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I have been to three car shows this year and I'm batting one hundred per cent with the rain . The fourth one is coming up this Sat . and it doesn't look any better.
I got to my second one, but didn't take the GT/CS, all the time it look like rain and sliped my mine and forgot pictures, but will be on my way to another fun day with lunch and cruise with the SVT gang, and I was invited so I will most definatly take pictures, but there is a slight chance of rain all day and hope not to get this GT/CS to dirty for photes.
I will never do another car show in the rain..................
89 dummies showed up for the show,132mile round trip rained all day.my car was a mess when i got it home. Spent all sun cleaning her up. Did take 1st
in mustang class.but never will do a show in the rain again.any one out there feel the same? Lol- nates68
I will never do another car show in the rain..................
89 dummies showed up for the show,132mile round trip rained all day.my car was a mess when i got it home. Spent all sun cleaning her up. Did take 1st
in mustang class.but never will do a show in the rain again.any one out there feel the same? Lol- nates68
Well it didn't rain on Sat but it rained all day on Friday. I was fortunate enough to be selected to display my car on the inside of building T along beside Joel GTCS. We were parked beside of each other. That way anybody can compare the cars. I have been showing my car for five years and have ran across one other one Bob Teets,
On a slightly related note...last weekend I was scheduled to take my work truck to Las Vegas for an event. I had it washed and I didn't get 10 miles when a heavy thunder shower came down and messed up the rig. I went another 40 miles and had sunshine after that all the way to Vegas, but OH what a job to clean up a black 18 wheeler all chromed out and all by myself. It had to look good because where I had to park it, everyone had to walk around it to get in the building where we had the seminar.