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Search results

  1. case12

    My GT/CS Selected for Concours d'Elegance

    I just received notice that my 68 GT/CS has been selected for the Barrington Concours d'Elegance. This is like the "Pebble Beach" of the midwest. "Featuring 100 of the worlds most rare, historic and classic cars". They selected my GT/CS to represent the "pony car" era, and to represent...
  2. case12

    Air Shocks

    Has anyone put rear air shocks on their 68 GTCS to lift the rear end. My rear-end is sagging, and rather than replace the springs, I was thinking a quick replacement of the shocks would allow me to lift it to whatever height I want. Thoughts? Casey
  3. case12

    Galpin Auto Sports, GT/CS, HCS 40th Anniversary

    Here is the article done in Mustang Times on the big celebration in April. Mary Jean did a great job! See if you can pick out your GT/CS in a picture.... I was happy they gave my daughter credit for some of the pictures. At 16, she is now a "published photographer". :smile: BTW, I am not...
  4. case12


    OK - so my weekend project has been the start of scrubbing my undercarriage. I got a lot of good ideas from another thread I started on the subject. I chose to use Greased Lightning - it works great. I am finding primer and overspray under those 40 years of road dirt. See pic attached - I...
  5. case12

    Where to put it - the registry decal

    OK - I thought I would have some fun and ask others where they put their registry decal. I put mine in the back window lower corner passenger side, but because it is a transparent decal it is hard to see, so I am contemplating moving it somewhere else - but where? I already have a SAAC sticker...
  6. case12

    Shelby Hertz Convertible I rented for Galpin Show

    Here are a couple of pics of the Shelby Hertz at Galpin, Knotts, and the beach. AWESOME ride. Lots of looks and thumbs up. One pic is at Newport Beach and the other is at Galpin with my daugther Emily - Paul Newitt is taking the picture.:grin: Casey
  7. case12

    40th Anniversary/Galpin Pictures of Awardees - Coming Soon

    Just wanted to let the awardee's know that the pictures will be available soon. Emily (my daughter) took a pic of everyone of you with Paul and Mary Jean Wesche, and we plan to put them on a shared site so you can just download them and print them yourself as a keepsake. Unfortunately, we...
  8. case12

    Prestigous Lee Iacocca Award - Paul Newitt - Congrats!

    I wanted to congratulate and let everyone on the site know that Paul Newitt received a national prestigious award at the show. Paul received the LEE IACOCCA AWARD for his lifetime achievements with the California Special. This a coveted award given out at other very prestigious events like...
  9. case12

    Snakebite - SAAC - GT/CS Registry

    I noticed in the latest Snakebite newsletter that an original unsold copy of the 1989 GT/CS book signed by Paul is for sale to assist the SAAC litigation fund. I think the price was $200. It may already have sold. Casey
  10. case12

    Nice Brittany Blue CS

    This one is nice and fresh resto looking. Not all original - but very appealing. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-C-S-Coupe-1968-California-Special-Mustang-Brittany-Blue-289-V8_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQihZ014QQitemZ330222822318QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW
  11. case12

    I need your 1968 428CJ for a Mustang Times Article

    see other thread
  12. case12

    I need your 1968 428CJ for a Mustang Times Article

    Hello Gang, I have been cleared to write a 40th anniversary article on the 428CJ for Mustang Times. The article will start with a short overview of the 428CJ engine and specs (not history - that is in another sister article), and then I am doing 4-5 special interest stories and pictures of...
  13. case12

    The Blueprint Archives

    Here is the list of what I was able to assemble from the incredible find. This is over 50 original documents of blueprints (some 90 inches long!) and releases. I have sent them to Paul for the book. As you can see, there is an AMAZING amount of information here, which will make the GT/CS...
  14. case12

    Pasadena Motors - Bill Kellas Ford

    For years I have searched for any Pasadena Motors stuff because that is where my GTCS was sold. Mostly looking for license plate frame. Many of you have helped me. They were on 101 Arroya Parkway in Pasadena. I have been able to find nothing about them. I just stumbled across this postcard...
  15. case12

    Somebody Sniped Me - Blueprints!

    As I have been informing you all, I have been able to assemble nearly 50 original documents for the GT/CS from the eBay auctions, and on-the-side-deals with the seller. I had been successfull getting everything with Jason's help with the snipe program and had already sent a tube of prints and...
  16. case12

    CS on Psych

    I was watching a rerun of Psych last night and saw a 68 California Special. The episode is "Zero to murder in 60 seconds". The CS is at the very end and it is THE car they find the drugs hidden in. I have watched the episode two times and missed it the first time. It is a blue "tricked out"...
  17. case12

    GT Valance Fit

    After having my GT/CS in Mustang Times magazine, Jason mentioned I should trade out my "old school" chrome pipes sticking out from under the rear to the GT valance and tail pipes. I resisted for a while, but in doing all the engine work I decided to make it look right. I bought an aftermarket...
  18. case12

    347 Stroker - My Christmas Present

    It was expensive, and she is still in the shop for some tune-up tweaks, but ain't she a beauty?!?!! The only difference between men and boys is the price of their toys!!:grin: 347 stroker - Tri-star Engines - 355HP, 411 ft.lb torque. Vintage Shelby brushed aluminum valve covers and air...
  19. case12

    Almost Done - But Need to Stop Her

    OK, car is still at the shop but almost done - the 347 stroker is in, the dual-exhaust and JBA shorties are hooked up. edlebrock intake and carb are set. the 2200 stall converter, and shift kit, and trans cooler are installed, and the rear end has been changed to 3.2 gears. The brushed...
  20. case12

    40th GT/CS - HCS Anniversary

    It will soon be time for me to plan my family vacations. 1. Has anyone decided or taken the lead to plan a 40th anniversary in California? (Knott's Farm?) (Galpin Ford?) (The beach?) 2. Same for mid-west or east coast. (steamboat springs? detroit?, carlilse?) 3. SAAC or MCA special...