit (enticingly) vs personal ego.
(We won't go into the root cause of the "animosity" you speak of")

At any rate; it was just an opportunity and we'll accept your "NO" & move on. No need for further response....


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Washington and Oregon are great locations, and I think that the midwest and east coast should have one, too.

thanks! Paul.

Wouldn't we consider Carlisle in June a Northeast GT/CS gathering. Probably the biggest gathering east of the Mississippi so far :cool:

2008 had good turnout and 2009 is looking like it will be good as well.

Or are we talking GT/CS "events"?


Hey Rich,

The thread on the local GT/CS reps tells of the versatility of how we can do this. It's certainly at the descretion of the rep and owners if it's a CS-only event, or within another show. Both types of events have their advantages. Anywhere there are more than two GT/CSs parked at a restaurant or Mustang (or other) car show--they always get attention.

The East Coast has less GT/CSs than on the West Coast, but (!!) that doesn't mean that the enthusiasm is any less. I did a count of how many are in each state, and it's posted somethere on this site.

I DO appreciate everyone participating in these events, and taking the time to prepare their cars, and the time, money and energy to do put these events together.



I wanted to also say that owners needn't feel apprehensive if they feel their GT/CS isn't up to par to go to these events.

I've always told people to bring their CS regardless of the condition. This is not a "concours only" type of thing. We've had GT/CSs in all types of condition arrive at shows. It helps others see what's on other cars, as well as motivate owners to complete a restoration, or re-do something.



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Where do you find the HCS, C/S listings by state? I feel like the Maytag repairman in the mountains of NC (the loneliest man in town:cry:)
Surely there are some in GA, NC, SC, TN, AL, FL.
I had wished to drive my C/S to Birmingham for the big Mustang soiree' there, but schedule conflicts won't allow me.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Where do you find the HCS, C/S listings by state? I feel like the Maytag repairman in the mountains of NC (the loneliest man in town:cry:)
Surely there are some in GA, NC, SC, TN, AL, FL.
I had wished to drive my C/S to Birmingham for the big Mustang soiree' there, but schedule conflicts won't allow me.


Not sure how up-to-date it is but you can click on the red 'Registry' link on the left of your screen, then do a search by state.

While people are there they can also register their cars.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
Thanks - that's a good homework assignment! I'll get a list & PM them and/or Google them for contact.


Did I just draft myself??:scared:


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY