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Search results

  1. Russ

    . 2012 GT/CS Calendar

    Jon, My calendars arrived today, and they turned out GREAT! I just want to thank you and compliment you for making this wonderful calendar, AND they arrived just in time for Christmas. Merry Christmas, all!!! Russ
  2. Russ

    . Your thoughts on the new California Special book/registry

    Sticker I got three stickers in place of the DVD (!) and Paul's explanation was that a DVD cost too much. I thought that buying a "pre-sale" book included a DVD. I guess I was wrong. Russ
  3. Russ

    ADMIN VOTE NOW for the 2012 Calendar - Ends Fri Oct 21

    I guess lime gold rules this year. Many thanks to those who voted for our car, and I really like the photo with the Model T Ford!!! The Model T a great car, and I really love them (I thought of placing some of my cars with my GT/CS for the calendar, also). Thanks also to Jon for taking the...
  4. Russ


    I went to my local Ford dealer and purchased a Group 24 Motocraft battery. I have this battery in all of my Mustangs and they hold a charge forever! For shows, I took a repro Autolite Groupe 24 battery that went dead and took out all of the acid and lead plates. This is quite easy to do (be...
  5. Russ

    1968 Carroll Shelby autograph

    I had him sign my 1966 Shelby's glove box. He personalized the signature with the car's serial number. I'm not sure if I would have him sign my GT/CS cars, though. Russ
  6. Russ

    . Roll call

    Mike, Both of my GT/CS Mustangs are put away for the winter. We recently took both cars to a show in Sedona, AZ where I took photos of the lime gold car for the GT/CS calendar. The highland green car is a MCA national concourse gold car which I drive and enjoy. I feel once the car reaches...
  7. Russ

    1968 What has been the hardest part to get for your GT/CS ?

    The release cable that allows the tilt steering wheel to be released when the door is opened. The previous owner cut (#*&#@$%^) the cable on this car, and no one has this!! Russ
  8. Russ

    1968 spark plugs

    If you can find NOS Autolite BF-42 plugs, that is the way to go. I had similiar problems with my '68 GT/CS and the original plugs solved the missing problems of the new plugs. Hope this helps, Russ
  9. Russ

    1968 Side scoop question

    I just want to restate that my car is one of the very early production cars, with inset rear reflectors, and the holes are NOT drilled, they are punched out. On one side there are actually two holes, one overlapping the other, which seems like whoever punched the holes got it wrong. I think...
  10. Russ

    1968 Side scoop question

    Mike, You are correct in that my early GT/CS (February 14 build date) has holes punched out of the window mechanism so the assembly line worker could install the scoop with the window rail installed. These holes are about 1 1/8" in diameter. My later GT/CS has no holes, requiring the...
  11. Russ

    . Thank you thread for Paul Newitt for his registry work

    Paul, While we have never met, I have a great respect for what you have accomplished with your informative and detailed books. Without your books, I could not have accomplished the accurate restorations on my two GT/CS Mustangs, so I am in your debt. I believe you will still be a consultant...
  12. Russ

    1968 Deck lid paint

    This is an interesting question, in that MCA gold card judges explain that the bolts that hold the trunk lid to the hinge must be painted the body color, indicating the lid was on the car when it was painted. Your photos open the question of whether or not the decklid was actually painted on...
  13. Russ

    1968 Good news / Bad news from the 2011 Recognition Guide

    Jon, I also appreciate your level-headed comment. Keep up the good work, Russ
  14. Russ

    1968 Good news / Bad news from the 2011 Recognition Guide

    As with everyone else, I've waited anxiously for my two books to arrive, and arrive they did last week. I'm happy that the information about my two GT/CS Mustags is accurate, and even happier to note that one of my cars was one of the first hundred built....cool information. Paul has done a...
  15. Russ

    1968 Underside floor question

    Marty, My, highland green GT/CS has its factory primer underneath, with its many drips and runs. I decided to just scrub the paint and leave it alone for showing. It is much more pink than brown. You judged my lime gold car at VA Beach which I decided to repaint over the original finish, and...
  16. Russ

    1968 J code cars and the Marti Report

    My J Code GT/CS did not come with the GT option. It has the 8 inch rear end, which is the easiest way to tell if your car has the GT option. J Code GT optioned cars came with the nine inch rear end. Hope this helps, Russ
  17. Russ

    Anyone Looking for a '68 Convertible?

    Cougar CJ, You are correct about the nine inch rear end. The 8 inch rear end came with the 289-302 non-GT cars, but when you ordered the GT package, the 9 inch was standard, as was a 302 or larger displacement engine. With an automatic trans, the 3.25:1 ratio was standard. Marty, Wouldn't you...
  18. Russ

    1968 GOLD in Asheville

    Tom, I saw your car, and it was beautiful!! I was especially interested in your VIN as it is only a few numbers higher than my highland green GT/CS (8R01C142393). I noted your car has the rear reflectors that have the chrome bezal, while my car has the recessed reflectors. My car was built on...
  19. Russ

    1968 GOLD in Asheville

    Thanks Mike, I'm extremely happy with the gold. We also entered the Mustang in the National MCA Virginia Beach Show a few weeks ago. The car took a silver award there (the car was judged by a team led by Marty Rupp (Ruppstang)), so I made a few improvements between shows. I still have some...
  20. Russ

    1968 GOLD in Asheville

    My wife and I just returned from the MCA Awards ceremony, where our recently restored, lime gold GT/CS was awarded a concourse trailered gold award. The show venue at the Biltmore was fantastic and the show was very well organized. There were nearly 500 Mustangs placed in two large parking...