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The Great Aemoo28 GT/CS Adventure!!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
To use a line from my all time favorite t.v. show "I don't think so Tim".

I would be willing to examine any GT/CS on the west coast that is for sale for anyone that is interested in buying it. Since I have taken one completely apart and now I am putting it back together I know every nut and bolt on these cars.

I love working on these cars, but I wouldn't want to do it for a living. This has given me the motivation that I needed to finish my project in the garage and for that I thank Amy. I also thank my wife for moving her beautiful Cadillac outside so that I can work on Amy's baby in the garage.

I will have more to say about the condition that the car was in after I deliver it back to Amy.

Neil you are correct about the seller of this car. He knew what he had and should be ashamed of his misleading statements and even more ashamed of what he charged Amy for the car.




Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Ron, in case no one told you, you are to be commended for your "volunteer" work on Amy's Black Beauty. You are one super good guy for all you've done for her during her time of crisis. I agree, the guy that sold her this car should have disclosed more information about it before he let her take it on the long journey north. It's a good thing you and Paul were there during the time of need. Good job fellas!!


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
Thanks Steve,

I learned from my dad. He was one of the most giving people I have ever known. He taught me from an early age and had me changing the oil on our 64 Chrysler Newport when I was 10 years old. He taught me about preventative maintenance and how valuable it is. Our Chrysler had 180,000 miles on it when he sold it and the only thing that he had to replace other than tires, belts and hoses was the water pump. I think about him almost every day and especially when I'm working on my cars or building something around the house. He never said no to an opportunity to help someone and I'm trying to live by that same motto.




Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest


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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
1. "Just get the car to me." Says Paul
In the hotel parking lot Saturday 8/23

2. Sitting in a closed auto shop parking lot, wondering where to go.
"Bring her to me." Says Ron

3. On the street at Ron's with Selover's flatbed driver, Ray, Paul, and Ron

4. Ron and Ray pushing the dead car up to Ron's driveway. Paul steering.
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Well-known member
Feb 9, 2004
Weatherby Lake, MO
Ron, in case no one told you, you are to be commended for your "volunteer" work on Amy's Black Beauty. You are one super good guy for all you've done for her during her time of crisis. I agree, the guy that sold her this car should have disclosed more information about it before he let her take it on the long journey north. It's a good thing you and Paul were there during the time of need. Good job fellas!!

I wanted to echo what Perk said. Nice job Ron. Always good to have friends out there. In my opinion, you are "The Man".



Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
Absolutely it has been in an accident. The hood has been replaced, the passenger front fender has been replaced, the grill has been replaced along with the grill surround. This is probably the reason for the color change, but that is just my guess.

More updates to come...




Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
So... is the seller required to disclose this information, about the accident? I was told the color was just an ugly color (Pebble Beige), and was the only reason for the re-paint.

The prior post about the front end damage is from 8/29/06. Seller had the car for "about two years". Seller works in a body shop.

This story just keeps getting better. I'm just getting angrier.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
Is there such thing as a vehicle history report on these old cars? I'm absolutely doing it, and hopefully it gives a history of buyers/sellers, as well as a complete history of this car.

Anyone know how to find out this info?


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I'm afraid you're S.O.L. "Let the buyer beware". I think the only history you could find (maybe) would be thru CA's DMV, but I don't know if they would do that or not. :(



Well-known member
Mar 29, 2005
So... is the seller required to disclose this information, about the accident? I was told the color was just an ugly color (Pebble Beige), and was the only reason for the re-paint.

The prior post about the front end damage is from 8/29/06. Seller had the car for "about two years". Seller works in a body shop.

This story just keeps getting better. I'm just getting angrier.

I wouldn't let the fact that it's been in an accident (or two) bother you a lot. 40 years is a LONG time and a lot happens... All of these eBay ads that say stupid things like "always parked inside," and "never smoked in," (unless the seller can document themselves as the original owner) mean absolutely nothing. When I see stuff like that, I quit reading and just move on.

Think about it--if you're anything like me--I hauled big dogs, Christmas trees, and FIREWOOD in the back of my first car, a '77 Honda Civic. True, while not a Mustang, just think of the mothers who hauled their kid(s) around in the daily driver Mustang back in the day...and all of the spilled chocolate milk and projectile vomit in the air vents (this comes from personal experience with MY new car and daily driver, an '06 Magnum SRT8; not to mention the not once, but twice, that I've run over low curbs and ripped off the lower trim on the passenger side that runs along on the underside of the car doors there!). You never know--someday my Magnum might be restored and the seller will claim no-one ever even sat in the back seat (and my car seat is firmly strapped down). I can go on and on about the history of all of the cars I've owned/lived with in the past 25+ years...

And I hate to think about what happened in my dad's Mustang, a 1965 that he got new. It hauled a U-Haul trailer from Oregon to Idaho and back again, had pounds and pounds of weed lit up inside over the years (yes, my parents were old hippies), and rear-ended someone back in 1973 or 1974...I don't even know what else happened in/to the car, but it was our only car for 15 years, and I think hauled its share of firewood in its day as well.

One of my old Mustangs is an old theft recovery car in Tennessee. The car was "totaled" and the VIN reissued--luckily using the original VIN--by the state. The car is completely rebuilt now, but Lord only knows how much BAD happened in those 40 years...now the theft thing with the little TN VIN tag is just an interesting note in its history and actually doesn't detract from its value today.

You liked the car when you decided to buy it, right?... Get the mechanical stuff ironed out (which it sounds like is happening), make sure the front-end is aligned, and drive it!


Well-known member
Mar 17, 2005
So Cal
I wouldn't let the fact that it's been in an accident (or two) bother you a lot. 40 years is a LONG time and a lot happens... All of these eBay ads that say stupid things like "always parked inside," and "never smoked in," (unless the seller can document themselves as the original owner) mean absolutely nothing. When I see stuff like that, I quit reading and just move on.

