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1968 Sheet Medal Vendor


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2012
The other day we started taking apart the CS. We found one panel with more rust then I would prefer to fix and I know one other panel will be the same way. I know there are only 3 or 4 companies that actually make the panels for our cars. So who makes the best quality panels and who sells them for the best price?


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2004
Central Virginia
Good question! I've found that most panels to be "hit or miss." By that, I mean, depending on what panel you are talking about depends on what panel supplier you want to use. A lot of the venders carry a couple different versions of the same panel at different price points. If you have a supplier close it is best to go see what you are getting. The price doesn't always determine the quality. Many panels will need worked to fit! I bought 3 different battery aprons before settling on the one I chose to use, and it needed to be modified to look original.

Sorry there isn't an easy answer for this one!
