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Search results

  1. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Door data plate

    You mean there are Mustangs in other colors? :grin: Car looks great Neil!!! Nice work.
  2. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale 68 High Country Special

    Sorry to hear of your health issues and all that comes along with that. Thoughts and prayers coming your way. Best of luck with everything.
  3. BroadwayBlue

    1968 The Sea Foam Special Rides Again...

    Nice car, looks great! Enjoy it!
  4. BroadwayBlue

    collector car insurance

    Wow never had to get mine appraised. Just sent pictures and they gave me the value which I was very happy with. A year later they wanted to raise the CS another $10K for a minor bump in premium. Curious to know if you dealt with Hagerty directly or through an independent agent?
  5. BroadwayBlue

    SOLD 1968 J Code GT Mustang Coupe

    Nice car Kerry!! Would definitely consider it if I was in the market for another.
  6. BroadwayBlue

    collector car insurance

    I have had Hagerty all along and very happy with them so far. Paying about $600/year for both my 68 CS and my 96 GT Convertible at $35K and $12K agreed values respectively with unlimited mileage. Also includes Roadside Assistance on all the cars I own, not just my Mustangs. I've had to use...
  7. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Power Brake Booster Rebuild Recommendations

    Thanks, i did see them on the WCCC site. I talked to Karps who is going to do the rebuild. They said the spacer should be on there. They recommended sending in my master cylinder along with the booster and they will make sure everything that's supposed to be there is there and make sure...
  8. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Power Brake Booster Rebuild Recommendations

    Here are pics of my booster without the spacer. Also the plastic "gasket" and a shot of the master cylinder. There is also a picture of how I think it's supposed to be with spacer, filter and plastic filter retainer. At this point thinking of just buying a spacer, filter and retainer if I can...
  9. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Power Brake Booster Rebuild Recommendations

    Thanks Arlie! It looks like you had the spacer. I will post pictures of mine when I get home.
  10. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Power Brake Booster Rebuild Recommendations

    Ok I have a question. We got the booster out of the car. The place I am sending it to said if I included the aluminum plate (Spacer) they would check it out. I noticed that there was no spacer installed in between the master cylinder and the booster. There was only a plastic gasket. That's the...
  11. BroadwayBlue

    1968 Final restoration pics

    Gorgeous! It looks great!!
  12. BroadwayBlue

    Thank goodness for old technology

    Fiat Chrysler recalls 1.4 million cars after Jeep hack Well this recall didn't take long :smile: Fiat Chrysler recalls 1.4 million cars after Jeep hack http://www.bbc.com/news/technology-33650491
  13. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale J-code in NM on Ebay

    Thanks Mike! I was being lazy and only checked the online registry here.
  14. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale J-code in NM on Ebay

    Wow that's wild! The ebay car is listed as white by the seller. Which registry is showing it as Diamond Blue? I don't see it in the online registry here. If it's in the book I didn't check there.
  15. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale 2011 HP, Less than 9,000 miles (matching louvers)

    Sorry to hear of your Dad's health challenges. Good luck with selling the car.
  16. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale J-code in NM on Ebay

    I see white too. Also it's been relisted www.ebay.com/itm/Ford-Mustang-GT-CS-/271933056983?vxp=mtr
  17. BroadwayBlue

    For Sale C-Code in Oregon

    Is it just me or the links aren't working? :undecided
  18. BroadwayBlue

    Hudson Valley Mustang Association 33rd Annual Car Show

    Thanks Tim! I enjoy taking them.
  19. BroadwayBlue

    . Happy Birthday Timmknz

    Happy Birthday!
  20. BroadwayBlue

    Hudson Valley Mustang Association 33rd Annual Car Show

    Here are some pictures from my local club's show this past weekend. Great weather and location right on the banks of the Hudson River. http://ponyrides.smugmug.com/Car-Shows-and-Cruises/2015/HVMA33/i-8RrQBqB Our Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/HVMustangAssoc