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Only J code 302 4V, S code 390 4V and X code 2V got duel exhaust. May of us have added the duel exhaust to our C code 289 2Vs. These engines were as Steve said eligible for the GT option.
Unless you are building a show car build it as you like.
I agree Neil. Had to have the GT Option added.
Only 302 and higher engines were eligible for the GT option, 6-cylinders and 289's were not.
And something got the GT option standard (428 maybe?).
As Marty stated many of us have the dual exhaust and valance on our 289s. (Guilty as charged :scared
If you add that to your car , the next guy can deleate it if he wants. I would go for the looks. Any thing you add can always be put back to stock. Nate .
Nope, no progress for several years. Life got in the way. Got married a year ago, still have to lay out my shop, have the 1968 Cougar XR7 to get on the road first. I want the Cougar to be my daily driver.
Plus that other problem comes up. My 40 hour a week job is working with old cars and parts. One of the last things I want to do when I get home is work with my old cars and the parts. I would rather spend time with my wife and 5 year old grand daughter.
Wow, congrats Scott on getting married. Life with a new wife and a grand daughter take precedence over the car. We all know it will get done at some point, but this is precious time with your family.