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When did you know that you wanted a 1968 GT/CS?


Well-known member
Sep 3, 2003
Your right Donna.....I came on line this morning and noted many of the old and new threads were hijacked by this joker for his own personnel advertisements. Look at the close proximity of the times.


Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Your right Donna.....I came on line this morning and noted many of the old and new threads were hijacked by this joker for his own personnel advertisements. Look at the close proximity of the times.


Yeah CJ I saw that!! I had a bazillion email notifications for all these threads...knew something was up.



Well-known member
Oct 15, 2007
I bought a 66 fastback earlier this summer will full intentions on a resto. I ended up finding so many frame problems cleverly covered up by the original owners that I had to sell it. I wanted a car to be able to drive and enjoy while I was still young. I'm about to hit a period in my life where I won't have much time for my own hobbies (getting into a career, maybe marriage, etc.), so I wanted something to drive NOW.

I was searching for a car on vintage-mustang.com and found Broadway's article for his J-code. I had seen a GT/CS car on Ebay earlier this summer (in May) and I loved it. But, it was a tad out of my price range and it was red (I don't want red cars). I kept that auction in my mind when I saw the photo album for Blue's car and I just had to have it. I haven't even seen it in person yet (hopefully next week it will happen). I never buy a car without seeing it. But with all the pics and Rich's forthcoming on the "problems" with the car, I felt very confident in the deal. No one I know has ever seen a car like this and they love the look. I fully plan on holding onto this car for a long time. My fantastic gf is very supportive in my car habit and says that she knows I love cars and will encourage that and maybe even help me work on them if needed. I have to teach her how to use a ratchet... but, one step at a time, right?


Well-known member
May 1, 2004
Nixa, MO
Hey Wally05, keep working with the GF. My wife was my greatest helper when I restored my car. She would sit and talk with me when I worked on the suspension, gave me that extra set of hands on the coil spring install and various other tasks. She wouldn't turn a wrench, but she's there when I needed her. So in the end, it's not just my car, it's OUR car. Just makes the Special that much more Special.


New member
Jul 8, 2007
Gilbert, AZ
I grew up on the Oregon/California border, in the little town of Brookings, OR and used to cruise all over with friends.

One day, while trolling with my friend Todd, we spied a red CS at Harris Beach State Park. The park booth operator was a woman who drove it regularly to work there and it was always clean and in minty stock condition. We both admired it and though I had totaled my 66 Valiant and was onto my 77 Camaro, I liked that car a lot.

So in college years my friends bought Mustangs and spending time in those two cars, peaked my interest and it was on.

At age 22 I was in Sacramento, CA visiting granny and crusing the Classifieds of the Bee or Union newspapers. Saw two cars I thought to check out. One was a plain 67 w/ 289 that was in my price range and the other was the CS I now own. It was priced at $6,000 in 1990 and I offerede $4,900 and to my surprise he said YES.

I put a deposit down, went back home to OREGON and a month later, a friend who just graduated from Air Force Academy took me to Cali and I paid the balance and we road tripped back to home.

The original owner bought it from Harrold Ford new and I bought it from him July 20, 1990. I left Sacramento heading North, pulling from on ramp to the interstate listening to a KISS song called Heavens On Fire.

17 years later it still is my baby. My CS has been with my all over Western Oregon, to SouthEast Idaho, and now to Phoenix (Gilbert, actually)

Now I have two kids and a great wife.
Wife helped my dis-assemble the car this July to prep for paint and she now has fresh paint. Went from Lime Gold to Royal Maroon.

Paul's book made the difference in me keeping it several times. When cash was tight, I would read the original registry book to renew my love and appreciation for these cars! Thanks to all of you who help make the GT/CS happen!


Dec 3, 2006
I think i'm one of very few (if not the only) persons here who has not yet obtained their CS.

I always loved mustangs, I grew up in a 68 convertible, spent a year on the road in it when i was 5yr.

A couple years ago I was working at an ACE hardware in rancho penasquitos (san diego) and I saw an unusual Wimbleton white mustang park right out front. I saw the "california Script' on the side and looked it up later. Fell in love with it.

From looking on the forums, i think the CS belonged to Ernie Gonzales, he's the only owner i've heard near the area. so I thank him or whomever for parking within my view.

right now i'm moving around too much with the Navy to purchase and transport a CS. but next year i'll be a bit more stable, sell my current car, and be more than a on-looker of this close group of enthusiasts


Oct 12, 2007
Same here. I don't actually own a CS either. I had seen sporadic pics of California Specials over the years, but couldn't say they particularly tickled my fancy. A while back, I saw one in person for the first time ever and my attitude has drastically changed. The car simply has a presence not easily duplicated by just looking at pictures. Hopefully, I'll get one someday. :cool:


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2007
when I saw a HCS on e-bay a few months back I thought to myself "wow, that looks unlike and mustang I have seen that wasnt a Shelby!" I passed on the vehicle b/c I didnt know anything about then and b/c I wasnt finacially ready to purchase anything. and then I stumbled upon my GT/CS on e-bay and it was love at first sight.. the car was in my posession 3 days later!