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Sticky window rollers


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I think my restoration is finally getting close but I have a small problem. The car was sitting since 1980 when I bought it and all the window rollers (plastic ones that are permanently attached) were frozen. I've scrapped as much of the old grease off as I could get to and soaked them in WD-40, penetrating oil, ATF, even some paint thinner but half of them still won't turn free. I can get them to move with pliers but don't want to put the windows back in till they roll easy. I thought about putting new lith. grease on the center and lightly heating them to flow the new stuff down the shaft but don't want to ruin them. Any ideas? Also, my window glass is tinted because it has air cond. but I'm thinking of putting a tint film on also. I thought a white car with lightly smoked windows would look good but am looking for opinions. I'm usually a purist, but it does get hot here in the summer.


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2002
How are the teeth on the regulator, are they in good condition? If not it might be a good idea to replace the regulators now, and never have to go back into the door panels again.

As far as the tint goes, I am sure it would look great, and it can always be removed if it has to be.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
The regulators are fine, I cleaned and regreased them and they move easy, but don't have any slop. Since the car sat for the last 24 years, there isn't a lot of wear on metal parts.


Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO

I replaced all most all of my small rollers. The ones that have the pin holding the roller in. My bigger white rollers mounted on my windows moved, but I am sure not as good as when they were new. I removed the old sticky stuff and then relubed with white lith spray. They seem to really work well, however I need to adjust my vent and door windows to the car.

From a guy who has taken mine apart a couple of times to get it right, do it right the first time. As well, you have to put in the window glass first before the vent. Least that was my experience. Careful though on the adjustment bolts on vent window. They become very difficult to install with window and vent installed but you need them to be right to adjust to the car.

Hope this helps. Does this mean you have your car back from paint shop? If so, have you posted pics anywhere??



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
I don't have it back yet. I have the windows sitting in my garage, so I was working on them while the car is gone. I should have it back by the weekend. I soon as I put the bumpers, emblems, grill, etc. back on, I'll take pictures and post them. I talked to the body shop today and it's painted but they can't get the deck lid to line up right. It was damaged and repaired by someone else and it's just a little off on one side. It fits fine without the weatherstrip, but now that it's on, it's to high at the right rear corner. :'(


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
When I was restoring my GT/CS, I found an easy way to clean the window roller mechanism in the door and the rear quarter. I seems that Ford put quite a bit of grease on/in the gear mechanism and the rollers, and over time the grease hardened and made it nearly impossible to roll the windows down.

I took Gunk and sprayed this directly onto the gears and rollers through the window opening on the top of the door and rear quarter. I let it sit for a while and then hosed off the Gunk with a high pressure nozzle on my hose. I got wet (it's best ot do this when it is hot and you need to cool off) while I was spraying the water, but the gears and rollers came out very clean. I had to repeat this a couple of times on the rear window mechanisms, but eventually, the windows rolled up and down with ease.

Just a tip I thought might help,
