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Where has my car been, and who with ?


Well-known member
Aug 11, 2005
Shelton, Ct.
Has anyone ever done a title search? I would like to know who owned my car in the past. See if I could find them, and find any history or storys about the car. There are a couple of questions I would really like to know the answers to. So if anyone knows how to do a search let us know.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
I know that it has been against the law in California for many years now to do a title search to look up past owners. Also true in Arizona.
It's a privacy act thing.



Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Don't know if I'd really want to know the history of my car. I remember what I used to do in my first 68 Mustang as a Senior in high school. I look back on those days now and just laugh. Kept the panty hose companies in business.

Don :grin:


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
If you have any friends in law enforcement, they might be able to assist you.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Mustanglvr said:
If you have any friends in law enforcement, they might be able to assist you.

Nope Rhonda that's against the law too. If they get caught using that information for personal purposes they can be fired.

still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
"Both" Donna's and Rhonda's comments are correct, I know that.

The only way now to find out that kind of information, especially on a car from the '60s would be to get old registration cards, or repair orders and talk to the mechanics who worked on the car.

I bought the Mercedes 10 years ago and it was a 5 year old car then, and I was able to reconstruct the history back to 1991, and by looking in the mainenance booklet, contacted the shops and dealers who worked on the car,
got copies of the receipts. An old 1993 reg. card slipped out of the paperwork, and it led me to the prior owner, who owned the Beverly Hills Hotel. I went to his office and he gave me the receipts he had for work on the car, so I was QUITE lucky

But now it is VERY hard to get information like that. I agree, stories like that are fun, and can add to the value of the car if you can track down paperwork

Good luck


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
I tried it with the California DMV - almost got through the system, but the only way they allow the information is to a dealer, and they sent me a note back with my check asking for my dealer ID. Now, if someone on the site is a dealer, or knows a dealer, who would ask the DMV for the registration history, I would love to get in touch. The cost was only $5. Casey


Well-known member
Jul 19, 2004
Central Virginia
I did a querry through California DMV about two years ago and got the information. They do their research via the tag (registration) not the VIN.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Mustanglvr said:
Alot of them do it anyway. There are ALOT of crooked cops.

Soooooo...I have no need for a crooked cop. I don't need information that bad. My own brothers are cops but I would never dream of asking them to compromise their jobs for that information. Nor would I want to be involved in it.


Well-known member
Aug 20, 2002
Gettysburg, Pa.
I found registrations from Colorado, California and Virgina in the glove compartment. I wrote letters to the addresses and no luck so I got on white pages from the computor and six names came up all over the good old USA.. I started calling and the last one I hit pay dirt. He lives in Flordia now. We were supposed to meet in Johnson City but he had sickness in the family.


Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Don`t worry about it, like I said, there`s alot of crooked cops out there. Even if you don`t need one, they`ll find you eventually. There are people in this world who have been victimized terribly by police and there`s nothing they can do about it. There are alot of good ones too though, I just have`nt met one yet. I can`t believe I actually trained to be one.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Mustanglvr said:
Don`t worry about it, like I said, there`s alot of crooked cops out there. Even if you don`t need one, they`ll find you eventually. There are people in this world who have been victimized terribly by police and there`s nothing they can do about it. There are alot of good ones too though, I just have`nt met one yet. I can`t believe I actually trained to be one.

Was I worried about it?

"Even if you don't need one,they'll find you eventually"??? I hardly think so Rhonda, what kind of thinking is that?

"There are a lot of good ones too though,I just haven't met one yet"??? I'm truly sorry you have not met one good officer in your lifetime.

