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1968 Good news / Bad news from the 2011 Recognition Guide


Well-known member
Sep 28, 2005
Great book!!

My copy was on my doorstep when I came home today!! This is going to take some time to read - lots of good information and all of mine is correct :) Love the Rat Fink on page 129!!

On a side note - all of the book and people bashing that goes on here is pretty childish - on both sides. I see this in a lot of clubs and groups - life is short so yall need to git yer poop in a group..............

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Ghost town???? Again this site is the recognized undisputed authority on the history and legacy of the GT/CS and HCS Mustang editions. And the source of 90 percent of the information ”harvested” to create some new book? Is there a new book on our cars???

There are about 3 other people are on the “other” site talking to each other...

Thanks again, Jon, for creating a site for the lasting legacy of these unique Mustangs. After the hoopla is done and the book fades away, like its author, this site will be the true preservation of the GT/CS and HCS legacy. And the true legacy and genesis will continue to be discovered. Verified by the owners and experts not by a single persons adaptation of the facts for some other motive.....

The knowledge of the collective members of this site will continue to be the place to go for the story of these cars. Books will fade away......

Oh crap, shhhhhhh!!! the other site might be listening...... :eek::icon_pani:scared:



Well-known member
Feb 12, 2003
this is truly sad, and it tarnishes this site and the "gt/cs way of life".
is it ok for a couple of people to talk freely as they wish here, but Paul and i can't talk freely at saac?
some talk trash about people, then complain when people defend themselves.

Paul was defending himself from the accusations that were started here.
and who's lurking where?

and i'm hiding at saac??? really???
i don't say anything here to keep peace, and then you call me out?

if this garbage doesn't stop, it will divide the gt/cs owners even further, and it will destroy this site
for the sake of the site, and people who don't want to see it, i will not comment any further on this thread.

Midnight Special

Well-known member
Nov 5, 2005
Grass Valley, California
...Fair enough jbart, but the original assault started with this (his words):

This is a book that I was not consulted for, and I DO NOT approve of it's publication--nor is it a Ford Licensed publication.
The GT/CS Registry DOES NOT approve of this book, either. I was not notified, nor invited to this event.
I was not asked for permission to use the "short history" section, which is propretiary, and copyrighted in my 1989 and 1996 editons.
This speaks volumes of the intent of this book, and what's (really) going on over at CS.com, and why I left it for SAAC Forums.
You don't have to think too far to connect the dots why this book was done.

Paul M. Newitt
GT/CS Registrar.

To me, this has been an unacceptable and untruthful trend that has gone on for a long time without check and is the sole reason I defend THIS resourse! Many will indeed call it childish, and to that end, I sometimes wish I wasn't such the history buff, 'cuz it aint always pretty. Nonetheless, it is what it is and if you want to keep people from commenting adversely, deal with the creator of these "divisions" and stop helping him maintain his authoritative illusions.

To not place them in check as we have the right to do here will only encourage other friends with original thought as Cory to continue getting slammed on your other site and thus, more division. Personally, I could care less about your conversations over there - I won't join SAAC to correct their record, but for honor sake of this - my home - I reserve the right to speak in favor of free-flowing helpful information without "copyright, license, permission, approval" and so on... Had I thought I needed what he implies - I would never have chosen the GT/CS as my car of cars.........>
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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
And at other times yelling loud and clear is the best way to get your point across! Guess that's why both options are available?

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
this is truly sad, and it tarnishes this site and the "gt/cs way of life".
is it ok for a couple of people to talk freely as they wish here, but Paul and i can't talk freely at saac?
some talk trash about people, then complain when people defend themselves.

Paul was defending himself from the accusations that were started here.
and who's lurking where?

and i'm hiding at saac??? really???
i don't say anything here to keep peace, and then you call me out?

if this garbage doesn't stop, it will divide the gt/cs owners even further, and it will destroy this site
for the sake of the site, and people who don't want to see it, i will not comment any further on this thread.

You will comment again, trust me. Who from this site is posting on SAAC? We have the right, and I dare say the duty, to ensure the book is factual and correct. As I said before this site was harvested freely to assist the author with the information to complete this book. And was the primary source of revenue up front to get it off the ground. As this site supplied the information, for the most part it has a good source of its info.

Jon set up this site with no motive but the love of the HCS & GT/CS cars. He profits barely the money to keep it going and stays in the background, yet freely assisted in "the book".

The author of "the book" has no motive other than accolades and money. Good on him. The copy write banner on pictures and data supplied by members of this site are evidence enough.

Anyway, ride the brief wave of whatever. This site will live on and eclipse and finalize the story. I for one am glad his drama can live on elsewhere.

Please do not post. We will continue to try to fill in the holes in his registry with the rest of the cars he left out for selfish reasons.



Well-known member
Dec 14, 2006
Loomis, Ca
And at other times yelling loud and clear is the best way to get your point across! Guess that's why both options are available?

Well said Tim and Cory!! :thumb:

The book we all put together as a team just reflects the way we all love our cars. It was not meant to be a fact book or reference guide (that was his job!). Ours is just a fun book for everyone to show to their friends and display at car shows. I have proudly shown that book to so many people and everyone thinks it is fantastic!! Paul had no right to criticize us for doing our own personal "photo album"!


Well-known member
Dec 29, 2004
Houston Texas


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Tim, Rob, Cory and others, I understand the frustration at those comments directed at this site. And I certainly share it. But responding to every single petty or snide remark would be a full time job and just perpetuate the drama.

As has been said before, the collective knowledge and resources of the members here is outstanding. And I believe it's strong enough to stand on it's own. That expertise and helpfulness speaks for itself so ultimately I'm not concerned about remarks made to the contrary elsewhere.

And Jason, I like your horse! :wink:


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
Tim, Rob, Cory and others, I understand the frustration at those comments directed at this site. And I certainly share it. But responding to every single petty or snide remark would be a full time job and just perpetuate the drama.

As has been said before, the collective knowledge and resources of the members here is outstanding. And I believe it's strong enough to stand on it's own. That expertise and helpfulness speaks for itself so ultimately I'm not concerned about remarks made to the contrary elsewhere.

And Jason, I like your horse! :wink:

As always, thanks for being YOU Jon, you have my utmost respect!


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I have my own horse.

Lets agree to disagree where paul is concerned.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
And how many more ways can you beat a dead horse?

LOVE the cartoons. Where do they come from? (Off topic...I regress... digress... or whatever.)


Well-known member
Jun 19, 2006
Tim, Rob, Cory and others, I understand the frustration at those comments directed at this site. And I certainly share it. But responding to every single petty or snide remark would be a full time job and just perpetuate the drama.

As has been said before, the collective knowledge and resources of the members here is outstanding. And I believe it's strong enough to stand on it's own. That expertise and helpfulness speaks for itself so ultimately I'm not concerned about remarks made to the contrary elsewhere.


Exactly were the focus should be IMHO Please keep the passion and knowledge moving forward. ;)