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Search results

  1. Russ

    best guide for gt/cs restoration

    Paul Newitt's GT/CS Recognition Guide and follow up book on the same subject are the best books out there for GT/CS specific information. Paul uses this site and has his email address on another forum post. Hope this helps. Russ
  2. Russ

    Help with tower clamps

    Just slip the clamp over the hose and tighten with a 3/8" socket. Don't tighten with a screwdriver as it might slip and do some damage. The socket will keep the tower straight also. Good Luck, Russ
  3. Russ

    Help with tower clamps

    If your tower clamps are original, I would try to restore them by pushing the tower back down and reinstalling them. There is a question about what clamps to use on a 68 Mustang from San Jose, though. The other clamp is a "wire" type of clamp that supposedly was installed at San Jose...
  4. Russ

    Fav color for a car

    I love 'em all, except............ Russ
  5. Russ

    Fav color for a car

    Being a nut on originality, I like whatever the car was painted when it left the factory!! I have to say, though, I would probably pass on a Seafoam Green car (ugh!). Russ
  6. Russ

    GT/CS 289, engine swap

    Another thought on this topic is that of the weight of the engine. The 390ci FE engine is quiet heavy, while the 351 is close to the weight of the original 289/302. Front springs could remain and handling characteristics would not be adversely affected. Again, just a thought. Russ
  7. Russ

    Are all GT/CS's true GT's?

    I have a GT and a GT/CS and the Marti report is specific on each car: "GT option" and "California Special" are identified under options. Russ
  8. Russ

    GT/CS 289, engine swap

    As I understand it, the biggest issue is the shock towers on a 390 are different than the small block, and these would need to be replaced to make this swap. If you want greater displacement and an easier engine swap, consider a 351W and go with a stroker crank...407ci!!! The 351 fits the...
  9. Russ

    Windshield Wipers

    Two issues: The VIN plate is always found on the passenger side on 1968 Mustangs and the original wipers are Trico stainless steel units that do not have the wind deflector. Hope this helps. Russ
  10. Russ

    Engine Block Stampings

    The bottom manifold is an "early style" exhaust manifold that fits a 289 or a 302 ci engine. The upper manifold is a later replacement that has strengthening ribs to reduce or stop the manifold from warping from heat. The exhaust manifold has nothing to do with the 1968 emissions issues, which...
  11. Russ

    Dashboard Color

    Darb, The color of the dash/steering column is based upon the interior color, but on your description, it sounds like yu have a black interior (2A code). If your interior is black, then the dash/steering column color is black metalic, and you can buy a spray can of this color from National...
  12. Russ


    Sunlit Gold I goofed. She is stationed at Camp Humphries, and is an Army aviator. She is XO and assigned to Alpha Co. 2-52 Aviation. Good luck in Korea. She loves it, but she is ready to transition back to the states in aobut six months. Russ
  13. Russ


    Sunlit Gold, My daughter is stationed in Osan as a 1LT Army helicopter pilot. Her name is 1LT Dana Furstnow, and she is a Mustang fan. Look her up, she will be glad to see you. Russ
  14. Russ


    Beautiful Flagstaff, AZ, near the Grand Canyon and in the pine trees at 7000 feet. Russ
  15. Russ

    Deluxe Seat Belts

    I have two 1968 Mustangs, both built in December, one from San Jose and one from New Jersey and neither have shoulder belts. I have a 1968 GT that was built February 20 in San Jose, and it has shoulder belts. FYI: Russ
  16. Russ

    Curious--how much less is a CS worth w/o...

    When you take the intake manifold off the car, a casting number is found in the area where the hydraulic lifters are located. Some blocks are identified with 289 and some with 302. On the heads, the identification numbers can be seen when you take the valve covers off. Remember, its the...
  17. Russ

    Curious--how much less is a CS worth w/o...

    Question: Where is the serial number stamping on the 200 ci six, and where is it located on the 390ci?? Lots of discussion on the 289/302. I checked two other 1968 289 engine blocks I have, and guess what........no stamped VIN numbers on that machined surface behind the intake maniflod. These...
  18. Russ

    problem with my fan

    Too bad about the fan shroud, as a replacement is around $100. You can get some plastic epoxy and glue it back together. I did that on my GT, and it has been holding for the past year. About the fan, there are many different 1968 fans, and some have a larger diameter. My car (289 cu in with...
  19. Russ

    stupid move

    If you want to cover the door edge, I would suggest purchasing accessory chrome door edge guards. This will cover any paint chips and was an original accessory from Ford. Just a thought, Russ
  20. Russ

    Curious--how much less is a CS worth w/o...

    Cory, I totally agree with you. Russ