Think about it--if you're anything like me--I hauled big dogs, Christmas trees, and FIREWOOD in the back of my first car, a '77 Honda Civic. True, while not a Mustang, just think of the mothers who hauled their kid(s) around in the daily driver Mustang back in the day...and all of the spilled chocolate milk and projectile vomit in the air vents (this comes from personal experience with MY new car and daily driver, an '06 Magnum SRT8; not to mention the not once, but twice, that I've run over low curbs and ripped off the lower trim on the passenger side that runs along on the underside of the car doors there!). You never know--someday my Magnum might be restored and the seller will claim no-one ever even sat in the back seat (and my car seat is firmly strapped down). I can go on and on about the history of all of the cars I've owned/lived with in the past 25+ years...

And I hate to think about what happened in my dad's Mustang, a 1965 that he got new. It hauled a U-Haul trailer from Oregon to Idaho and back again, had pounds and pounds of weed lit up inside over the years (yes, my parents were old hippies), and rear-ended someone back in 1973 or 1974...I don't even know what else happened in/to the car, but it was our only car for 15 years, and I think hauled its share of firewood in its day as well.

One of my old Mustangs is an old theft recovery car in Tennessee. The car was "totaled" and the VIN reissued--luckily using the original VIN--by the state. The car is completely rebuilt now, but Lord only knows how much BAD happened in those 40 years...now the theft thing with the little TN VIN tag is just an interesting note in its history and actually doesn't detract from its value today.

You liked the car when you decided to buy it, right?... Get the mechanical stuff ironed out (which it sounds like is happening), make sure the front-end is aligned, and drive it!


I'm sorry to hear that you had a number of troubles on your journey, but I'm glad to hear you say that you would do it all over again :smile: !!! ... Nobody likes to break down, but that's kinda the thing that can happen with older cars, and even newer modified cars - I know, it's happen to me several times ... but we all learn to roll with the punches, learn a few tricks to get us back up and running, and learn to "dance in the rain" as Hot Rod Granny said :wink: ... I truly believe that once you get a few of the gremlins out, you'll love your '68 Cal Special and you'll have these adventures to share around the campfire while roasting wiennies and toasting marshmallows :wink: ... besides, I think that black is one of the best-looking colors that any Mustang can have ... Oh, BTW, a big THANK YOU for the program you mailed me, I was out of town last week and I've been catching up with eveything including messages here on the forum :smile: ... just "keep on keepin' on" :thumb: ...


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
While waiting for my '68 to arrive, I decided to take my '08 to one more show before retiring her for the winter. We took first place at MNW's "Mustangs at the Mall" yesterday!! But this story starts out badly...

The bad news is that someone did a hit-and-run on the front corner while parked, get this, in front of MY HOUSE for two hours. I never park it there anymore, but got her out to clean for the Mall show. I came home from the auto store and stared in disbelief. I hardly ever drive this car, except to parades, shows, and the viaduct at night. Big white blob of paint all over the bottom front side corner. Took part of my topcoat off with it, I discovered after gingerly scraping off the white paint.

I'm gonna hurt someone with a white low riding car who backed into my '08 shiny perfect 2500 miled CS and ran off. Bessie, get your boots!

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
<~~~~~~~has a white lowriding vehicle, but I swear I wasn't in Washington.


Well-known member
Jul 24, 2007
Bay Area\ SoCal
Wow crazy adventures Amy and great way to look at the positive side of it all.

As people have stated and you are realizing its the whole fun of driving the Cal Special up the coast that was alluring. Of course when I bought mine in SoCal I was lucky enough to drive it 20 minutes to my parents house and do weekend trips from SF to get some work done and get it checked out. No way would I have embarked on a long trip based on previous owners word although he and his father are solid long time owners and forum members. They disclosed all the work that was done to the car and some tempermental points.

On the weekend I was going to drive it up I canvased some people on the forum to ask what to check for and what to bring (even pinged Arlie to peek at his roadtrip emergency bag). Others volunteered support along the way with a trailer if needed.

Stacking 2-3 AAA Plus cards to "daisy chain" the car up to Bay Area I had to use one tow to flatbed the CS to get the carb fixed. Interesting site to see the CS on a truck being chaparoned around. After that it ran without issues up to SF and then up to Grass Valley for airshow. It does have some issues I need to tend to but thats the fun of the old ride versus buying a newer CS that you plug into a computer (flame suit on). :torch:

The fact that Ron has it means its in good hands...just be sure it doesnt show up with a slick "white on black" LeMans racing stripes. Hint hint!! :grin:

The experience on this forum and the family is unparalleled its great to see your pulling everyone into your adventures!
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2003
We put the car up on the lift to work on the power steering and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. The driver side floor pan has been cut out and a new piece has been very poorly installed and will need to be redone. The driver side rear frame rail has rust and needs a lot of work. Hopefully you can get a good welder but the bottom of the car will need to be stripped so they know exactly what they are working with. I looks like a previous owner sprayed uncoating all over the bottom of the car to cover up all of the problems. That just allows the rust to work undercover.

We had to replace the power steering control valve and the two hoses that go from the valve to the ram along with the high pressure hose that goes to the power steering pump. The good news is the power steering pump seems to be in good shape.

We need to replace the ram and the power steering should be good for a long time. I should have everything done by Wednesday. The only other thing that I want to do is check all of the brake cylinders to make sure that none of them are leaking. I got in the car this morning and it had been sitting since last Wednesday without being started and I pumped it once and turned the key and it fired right up. We pressure tested the cooling system and it is good as new. So overall it should be good to go once I finish everything.