As for your last statement...I can't believe you did either. One of my brothers lost his life in the line of duty for people who think like you. I hope you never have to call 911.
I obviously have taken great offense to Rhonda's ignorant post. I apologize to the rest of the board here and especially the ones in law enforcement, but then... I shouldn't be the one who is apologizing here.


still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
Reason for the change

case12 said:
I tried it with the California DMV - almost got through the system, but the only way they allow the information is to a dealer, and they sent me a note back with my check asking for my dealer ID. Now, if someone on the site is a dealer, or knows a dealer, who would ask the DMV for the registration history, I would love to get in touch. The cost was only $5. Casey

We have a dealer right here, on the forum BOSS70 I think

Who knows, if you ask him nice.:smile:

He's the guy who has some kind of "modeling" agencies he uses to help sells his cars, though the girls tned to be AWFULLY young looking:kiss:

Couldn't resist/Just kidding.

Things have sure changed in California. Back in 1967 anyone could simply waltz into ANY California DMV with a license plate number and for $2 get the history on any car. I did it once. No ID nor reason was needed!!

All that changed when a stalker used this method to track a Los Angeles actress (the Rebecca Schaeffer case) to her apartment and murdered her.

Law Enforcement/Insurance/Courts companies can still make these requests.
But they have to be legitimate. Unfortunately, mere curiousity doesn't cut it these days

Jim B

still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
ACHTUNG Rhonda/Donna

Please no fighting here, I know it's a touchy subject, but opinions CAN and do differ, based on our life experiences, it's that simple

I am sorry about the difference of opinion, but I feel that BOTH of you, passionately committed to your cars, are really really wonderful people and wish I knew BOTH of you personally, as you have both exhibited kindness to me here. The interest in these cars makes a family, and as the "Support your troops" argument demonstrated, differences on OTHER matters do exist

Each of you contribute a lot here, and I hope you will continue to do so. Same goes for many of the others I have met here.

I will get off the soapbox - for now
Thanks Jim

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004
Oh I'm not fighting at all. Merely voicing my opinion as I think I am allowed to do.


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2004
Don`t worry about it, like I said, there`s alot of crooked cops out there. Even if you don`t need one, they`ll find you eventually. There are people in this world who have been victimized terribly by police and there`s nothing they can do about it. There are alot of good ones too though, I just have`nt met one yet. I can`t believe I actually trained to be one.Today 06:43 AM
WOW RHONDA----------------------------------------------------------------

What an offensive statement. Sounds like sour grapes to me....

Makes me wonder what it is you are up to that you run into all these bad cops....

I have to disagree with you Rhonda, maybe it is because I have been to too many funerals for my fellow deputies who died way too young in horrible ways.

I can not say it better than George Orwell, "We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those that would do us harm."

If you ever want to see what cops really do come on out and ride in a black and white with me in L.A. County.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Mar 12, 2005
Lake Forest, CA
Mustanglvr said:
Don`t worry about it, like I said, there`s alot of crooked cops out there. Even if you don`t need one, they`ll find you eventually. There are people in this world who have been victimized terribly by police and there`s nothing they can do about it. There are alot of good ones too though, I just have`nt met one yet. I can`t believe I actually trained to be one.

Funny thing about me. For a long time I had the same opinion as Rhonda. I never met a good cop. But I think, for me, it had something to do with what I was doing at the time. For alot of years now, I've never met a bad one.


One of my best friends--and a Mustanger is a SWAT team leader in No. Calif.
I can't begin to appreciate--or understand the stress that cops go through--every day.

I saw this thread title and thought: "Who has been the most famous person to ride in your CS?"

...not to make a left turn in the discussion here.



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
Gee, maybe I was just posting an opinion, like I am also allowed, Donna.

I have been personally victimized by police, maybe it was when I was 17 and an officer raped me after forcing alcohol down my throat.:cry: .Everywhere in the news lately it seems we are hearing about cops gone wrong. I could tell you of many true stories of cops here in the Heartland who have been accused and convicted of every crime imaginable. I just feel that a person should not be so gullable, as to put police on such a high pedestal and to not think that even one would go wrong. They are human just like the rest of us and there are bad ones, really bad ones out there and if you`re lucky, which it sounds like you have been, Donna and Calif girl, you won`t be victimized by one. Someone said we voice our opinions based on life experiences. Well thats mine. Take it or leave it.