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Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
Would like to know what type of Battery are you useing in your cars i have a autolite and need a new one Can not find a place that handles that type. need it for judging?


Well-known member
Jan 28, 2006
For my car which is a driver, I use a Honda 24F, 100 month battery with an Autolite topper. The battery is black, the Honda sticker peels right off the side and really looks nice in my opinion. The topper fits perfectly. You could always put an original Autolite battery in it just for show if you need that sort of thing.


Well-known member
Mar 26, 2010
Check out cjponyparts.com I see a Scott Drake Autolite battery in the catalogue.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
I went to my local Ford dealer and purchased a Group 24 Motocraft battery. I have this battery in all of my Mustangs and they hold a charge forever!

For shows, I took a repro Autolite Groupe 24 battery that went dead and took out all of the acid and lead plates. This is quite easy to do (be careful with the acid and put it into a plastic container) by taking a die grinder and cutting along the top seam of the battery. Once cut, the top of the battery can be removed, exposing all of the lead plates. The lead plates can be recycled. Wash out the battey case with baking soda and let dry. Once dried, use black RTV and glue the upper case to the lower case, and now you have a "show battery" that weighs 2 pounds!! You will need to change your battery at the show, and your lights won't work, but I found this to be an economical way to have an Autolite battery at the shows. I just keep the show battery and show brackets in a box in the trunk.

Hope this helps, Russ


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006
I went to my local Ford dealer and purchased a Group 24 Motocraft battery. I have this battery in all of my Mustangs and they hold a charge forever!

For shows, I took a repro Autolite Groupe 24 battery that went dead and took out all of the acid and lead plates. This is quite easy to do (be careful with the acid and put it into a plastic container) by taking a die grinder and cutting along the top seam of the battery. Once cut, the top of the battery can be removed, exposing all of the lead plates. The lead plates can be recycled. Wash out the battey case with baking soda and let dry. Once dried, use black RTV and glue the upper case to the lower case, and now you have a "show battery" that weighs 2 pounds!! You will need to change your battery at the show, and your lights won't work, but I found this to be an economical way to have an Autolite battery at the shows. I just keep the show battery and show brackets in a box in the trunk.

Hope this helps, Russ

That is a good idea for peoples choice or shows where you do not have to pass technical inspection.
Can someone get a vintage battery reconditioned?


Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
When i had my 56 Pontiac I bought my batterys from antique auto i bought 3 they never lasted more then 3 years they did not do any thing abouit getting new ones so then i started to buy them from a auto store for 1/3 the cost and know they are very costly i think by going to ford is the way to go they charge 110.00 for a 24a thanks for all you help Tom from Wisconsin


Well-known member
May 22, 2009
I purchased a new acid fill Autolite and have never filled it. I change it out at the show, it allway looks new and clean. Marty


Well-known member
Mar 27, 2011
Hi Guys, i have picked up an Autolite repro battery made by New Castle Battery Mfg that was made with no internal components, dated 93/94. Anyone heard of these?

I know that New Castle Batteries did eventually produce a working version of these batteries around 2003 ish and that they were bought out and the new guys went out of business. but i have not been able to find when the repro's first came out, and if this is a prototype or they were sold as display models to the public?

Cheers, Tim