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Search results

  1. case12

    For Sale Casey's GT/CS For Sale

    1968 Mustang GT/CS California Special VIN 8R01C142473 Sunlit Gold Well, the time has finally come for me to move on from my GT/CS. I have too many cars and one has to go to make room. I know it may be a shock to everyone, but sometimes in life it’s just time to move on. This is hard - so, I...
  2. case12

    1968 Thinking about adding to the stable...

    I too need to join Mustangs Anonymous - I have the addiction. I just bought the 2007 GT-H Shelby convertible, and the guilt is killing me:embarass:. But it is so awesome to drive (daily driver - snow, salt, rain, sun) :grin:. I agree with Tim that you have to "live with yourself" (and your...
  3. case12

    1968 Build date question - how early?

    First day of GT/CS production was Jan 16, 1968. Casey
  4. case12

    2007+ Birthday Present

    I can't remember if I posted this here. Sorry if it is a repost. But wanted my CS family to know I now am a proud Shelby GT-H owner.... ============== My birthday present this year is a 2007 Mustang Shelby Hertz convertible. It is black with gold strips. No official tags yet (though I have...
  5. case12

    1968 mini calspec

    Wow! That is awesome! Casey
  6. case12

    . Tested the Limits of Ford's 302 Block, lets just say its no Chevy 350

    David. I have a better deal for you. I will PM you. But it will probably have to wait to spring, which may be too late for what you need. Casey
  7. case12

    . Tested the Limits of Ford's 302 Block, lets just say its no Chevy 350

    David, I have a mild 289 you can have if you just pay for shipping. It's just sitting around gathering dust. Casey
  8. case12

    Joe, please send me, or direct me, to more info on this event. I have a CS and a Shelby. Thx...

    Joe, please send me, or direct me, to more info on this event. I have a CS and a Shelby. Thx, Casey
  9. case12

    2007+ New Addition to the Stable - A Shelby

    Thanks all. I am enjoying it. I love the Hertz history on this car. Havent driven it much because we got a big snow storm that dropped a foot or more - so the Shelby would just be a snowplow. It will clear out eventually (I just put snow tires on it - $1200, yikes!) . In mean time I drive...
  10. case12

    2007+ New Addition to the Stable - A Shelby

    Well, for my birthday (Dec 20) I bought myself a 2007 Shelby Hertz convertible. I had rented one in LA last year and fell in love with it. This one came from Hawaii to auction and a dealer in Dallas bought it. I flew to Dallas with my daughter and we drove it back. It is awesome! I know...
  11. case12

    Final License Frames - GTCS & HCS

    Yes, please send me a PM with your info and address and I will get one to you right away. Thanks, Casey
  12. case12

    1968 Flat hood GT-CS

    The one I found does not say the hood was deleted. I think we have had this same discussion about the GT package....ie, when certain packages are chosen, other items that would conflict would be automatically deleted.....but to your point, they are not showing on the Marti in this case. Here...
  13. case12

    1968 Flat hood GT-CS

    A Marti report would tell all. If the deluxe hood was deleted, then it would show up. The GT/CS package came with the deluxe hood unless ordered otherwise. Casey
  14. case12

    Final License Frames - GTCS & HCS

    Now down to only 6 left :eek:. Casey
  15. case12

    1968 Script Position

    Here is the blueprint of the back tail light plate covering (for those who like to decipher engineering drafting). I have a side view as well. Also have one for the "nipple" plates. Again, I dont know how much this helps, unless there are major differences on what you have and this BP...
  16. case12

    1968 Script Position

    Rob, I want to help with this. First I will check the blueprints and see if there is anything there. Will let you know. I dont have any better pictures of the debut, but will check into it. Kevin Marti has made it clear to me that there were no GNS GT/CS's - I asked him to check on this very...
  17. case12

    1968 Dash badging

    Not anymore...They were early 90's. Limited made then. Occasionally someone on this site may want to sell, or they may have shown up on ebay once in the last 5 years. A collectors item. There were hat pins too - one for the registry (I have one of those) and one of the "California Special"...
  18. case12

    1968 Dash badging

    Paul Newitt had them made right around the same time as his first book. So, they are add-ons. Pretty rare to find! Casey
  19. case12

    1968 Dash badging

    Yes, the bottom one goes where the mustang and red pony emblem are on the plastic dash piece above the glove box. The whole piece is easily removable from underneath through the glove box. Casey
  20. case12

    1968 california special marchal fog lights

    Here is a portion of the Marchal blueprint that shows the front. There are many other angles and numbers on other parts of the blueprint. Didn't know if it would help (using the numbers??) - but thought I would share. Casey