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Search results

  1. M

    1968 Replace A/C / heater box or fan for greater airflow?

    I feel it compelled to add to this. The 68 at our house is not the best cooling car around. The entire assembly underdash has been removed, resealed, cleaned and a new heater core. All doors are properly adjusted and all vac servos have the "full Stroke" operating. The low side pressure goes...
  2. M

    1968 Tappets, Rollercams & Zinc Additives

    Either you misunderstood or the shop that mentioned lack of ZDDP in the gasoline is a bit confused. I think you will find that the ZDDP anti wear additive is in the oil, not in the gasoline, no matter what State you inhabit. I feel that if you use good assembly lube when doing the rebuild...
  3. M

    1968 Superbright LED Lights

    Bob, can you post a link to the vendor of these LEDs? You are correct about the extra large load of the turn signal bulbs taking a toll on the TS switch, and when one has a swing away wheel the TS switches are expensive and at times difficult to source. I had considered the LED conversion but...
  4. M

    1968 68 HCS red stripes

    Thanks to all! I was confused to say the least. You guys always come through. And I certainly did not mean to imply that the decals that Bob has were incorrect. Sorry if my confusion was spreading. Tom also had an image of a black stripe with black outline on the badge, but he is unable to...
  5. M

    1968 68 HCS red stripes

    Thanks for your replies, and I know that Tom talked to both of you about this. Scott and Bob may have the only remaining HCS cars with the original stripes. So far Tom has been unable to locate an HCS with red stripes. Here is a link to an image of a black car with white stripes that seem to...
  6. M

    1968 68 HCS red stripes

    I am asking this for a friend who is trying to finish up a black with red stripes HCS. His problem is the color of the outline on the HCS badge on the quarter panel air scoop. On the images of original cars we have found the outline of the badge has been the same color as the stripe. In other...
  7. M

    1968 Courtesy lights under the dash

    The issue here is just with the courtesy lights under the dash, not the entire courtesy light group. Trying to get a handle on just how the lights were used - or not used on the 68 Mustangs. The underdash lights seem to have little pattern, but with enough feedback we may well figure out just...
  8. M

    1968 Courtesy lights under the dash

    Once again, HELP! Would some or all of you look under your dash and see if there are courtesy lamps? The Osborn Factory Assembly Manual shows them listed for "all models EXCEPT with air conditioning". Of late I have seen some very well preserved survivor cars with no lights under the dash...
  9. M

    Passenger Door Lock Question

    The world is in balance, because now many newer cars have only the key operated lock on the drivers side and nowhere else.
  10. M

    1968 Small screws for twist lock base

    Are they also the same screw that is used to mount the starter soloniod and the voltage regulator? Do the original screws have any distinctive markings in the recess of the head such as a circle, diamond, a "D"? Were they painted, or cad plated or phosphate and oil. The screws I have are...
  11. M

    1968 Small screws for twist lock base

    Yes, the screw ictured is the one I am concerned about. there are two others on the opposite side of the bracket which are the same size? Is the one you picture typical of all CS cars? What other places are these same screws used on our cars?
  12. M

    1968 Washer Fluid Tank

    Take a look at this iinformation from another forum and see if it can help you. http://www.428cobrajet.org/forum/index.php?topic=12161.0 Please post your results.
  13. M

    1968 Small screws for twist lock base

    Trying to identify the small screws that mount the base of the twist lock hood pins to the core support. The present ones have such a small head that they hardly hold the mounts in place, and I am curious what others have found in their unmolested cars. Is there an AMK replacement for these...
  14. M

    1968 Mustang Spare Tire Hold Down Bolt

    Just finished putting the spare tire hold down plate and the "J" hook that Scott sells in my CS and they are everything I expected - and better. I rant about reproduction parts at times, but these items are just like Ford used on the assembly line. If only all reproduction stuff was as good as...
  15. M

    1968 GT wheel ID paint daubs

    Looking for information and/or images showing the paint daubs used on a 68 GT slotted wheel, along with images of the rear side of the wheel showing how the argent overspray overlaps the black paint. Also interested in your advice on a correct argent paint for the outside of the wheel - anyone...
  16. M

    1968 Front Bumper choice

    Quote" I just ordered one from Ron." Please let us know how it fits and looks when your bumper arrives. Also can you identify the manufacturer of your bumper?
  17. M

    1968 Front Bumper choice

    The time has come to purchase a new front bumper. On the car is a generic (I think) bumper that is distorted and has poor (kindly stated) chrome. Is there a reproduction front bumper currently being sold that fits and looks good. Locating and replating an original bumper is not an option just...
  18. M

    1968 Question for Paul Newitt Regarding the Sequence of Assembly

    Russ, just finished having the rear window frames chrome plated on my April 03 built CS. (VIN 8R01J155374) There are no access holes for the side scoops. Or I should say there WERE no access holes for them. I drilled holes with a hole saw in the window plates. Someone had taken the scoops...
  19. M

    1968 9-inch Rear End on Mustang GT

    My non GT April 03 build date car also has a 3:00 eight inch rear. Not aware of any information that cars built after April 01 68 have a 9 inch as standard.
  20. M

    1968 9-inch Rear End on Mustang GT

    My car is a NON gt and has a 3:00 rear axle, code "5" per Marti report and data plate.