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Search results

  1. nfrntau

    Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup

    My daughter told me last night that she would like to tour the Coors Brewery while were there...... Just thinking out loud
  2. nfrntau

    1968 Mustang script emblem question

    The rear deck lid mustang script definitely has the pins. I'm about 99.9% sure it is the same script as the front fenders. I looked but didn't have any photos of the pin hole locations for the front fenders.
  3. nfrntau

    1968 Muffler/ Exhaust pipe question

    I just went out and checked. My mufflers are made by AP exhaust products. The type is XLerator turbo mufflers. The case size is 4 1/2" x 14" in length. They fit nicely.
  4. nfrntau

    1968 Suspension Rebuilds ...

    My car also had the heavy duty suspension. I kept the front sway bar also but used 1" lowering springs in front. I read somewhere that the heavy duty springs were 620 lbs so rather than cut the originals I swapped to new ones. I also installed a 3/4" stambar rear sway bar.
  5. nfrntau

    1968 Muffler/ Exhaust pipe question

    I had the Flowmaster 40 series on my car. They were too loud for me and I just recently switched to turbo mufflers. My wife rode in the car and told me it was the best $200 I ever spent on that car.
  6. nfrntau

    Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup

    I will be coming in from the South on Thursday morning, planning to arrive Steamboat in time for the scenic cruise. For me, someplace close to Steamboat would work best.
  7. nfrntau

    Rocky Mountain Mustang Roundup

    23rd Rocky Mountain Mustang Round-up June 16th through June 19th in Steamboat Springs, Colorado www.rmmr.org Started by Rob, "It is my hope that we can organize an annual event for GT/CS and HCS cars. I am voting for Denver in 2011." http://www.californiaspecial.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8313...
  8. nfrntau

    Colorado Event in 2011?

    Steamboat is just 3 months away and I'm getting excited about the trip. How many folks are still planning on coming? I'm putting in my "I'll be there" with my family and my GT/CS, coming in thursday morning for the scenic cruise. Rob's idea of getting together for pizza and beer sounds like a...
  9. nfrntau

    Wanted 1967 fastback number matching number

    I thought the pony seats came in a 65 model only?
  10. nfrntau

    1968 Parking lamps

    Well I earned a bonehead point yesterday. The paint on my front marker lamps was bad so I ordered LED replacements. Wanted orange marker lights rather than white. All's good so far. I remove the old bulb, which means I have to break it to get it out. What do you know, it's not an 1147A it's...
  11. nfrntau

    Image Size

    I use microsoft office picture manager. Right click on your photo icon, go to "open with" and choose that program. Then go to edit. Works for me everytime.
  12. nfrntau

    1968 Book "Project Mustang" GT/CS on the cover

    Larry did the final bodywork and paint on my GT/CS
  13. nfrntau

    1968 still overheating

    Failing everything else, you might check that you have the correct head gaskets and that the water ports are not blocked by the gasket
  14. nfrntau

    1968 Emergency brake issue

    Thanks for the input. I detailed the brakes before I put the car on the road. Everything seems to move freely and nothing is dirty. I will pull out the manual and adjust as per the manual. If that fails, It's possible the wheel is warped or the cable may be kinked. I'll go there next. All...
  15. nfrntau

    1968 Emergency brake issue

    I've got an issue with my emergency brake and I'm not sure how to take care of it. I was hoping someone may have the cure. When I pull my emergency brake it works just fine. When I go to release it, the wire hops over the edge of the little wheel at the floorboard and jams itself between the...
  16. nfrntau

    1968 LED lights for front turn signals and others question.....

    Jason, Are you asking about the sequential LED's that Mustang Project sells. If so that's what I'm running in my car. They are bright and look cool. They are also difficult to get in the housings and tricky to wire in without external wires sticking out. I did it, the drivers side works fine...
  17. nfrntau

    1968 Trouble starting new engine

    My thoughts lead me to your starter. Based on what you say, turns freely without restriction but bogs severely with some restriction (plugs in). I would try a different starter. All the other advise is spot on as well. If you remove the plug wires and it does the same thing. Look to your...
  18. nfrntau

    1968 Who else has "dog dish" hub caps on their 1968 Mustang?

    Marty when you asked about the spare being black or body color. What is the accepted answer? Or worded differently which is it supposed to be for the GT/CS's? When I received my car, it had three body color and one black. I assumed the black one was a junk yard recovery.
  19. nfrntau

    1968 Hood pin cutouts

    The pin pulling out of the hood is an easy one to solve. Take the pin to your local hardware store, ironmonger or DIY and get a retaining ring for it. Will set you back way less than $1. It fits in the little groove right next to your thunb in your photo. This will make it just a tad...