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1968 Time for a new stereo?


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA
I'm looking at putting a new stereo in, and was wondering what others had, and how they like it. I'm hoping for AM/FM with MP3/iPOD inputs, Pre Amp in jacks, some kind of DIN control for future CD changer (maybe) and maybe even bluetooth for hands free talking. I would like it to go into the lower console in the current location of the AM radio (which still works, btw). Minimum 200 Watts or so.

Anyone have a suggestion?

Thanks, and have a safe and fun Memorial weekend!



Well-known member
Apr 10, 2013
Calgary Alberta
i got one from Retro Sound last year .....haven't installed it yet, have had other priorities. it hits most if your wish list and looks pretty good.
Stephe n


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007
I purchased a radio/CD player from Custom Auto Sound for a '48 Chevy :eek: street rod I built. It died and Custom Auto Sound would not replace it. I also purchased a radio for our '66 Mustang from them. It died and they did replace it - with another radio that didn't work.

It will be a cold day in you know where, before I ever do any business the those unconscionable bandits again.



Well-known member
May 5, 2011
Chandler, AZ
I am with Dave. I had a 66 with a Custom Auto Sound deck that looked original. It was replaced once under warranty and we were on our own after that. The replacement unit didn't hold a station for more than a couple of minutes. In addition, the IPod Jack failed and refused to work.

I am very interested in hearing opinions on this thread for my GT/CS.


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2003
Maybe this will help you a bit. During the past Winter I sent my original AM radio to Gary Tayman in Florida for conversion to AM, FM, and a jack (hidden) to receive MP3, or a portable CD, or anything with that sized cable, and also a USB cable> Have used the car a few hours and all works well. I have yet to use the USB port but I am certain it will do what ever is needed also. I also replaced the stock dash speaker with a Dual Coil oddly enough from Custom Auto Sound and made in China, both places I make every effort to avoid when purchasing. The sound is (to me) great and the radio works flawlessly. I am strongly considering the addition of two rear package tray speakers as a project next winter as the radio is equipped for more speakers. The fact that Ford did not offer the two rear seat speakers is the stumbling block but am leaning more and more toward doing it anyway. Considering using the reproduction 6 X 9 speakers grills and the metal under the package tray seems to be already stamped for the use of dual speakers. The cost of the conversion was not cheap at $500 (including speaker and shipping both ways) and change but the original radio was pristine and it is just absolutely undetectable when viewed AND it works great. The RetroSound and the CAS radios do not look original and hearing them made the extra cost of this conversion seem like a bargain. Why spend money on something one does not like and does not perform as you expected or wanted? The name of the conversion process was Aurora and I am pleased with the work and the sound. Just wanted to share one solution with you and others who want or need a different radio and let you take advantage of someone's experience.


Well-known member
Apr 1, 2007
I got a unit called Redi Rad, that plugs into the AM antenna. I use it to play XM/sirrus radio or an MP3 player. We just have the AM radio so no stereo, or hi tech sound. But our car is a convertible - we don't need a good radio, just a loud one! :grin:

murf104: considering the money I have spent with the jerks at Custom Auto Sound (CAS), and have nothing to show for it;
at $500 you got one heck of a good deal.

Have fun, Dave
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Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA
Thanks guys, hearing who NOT to go with is as important (if not more so) than who TO go with. The Gary Tayman option is certainly interesting, and I'm going to want to do some more research on this, as it sounds good. I already have the back speakers (6x9) for the package tray, and a couple of Kenwoods in the kick panels, so wondering how much power his conversion is able to put out, and if it has inputs for a small amp!

I'll be digging deeper into this one! I'll give a shout out when I have an idea of which way I'm going. I also saw something called a "secret stereo" (?) which looked interesting, gotta dive in that one more too.




Well-known member
Nov 22, 2002
Folsom, CA
So, in looking into the Aurora radio solution further, it looks promising, but it uses the Balance and the Tone knobs to operate the Balance and the Fader options on a 4 speaker setup.

In looking at my AM radio, I don't really see on the splines where there are dual controls on each (ie: Volume and balance on the left spline, and station tuning and tone on the right spline) so I'm not sure if this radio would be compatible with the Aurora. I do see the Balance control on the left spline, and can turn it left and right, and feel a detent in the center where "middle" should be, but I don't see anything on the right spindle which would indicate a tone control.

About my radio: '68, center lower console mounted, and the only speaker that came with the car is in the center of the dash pad. So, would this radio have a "Balance" and a "Tone" option, for a one speaker AM radio???

Part number on my radio as best as I can define it is 8PTZ 210972. Any help here? I will call the Aurora dealer tomorrow to find out more.




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