"Both" Donna's and Rhonda's comments are correct, I know that.
The only way now to find out that kind of information, especially on a car from the '60s would be to get old registration cards, or repair orders and talk to the mechanics who worked on the car.
I bought the Mercedes 10 years ago and it was a 5 year old car then, and I was able to reconstruct the history back to 1991, and by looking in the mainenance booklet, contacted the shops and dealers who worked on the car,
got copies of the receipts. An old 1993 reg. card slipped out of the paperwork, and it led me to the prior owner, who owned the Beverly Hills Hotel. I went to his office and he gave me the receipts he had for work on the car, so I was QUITE lucky
But now it is VERY hard to get information like that. I agree, stories like that are fun, and can add to the value of the car if you can track down paperwork
Good luck