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. Word of Encouragment


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Over the years on this site, we have become very vocal about certain subjects and because of this; sometimes we have offended our friends, enemies, and newcomers. We have seen the impact this had on our Great Site. To avoid this from happening again, I would like to ask we watch what we may say as to not offend others. You never know who is reading these forums, i.e. Sellers of GT/CS-HCS cars, Potential buyers researching the GT/CS or folks just visiting and would like to see what we are all about. We certainly don’t want to turn folks off about joining our group or confirm accusations from disgruntled former members.

We are above this and should avoid any negative feedback about ones integrity. Unfortunately this happened today and we may have lost another potential member or good recommendation to others. Thank you

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
GOOD ON YOU! I could not have said it better. In our over zealous attempt to ensure no one buys a fake or a clone we seem to harm our hobby by placing cars for sale or new visitors to our site to a court of inquisition. The facts will come out and sometimes we learn interesting aspects about these cars that were not known before.

Sometimes other sites have an elitist attitude about their specific brand of cars. It is my hope that we can avoid that and be an open platform to assist and educate without offending.

I have to say since 1972 when I bought my first Mustang I have personally experienced many owners of a car they purchased brand new. What a treasure trove of memories and information on our Mustangs whether they are GT/CS, HCS, GT's or Mach's or Shelby's! And I have also personally been introduced to anomalies that no one thought should exist.

I cannot support Mike more in his quest that we be different. That we temper our comments and be supportive without being adversarial.



Well-known member
Apr 19, 2011
Malvern, PA
Very well said!! I have not been offended since the short time I have been here, I have received great advice and believe I made some new friends here.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Mike, I'm not sure what specific incident you're referring to that day, but I agree that it's always best to keep in mind the potential impact of negative comments.

This group is extremely supportive of other members. I think the place where this support might get misinterpreted is in the classifieds section. We tend to be pretty blunt about picking apart potential CS's that get posted for sale. I can see the sellers of these cars taking offense to some of the comments, especially if they believe they have a true CS for sale and members start questioning that.

I know our members are only trying to help flush out clones and protect potential buyers from making a poorly informed decision. And it's a good intent for sure. But I think we could be a little more positive in how we point out the flaws or red flags on some of these cars.

I'm certainly not saying that we shouldn't honestly evaluate potential CS's that come up for sale. I think it's a valuable service. But maybe as you're commenting pretend you're looking at the car with the seller & buyer standing next to you and chose your tone accordingly.


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2002
Kaysville, UT
If it is the new members or the "lay" GT/CS owners, are there some "stickies" that we can put together as a group to give them the quick overview on how to check that they have a real GT/CS? It seems like many of the surviving, unrestored GT/CS's are missing original, defining parts, but have other tell-tale signs they are a true GT/CS and making a quick list with reference photos in a sticky would be a great way to bring new/potential owners up to speed.


Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
Sticky would say two words... "Marti report". Only tell-tale that is 100% is the VIN. All else can be easily added.

Can get a report confirming the VIN is a GT\CS in a day with a rush order.


Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
To be honest, I thought I new gt/cs' s and hcs pretty well then I came on this site and man was I way off. That is something I cherish. I myself have gotten pretty blunt on some classified ads simply because I had tools gained from members here to present a adequate argument. I remember one incident in particular where the seller that was new to this site became extremely aggressive and started attacking other members with vulgar words. I jumped to the defense in the attack and really lowered myself that day. I have made a concious choice thereafter to not join such expeditious posts. But again, very awesome, knowlegable, loving group we have here cheers to you all.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2005
I think we could be a little more positive in how we point out the flaws or red flags on some of these cars.

I'm certainly not saying that we shouldn't honestly evaluate potential CS's that come up for sale. I think it's a valuable service. But maybe as you're commenting pretend you're looking at the car with the seller & buyer standing next to you and chose your tone accordingly.


It gets pretty negative around here sometimes.