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Search results

  1. L

    Stripe installation

    Hi all, While I have not been back to the shop to check the paint to see if it's just my imagination that it's lighter than it should be, I am already looking ahead to the stripe installation. I have read through old threads and see that it is written up in Pauls book (which I don't have)...
  2. L

    Presidential Blue

    I feel like such a newbie! I wish I knew about this before mine was painted. I'm going to have to check them next time I go see my car. Are they only present on original scoops or to repros have them too?
  3. L

    Presidential Blue

    I gotta ask, what's a witness line??
  4. L

    Presidential Blue

    oops, forgot the link. http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-SHELBY-CALIFORNIA-SPECIAL-GT-nu-PAINT-SAN-JOSE-BLT-DISC-BRAKE_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQitemZ4604798531QQrdZ1
  5. L

    Presidential Blue

    OK, I'm trying to get my colors straight- isn't Presidential Blue darker? This looks like Acapulco Blue?? And whats with the antenea in the back? Did some cars come that way? I like the look.
  6. L

    Correct Color Combo interior

    Not to confuse things further, but have you seen the CS for auction at Barrett-Jackson? Says its original Ivy gold interior- It looks like a saddle color carpet, light color door panels and seat inserts, dark dash...
  7. L

    vent windows

    I'm in the same boat with my CS. My first visit will be salvage yards but I wonder what the chances are of finding a set in better shape than mine!?
  8. L

    Mustangs to Be Sold At Barrett/Jackson

    Oops, I meant 68. It's number 1274.1 if you're interested....
  9. L

    Found out another cool fact about one of the 428 CS's

    Gosh, what a waste! If it's true, who wouldn't want the cash if it's just an eyesore to them anyway!
  10. L

    Admin Jr. #2 born this week!

    Congrats to Steve and Jon!!!
  11. L

    Found out another cool fact about one of the 428 CS's

    So 2 of the 3 accounted for, any info on the 3rd? If anyone can find it you can...
  12. L

    Mustangs to Be Sold At Barrett/Jackson

    My husband would LOVE to have the 67 fastback cobrajet but I told him it's out of his leage price wise...
  13. L

    Found out another cool fact about one of the 428 CS's

    Wow, a Brittany Blue CS with a 428. My dream car. So do you know where the car is?
  14. L

    Correct Color Combo interior

    Makes me thankful for my black interior.
  15. L

    Paint looks lighter

    Oh man, now I don't know what to do! I do know of another Highland around. It's a 67 fastback with a little old lady driving it. My husband follows her everytime he sees her, but we're not sure where she lives!! I should say my husband thnks I'm crazy and says it looks fine. He says it appears...
  16. L

    65 Chevelle on eBay $900,000 and RNM

    Did you read the questions for the seller? Hysterical!
  17. L

    Paint looks lighter

    Hi all, I went to drop some stuff by the shop working on my car today. I saw it last week in the shop and today they pulled it outside. I was surprised how light the paint looked. This may be a dumb question, but do old paint jobs darken? The paint on the car before was really shoddy, lighter...
  18. L

    The New Registry Book: Which type of binding?

    Hardbound first choice, then Perfect. Alos not a fan of coil.
  19. L

    Comment by 'luisa2552' in album '1968 Brittany Blue California Special w/390 Motor'

    Beautiful car. I love my Highland Green but Brittany Blue with white vinyl is my favorite. And a 390 to boot!! Sara
  20. L

    I need some VIN numbers to run the engine reports with Marti

    I just emailed you my info. I've always wondered how many CS with my engine/transmission are out there. That's what it will show, right?