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Somebody Sniped Me - Blueprints!


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
As I have been informing you all, I have been able to assemble nearly 50 original documents for the GT/CS from the eBay auctions, and on-the-side-deals with the seller. I had been successfull getting everything with Jason's help with the snipe program and had already sent a tube of prints and CD of the docs to Paul for the book. So far, I have spent a lot of money doing this for all of us to have access to and enjoy this unique historical find.

One last blueprint remained - it was the blueprint for the "nipples" where the rear tail lights are drilled out. I already had the one for the "plate". Most of these docs have gone for about $50 each, so I put in a very,very high bid and used the snipe program to insure we got the last blueprint and have the entire "blueprints" as a museum for the book. As both Paul and Jon can attest, I have been sending them everything for everyone to enjoy, while retaining the museum find in one place. Paul and I have even discussed putting them all on the disc that comes with the book!!

To my amazement, this morning someone sniped me faster (within 7 seconds) than my program and bought just the one blueprint for $253!! This means I have all original blueprints but one. I can't understand why a person would snipe that much money for only one blueprint - and especially this one.

The winner was "rolandus", and from their feedback of the things he buys, he seems to be a GT/CS person. If you are on this site and would sell the original to me, even for a profit, then please PM me. It is important to me to have all the originals in one place.

Everyone is going to be amazed at the find! It is going to make Paul's book even more amazing. Hopefully the buyer of the last blueprint is on this site and will sell to me - send me a PM or email.

Below is the link to the blueprint I lost:

1968 Shelby Print-"Cover-Back Panel Inner tail Lamp".
Sale price: $253.57
Your maximum bid: $251.00
Search for similar items | Win next time with Countdown


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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
Not me Casey and sorry it happened to you. I do appreciate all the hard work you have put into this. I hope the other party comes forward.

Best of Luck



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
That sucks Casey!!

We all appreciate what you've been doing both financially and in time to get this info for all CS owners!

That was a lot for them to bid for that one blueprint.

Did you try contacting the buyer through eBay? "Contact
Member" link?


Hi Casey,

First, I am SO sorry that that had to happen to you. Something strange is going on, and they must feel some need to undermine your search for all of the prints. I guess there are people out there like that...

But--as you try to get "everything", do not fret. I have two other relaible sources I can check to get a copy of that particular print. I DO have my own set of other prints, too. I may have a copy of that one in my own collection. The info on the EBAY photos of this print gleaned enough info for me to use in the book.

Whomever bought it, I feel should have realized that, at least for my use, I have other sources, and I personally wouldn't be interested in buying something like that for $250+. The only other reason this print was bought, was, perhaps for reproduction of those plates--but he didn't get the big one. Strange. I think someone thinks that they can take you for a ride? Whomever did this "outbid" might want to speak up here and explain???

The other prints (copies) that Casey sent are AMAZING! I'll be asking owners here if they have this-or-that on their cars to comfirm what's on the prints. For instance--I always thought the front of the stripes folded under the headlamp bucket--but it doesn't. it was die-cut to fit the shape of the fender, and it stopped where it met the headlight bucket.

There is also some yellow I.D. paint on part of the trunk lid springs (torsion rods), that may be under the body color. It's the part of the rods that attach to the hinges.

More on that later....

We OWE Casey a lot for his help--he has done SO much for the book--and for us!!!

in great appreciation,



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Just as a note - I am not mad at whoever might have bought this. I am surprised - but not mad. I would just like to get the original from them to keep the original collection complete in one place. As Paul knows, I have already spent over $1500 on all the others - so, this only one that sold to someone for $253 was a big surprise.

Anyway, if the buyer is out there and will sell it to me for a profit, I will be happy to buy it to keep the collection together. I have another tube and CD ready to go to Paul and Jon and was waiting on this last one to send it to them.

Paul is right - there is some really amazing stuff!!!!! Many, many of your questions will be answered with blueprints straight from 1968. As an example I even got the Marchal blueprint and it has Shelby on it, but it also has the California Special release on it!!! And it is in french! I bet the Shelby guys would love this one too.

Thanks everyone for your support - I truly have been doing this for the whole GT/CS family as Paul and Jon can attest.



Well-known member
Jun 17, 2006
Rich - already thought of that and am awaiting a response. Thanks! Casey

Hi Casey,

In case you can't get it, did you try contacting the seller to get him to make and sell you a copy of it before he ship it. I've seen after he sold the other originals, that he was selling some copy.

On a more funny note, that reminds me of some funny things we (I won't say who) used to do with jigsaw puzzle.

While some family members are doing them, having lot of fun and spending many hours at it, you just pass around them and quietly take one piece that you keep in your pocket. When they're done and you see them hunting around for that missing piece, you come over and have the joy of being the one who finish the puzzle. That's pretty mean, but funny at the same time....
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Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Hi Casey,

In case you can't get it, did you try contacting the seller to get him to make and sell you a copy of it before he ship it. I've seen after he sold the other originals, that he was selling some copy.

The seller and I have great email relationship after I have bought so much from him. He actually sent me an email after the auction saying he felt really bad for me and was sending me a copy no charge!! I really appreciate him for doing that, and that is how I like to do business - helping others. He is also doing an interview with the original owner of these blueprints from 40 years ago for me and using some questions I gave him. He was as speechless as I was to why someone would buy just this one seemingly insignificant piece for so much!

For whatever reason the person bought the blueprint, if you are on this site, please know that I sure would like to get the last blueprint. Please PM me the price you would sell it for. Thanks again to everyone - I love helping and getting help with the family here on this site. Casey :smile:


He actually sent me an email after the auction saying he felt really bad for me and was sending me a copy no charge!!

That works for me! WOW. Fantastic!

(I just wonder why the seller just didn't sell it to you to begin with -- knowing what you're trying to do....oh, well).

Paul N.


Well-known member
Aug 2, 2005
Re: 'One last blueprint remained - it was the blueprint for the "nipples"...bought just the one blueprint for $253!! '

Maybe the guy just didnt know what he actually was bidding on :wink:


Re: 'One last blueprint remained - it was the blueprint for the "nipples"...bought just the one blueprint for $253!! '

Maybe the guy just didnt know what he actually was bidding on :wink:

Well, if that were the case, he would have bought the print of the BIG one available earlier....


Paul N.


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Did you try contacting the buyer through eBay? "Contact
Member" link?

I know the buyer paid already and communicated with the seller, but the buyer is not returning any of my emails.....not sure why.... A "no thanks" would suffice as a courtesy response. I have had several Shelby and Cougar people contact me about the ones I already bought, and I responded to them - so, it is not unusual for someone to email a buyer.

Anyway, hopefully "rolandus" is out there and will get around to responding to me one way or another. I do miss the "one puzzle piece" :sad:

Thanks, Casey


Well-known member
May 4, 2007
Ventura County, CA
Just catching up, this sucks Casey.

Finally got caught up for the most part and just wanted to thank Casey for this incredible find and for his hard work at securing almost all of these important blueprints. I really hope you hear from "that buyer" soon and can work something out but if not at least the seller did a great thing in sending you a copy of it.

Best of luck Case and thanks again! Can't wait to see them incorporated into Paul's upcoming book.
