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Search results

  1. case12

    Title Search

    Does anyone know how, or can do a title search for me for my CS in california? Abika almost got there, but they told me they couldnt do it. I would like to fill in some holes of ownership lineage. Thanks, Casey
  2. case12

    289 Pistons

    Are these stock 289 pistons? If not what does a stock piston head look like - and if not, what kind of pistons are these? Casey
  3. case12

    Which Mustang is winning?

    Here is a picture of Neil's (Franklnair) CS chasing a WWII mustang. Or is it the other way around? Nice picture Neil! Casey
  4. case12

    License Frames - Part 2 - 2007/2008/1968

    Paul and I have been discussing adding the interest of potential sale of new license frames to his mailer. I have a very limited number of 1968 frames left. Plenty of HCS. See the 'sticky' license frames at the top of the forum for more info. So, here is my current plan. If there is enough...
  5. case12

    1968 GT/CS in Mustang Enthusiast

    If this was already noted by someone on the site, I apologize. But, there is a very nice restomod GT/CS in Mustang Enthusiast Nov issue. Interesting that stripes are painted on. Casey
  6. case12

    Paul N. / Galpin Ford / Registry Flyers

    Paul called me and wanted everyone on the web site to know that he will be getting the flyer out ASAP. He is driving back from Galpin Ford, home of California car culture now and in the 60's, the largest Ford volume dealer in the world - and a big influence on the 68 CS. He went there to...
  7. case12

    Do You Feel Lonely In GT/CS Cyberspace?

    It seems as though many of our California family are having a great party today at the GT/CS barbecue gathering. It is too quiet on the forum. :scared: Maybe the rest of us GT/CS owners should have our own cyberspace party?:grin: Casey
  8. case12

    Drooping Visors

    Anyone have trouble with their sun visors not staying up while driving. Mine start drooping, and I have to keep pushing them up. I have tried crimping the metal, using electrical tape, and adding paper, and they still droop. Thoughts? Casey
  9. case12

    Windshield Woes

    OK - so I got points taken off at the MCA show in Springfield for having a chip in my windshield (way down at the bottom center about an inch above the bottom of the glass - looks just like a 'BB" hit it if you know what that looks like). I never noticed it much, and hoped they would overlook...
  10. case12

    CALIGIRL'S 2007 GT/CS Featured on StangPlanet

    Congrats Linda! Casey http://www.stangplanet.com/ http://stangplanet.com/forum/showthread.php?t=152
  11. case12

    MCA Nationals - Springfield

    Great show - 490 Mustangs - but, either I was in the wrong class (ODK - which includes all occassional drivers that are trailered from 1964-1978) or my car needs a lot of work. I didnt win anything. My undercarriage looks like a 40 year old car from Pasadena, and I like it that way...to show...
  12. case12

    Two GT/CS's Built on the Same Day

    Recently Roland (karolscali) contacted me showing from his Marti report that his CS was built the same day as mine. Since both of our cars are fairly early, I checked into some of the details to see what we could learn about how the CS's were built on the line, and what ways they were ordered...
  13. case12

    Auto Trailer

    I am thinking about buying my own auto trailer. I am tired of renting one for shows (I missed have my CS at the Indy show because I got to the rental place the day of leaving and they only had a "bobcat" trailer waiting for me - and everything else was rented). My Highlander can only tow 3500...
  14. case12

    Indy Show

    Just got back from the Mustang show in Indianapolis. Unfortunately I could not make it in the CS. My trailer situation didnt work out (it's a one way 6 hour trip). So, I took my daily driver GT convertible. I really wanted the CS on the Indy track run, but at least I got to drive on the...
  15. case12

    My 2000GT Questions

    ...Thus the reason I put this in off topic lounge. But you guys are usually great with answers, so I thought I would give it a try on this forum: I recently added a set 9inch wide wheels on the rear with brand new 275 F1 eagle D3 GS. Fronts are standard 8 inch with same tires except 245's...
  16. case12

    Private Messages

    Jon, when I had a private message waiting for me, it used to be highlighted in pink at the top right. That has gone away about 2 or 3 months ago - for me at least. Not a big deal, but it did make it easier for me to make sure to check private messages that were open. Did I change something...
  17. case12

    Ford GT or Califronia Special?

    Well, Chicago is beautiful this time of year, so I took my CS out for a spin around town. In my neighborhood I am stopped by a screaming yellow Ford GT. The gentleman stopped to tell me how much he admired my car. I was standing there almost drooling on his GT, and he is talking about how he...
  18. case12

    2008 GT/CS Guide - Warriors in Pink

    2008 order guide - it does include the GT/CS and Grabber Orange. In 2008 they offering a Warriors in Pink mustang, and there is a GT/CS version which claims to have a pink stripe? :icon_pani casey
  19. case12

    Some Things We Might Want to Consider on Our Site

    I was at the Mach 1 registry site. It is very similar to ours, but has some very nice front end features like items for sale, old and new Mach 1 views on front page, Pictures of Mach 1 and history, Mach 1 magazine reference, and of course Forums. The users are quite family oriented as we are...
  20. case12

    Restorer's Guide

    This author's first book on 64-66 mustang was very good and helped me with my restoration...lots of concourse markings, and great photos for restoring my 66. All color - gloss pages. Undercarriage markings, engine markings, interior. Not your typical black and white restoration book, and not...