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Is it true that the VIN numbers of cars are in the same sequence (not necessarily consecutive) as their build dates with the lowest having the earliest build date? If so, then knowing the ranking of one's VIN in the set of VINs in the GT/CS registry will give one a pretty accurate idea of what number car they have. For that we'd need the list of VINs in the registry to determine where each of ours fell.
p.s. I do have a friend with a DeLorean....lemme see...I'll need a couple of gigawatts, and a long pole. When I get there, I'll pick up Little Red, and the Green Hornet; and the 428 CS/HCS cars, too.
Okay Jeff's car and mine have consecutive Vin numbers and were ordered by the same dealer (which i think has more to do with the consecutive Build dates than the Vin) and our build dates are as follows.
Jeff on the 2nd of April, C code car
Shaun's on the 4th of April J code car