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People will bid on anything. I think about a year or so ago Chevy Chase's Family Truckster from "National Lampoons Vacation" got a few bids when put up and it looked like crap! People bid on potato chips that look like Abe Lincoln. There's something for everybody!
What's with the little bit of stripe behind the passenger scoop. Do you suppose they had stripes running from fender to fender then cut off the rear stripes?
the pictures were not coming up for me here at home, ill have to look at them when i get to work , i mean if your going to clone a car, why not try to make it as authentic as possible? i mean i know i am going to make a clone , but i am still unsure of how i am going to go about mine, i guesss would be more of a restomod
What's with the little bit of stripe behind the passenger scoop. Do you suppose they had stripes running from fender to fender then cut off the rear stripes?
I think they put the stripes on the car first to the rear of where the scoop mounts, then put the stripes on the scoops, then mounted the scoops to the car.
Wonder if he'd sell it as a parts car. Would love to have the fiberglass. Oh yea don't want to forget about that shiney air cleaner. Interior looks like crap.