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Search results

  1. M

    Rear windows will not roll all of the way down?

    Thanks for all of the advice! I was putting in a headliner so the rear seat and inner 1/4 panel trim was already removed. When the headliner was completed it was time to check out the window problem. But never in my wildest dream would have guessed what the real problem was - someone had...
  2. M

    Rear windows will not roll all of the way down?

    Is there a reason that the rear windows will not roll down all of the way? Neither side will "go down" and I had just put that on my mental list of things to do when winter arrived. Now my buddy who has an HCS happened to mention that neither of his windows will roll all of the way down...
  3. M

    28 or 31 Spline Rear

    Terry, is it your understanding that all GT cars with the 302 in 68 came standard with the 3:25 ratio? IF a person has a GT 68 Mustang with a 3:00 gear it was a special order option? I am new to the 68 Mustang family and ask this only to become educated. Learning the quirks of the 68 cars is...
  4. M

    28 or 31 Spline Rear

    Can anyone produce proof that they have a 68 GT with 3:00 rear axle ratio that has a nine inch differential? 3:25 gears are found with a nine inch - no argument there - this hunt is for a documented GT 68 Mustang with a nine inch factory axle with a 3:00 open gear. Anybody?
  5. M

    28 or 31 Spline Rear

    Do the GT cars with a 302 have a 9 inch or an 8 inch?
  6. M

    Correct screws for fiber glass tail light panel

    What is the part number for the "reasonable replacement" that AMK sells? I tried to use their online catalog with less than satisfactory results. Probably just me!
  7. M

    upper tail light panel mounting

    Do those little screws show up in any ford material? Mine are not like this and IF they were available from AMK it would be great. Anybody have a part number for these, or are there any variations used in production?
  8. M

    upper tail light panel mounting

    Can someone post a clear image of the screws? Not sure that mine have not been replaced and would love to see in detail just what screws Ford used when this panel was installed. And secondly, is the strip caulking visible when looking - does it squeeze out or is there just a gap showing when...
  9. M

    '68 Windshield Mirror Survey.

    Paul, the mirror in my car is the original, and the handle moves from left to right. The cover is red to match the interior, by the way. The VIN is as follows: 8R01J155374 , Scheduled build date: 04D .
  10. M

    How do you fill your tank without spills?--'68

    Paul, you picked a sore subject with me. The filler tube location combined with the fiberglass panel for the T-Bird lights makes putting fuel in a CS a difficult job. One of the "Better Ideas" from Ford during that period. We all probably turn the nozle sideways while putting in gas, but no...
  11. M

    turn signal clips

    Does anyone know if these retainers show up in the 1967 Factory Assembly Manuals? They are NOT in the 68 FAM, although some 68 Mustangs have them. Is there an accepted date when they were deleted from the 68 model or were they specific to any or all plants?
  12. M

    National GT/CS Rescue Squad?

    At one time, long long ago before the internet was ever imagined, the MCA used to publish a little glove box sized book containing the names, location and phone numbers of all members. Everyone could call someone listed in an area for insight looking at a car, parts, or for help when in the...
  13. M

    Carpet Installation

    Neil, I feel your pain. ACC lacks miles of making someting that is close to OEM quality and fit. They did, long ago, make a superior fitting product, but they somehow have managed to lose the handle. ADD also bought out the only competition they had (ACS) so it is correct that they are the...
  14. M

    Spare tire hold down with slotted wheels revisited

    You should thank Scott. You can contact him at <www.ScottFullerReproductions.com> and check out an image and the details. He did a great job manufacturing a much needed part that has been unavailable for most of the 40 years since it was used.
  15. M

    Spare tire hold down with slotted wheels revisited

    Some time ago, I posted a plea here to help locate the little round plate that secures the spare tire in the trunk on cars with the optional slotted wheels and on all cars that are real GT Mustangs. That little round plate turned out to be one of the most difficult parts to locate for a 68...
  16. M

    California special vs High country special

    Bob: First, welcome to the forum! This will be just an opinion, and not the answers you seek, since those answers are probably so subjective that no answer exists. (1) The CS seems to be the most desireable car, but for reasons other than the obvious. I suspect their popularity comes in part...
  17. M

    Turn signal hood bulb retainer

    On some CS cars as well as run of the mill 68 Mustangs I have noticed that there can be a little retainer in the shape of a "fork" holding the bulb and socket in the pot metal light assembly for the turn signal indicator light in the hood. I have no picture - sorry - but am unable to post an...
  18. M

    Lucas Fog Light Lenses

    Does anyone know if the wire pigtails on these plastic lights are identical to the originals that are found on our Mustangs?
  19. M

    Project GT/CS are selling better than finished cars

    I too purchased a car that was somewhat of a project, although it drove over 800 miles home. The money was not the primary reason, although it certainly played a part in the decision to purchase. Most of us like to tinker with stuff on our cars, some of us like to do major work, and a few like...
  20. M

    Cost of Lucas lights

    I will be happy to purchase your lens. Driver quality is OK with me, just hate to have one with the little hole and crack in it. Sent you a PM, and thanks