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Search results

  1. M

    1968 Emission Decal for 302-4V

    Good luck with a phone call! They are not too responsive.
  2. M

    1968 9-inch Rear End on Mustang GT

    Confusing, isn't it? No, all big block cars do not have the GT option, but all big block cars seem to have a nine inch. The grey area of 8 vs. 9 inch seems to be with the "J" code engines in 68 Mustangs. We hope to discover if ALL gt optioned "J" code 68 Mustangs came with the 3:25 ratio nine...
  3. M

    1968 9-inch Rear End on Mustang GT

    I would agree that the secret is in the rear end ratio, and that part of the "GT" package seems to be a 3:25 ratio axle. (which is a nine inch) After looking through every Marti report listed on this site it appears that ALL "J" code cars with the GT package on this site have the 3:25 axle...
  4. M

    1968 How many J-codes 4 speed GT/CS were made?

    The question of 9 inch as opposed to 8 inch rear ends in "J" code cars has always made me crazy, and I strongly suspect that the GT option for some reason includes the 9 inch rear, although most look at me as an idiot when this is mentioned. I included this as one of the things that Paul N...
  5. M

    1968 Emission Decal for 302-4V

    Danny, would you mind sharing the results of getting this reproduced? Many of us are interested in getting things that are an absolute reproduction of the original.
  6. M

    1968 Emission Decal for 302-4V

    Back to the original question. April 03, 68 build date, SJ car, 302 4V J code, and an original sticker on valve cover. "C8AE - B" .
  7. M

    1968 Deluxe Interior

    Neil, I do not have my FAM with me, but isn't there a drawing of this in the Osborn 68 body FAM? Seems as one was in there when I was looking for information about the little rubber strip that glues to the vent window frame where it meets the door. Never did find out about that little rubber...
  8. M

    1968 Radiator identification

    Trying to hunt a used radiator for a 68 302 with AC that has the correct stamping on the parts. Can anyone provide an image of the top tank of an original radiator. The car in question was built April 03, in SJ,CA. Interested in seeing the FOMOCO script, and if an original radiator has the "...
  9. M

    1968 vacuum check valve location

    Seems I am pretty stupid, and the vac check valves are located in the cannisters. This car has two cannisters, one for the AC and one for the swing away. Both are located on the passenger side, one near the hood hinge, the other behind the battery. From the engine compartment only the little...
  10. M

    1968 vacuum check valve location

    Once again asking for help. Can anyone provide an image showing the correct, original location for the vacuum check valve. The car used the dual outlet valve, and has both swing away/tilt steering and factory air conditioning. Have the original type metal check valve (at last) but not sure...
  11. M

    1968 Emission Decal for 302-4V

    The Jim Osborn Reproduction catalog # 35, page 106 lists part number C8AE 9C485 B as their part number DF0514. Oddly, this catalog shows the same part number for a 68 390 4V. Are they the same for a 302 and a 390? Interesting! There is no illustration to compare this decal to the one that...
  12. M

    1968 Picking Your Brains: GT/CS Paint Codes

    One more area of confusion about the 68 cars that might be of interest to your readers. There has been lots written about the rear end used with the "J" code engine when purchased in conjunction with the "GT" package. Disregard the fact that all CS cars also have the GT designation, this is...
  13. M

    1968 Picking Your Brains: GT/CS Paint Codes

    Paul, it is good that you are considering some or all of these for inclusion in your book. There are proably many who frequent this forum who will be glad to provide you with information and/or images of many details. We all appreciate what you have published up to this point and you have...
  14. M

    1968 Picking Your Brains: GT/CS Paint Codes

    Since you asked: starting at the bottom. Do you want to include the correct color and mix # for the GT wheels? Do you want to deal with the manner in which the inner side of the GT wheels may have been black and show signs of argent overspray on them? That they may have had a paint daub or...
  15. M

    . "Buy Something at a FORD Dealer Week"

    Most of us would love to go to our ford dealer and purchase "SOMETHING" for our CS. Sadly, the genius bean counters decided long ago that they will not support older Fords by keeping parts for them in their supply chain. IF you can find parts that will even function on your 68 Mustang it is an...
  16. M

    1968 F70 14 replacement tires

    Looking for modern tires that are available through normal channels that resemble the originals. For instance the firestone FR 380 series is a whitewall tire of the correct size BUT the the whitewall is 3/4 inch wide and located "inside the bulge" of the tire where the original wide ovals had a...
  17. M

    1968 F70 14 replacement tires

    Looking for a replacement for the F70 14 Wide oval tires used on the GT cars. A 215 70 r 14 seems to fit the bill in size but has anyone found a tire with the thin whitewall that is closer to the outer diameter of the tire in that size? Want the driveability of a radial tire with the...
  18. M

    1968 Correct color for interior

    Steve, my dash pad was also so dark it seemed almost black, certainly "black cherry" would be an accurate description of the color. The console was a bit dark as well, but I am not sure that it should be the same color as the dash pad and associated parts. Do you have a console? If so what...
  19. M

    1968 Correct color for interior

    Once again looking for advice and guidance. Working on a GT/CS with a RED standard interior, trim code 7D. Purchased a few rattle cans of "rainbow" interior paint and dye but after experimenting with the ash tray and glove box door it is plain that the color in the can is WAY WAY OFF! So, has...
  20. M

    2007+ Modified white/red stripe CS in MCA mag

    The white/red CS you have pictured belongs to : Chuck Brenner, president of the Central Illinois Mustang Club.