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Search results

  1. case12

    Headers Heat

    Mike, Joe, I did not want to hijack Arlie's engine repair thread with this question. So here it goes. On that thread you both mentioned header heat. I have two problems, one of which I solved. One of my header tubes is very close to the brake master cylinder. It used to boil over fluid...
  2. case12

    1968 Hot Rod GT/CS Debut

    I already have this one, but someone on the site should be interested. This is the debut of the Cal Spec in the original 1968 Hot Rod Magazine. Looks to be original. Casey...
  3. case12


    As normal, I crank my 'Stangs in storage once a month in the winter and let them run for 30mins. This time my GT/CS starts smoking blue smoke (oil) on one side (passenger side). It was doing this just a barely perceivable amount in the summer - but now it is really puffing. It puffs blue...
  4. case12

    Decent GT/CS

    Needs TLC, but a good starter? Hood pins appear missing. Early car. Do the foglights look unusual? Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-Ca-Spec-GT-1968-Mustang-Cal-Special-GT_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQihZ007QQitemZ170059174499QQrdZ1
  5. case12

    Black Chassis Paint

    I want to paint the underside of my '66 convertible. It is a nice show car, but not concourse. I just want it looking clean underneath. Problem is that I cant spray while on my back, and the overspray will get on other things in the garage (it is winter here). Eastwood has several versions...
  6. case12

    Humidity Level

    For those of you who "winter" their cars in garages, what is the proper humidity level to keep in the garage? I have a heated garage (gas heat), and on the far end my wife will pull in and out, bringing in snow or rain, and causing windows to fog/sweat in the garage. I have a dehumidifier out...
  7. case12

    Door Trim

    Of course this sunlit gold GT/CS caught my eye. I like the chrome air cleaner lid. How can one have 75% original paint? What I am really intrigued by is the chrome trim at the bottom inside of the doors. I havent seen this before. Anyone know what it is? Casey...
  8. case12

    8 Track

    How many of you have an original 8 Track radio still in your GT/CS? I miss my 8 track days (although there is no way to beat the high tech iPOD). Casey
  9. case12

    Radiator Paint

    I want my engine compartment to look clean. The front of the radiator, where many people look when I am at car shows, has dings to the fins, bugs, and who knows what stuck in there. Each time I clean it, of course the stuff returns once driven again. What is the best way to clean...
  10. case12

    Decent GT/CS

    Looks like a nice car to start with. Some work required. No reserve. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-C-A-special-1968-FORD-MUSTANG-CALIFORNIA-SPECIAL_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQihZ017QQitemZ270050346979QQrdZ1
  11. case12

    Emissions Testing - 1968?

    This may have been covered before. I just found out (from the state of Illinois letter) that in certain Illinois zip codes, that any car 1968 or younger must go for emissions testing. You can exempt if you have antique plates, or are a show car - meaning you cant drive it anywhere but to...
  12. case12

    2007 GT/CS - Dealer Selling on Ebay

    Well, the dealers have them and this one is eBay bidding a premium above MSRP. One thing I noticed is that the "California Special" is on the back 'gas cap' emblem and not special script on the trunk as we had seen before. Casey...
  13. case12

    Shelby Show - Volo Museum

    Great day at the Shelby Show at Volo today. Shelby himself didnt make it due to health, but he did call in over the loud speakers. A nice side benefit was having all the dash plaques autographed by him. Here are some pictures. One is a nice line up of Shelbys, the other is of my GTCS with...
  14. case12

    WOW! Tasca Cobra Jet Drag Race "150" Series

    If you have money to burn, this seems like an outstanding very very rare cobra jet car! BIN is only $165,000. Probably worth it. Casey http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/Ford-Mustang-COBRA-JET-1-OF-50-FACTORY-DRAG-RACE-135-SERIES_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ6236QQitemZ4644102421QQrdZ1
  15. case12

    Where is Paul Newitt?

    I spoke to our very own GT/CS guru today, and he asked that I let everyone know that he will be back in about 2 weeks. He has been working a major project that has taken him completely away from the computer. Don't know about you, but I think we have been missing our guru. :cry: Casey
  16. case12

    Mustang Enthusiast - 2007 GT/CS

    2007 GT/CS (red) on front and an article about it and the Hertz Shelby in August issue. (wow, I am getting the August issue on June 1???). Casey
  17. case12

    Real Deal?

    I have emailed the owner on this one. Things dont seem to add up, as I cant get any of the feedback links to work? No VIN and no engine pics. The low price is attractive and I will definitely find out more and try to make a deal on it if it is real. It is in Maryland. Thoughts anyone? Casey...
  18. case12

    Chrome Air Cleaner Lid

    I am sprucing up my engine compartment just a bit. I have a C code, but would like to add the X code chrome lid with a 289 sticker. Is this a rare item or available from most mustang parts stores? I just want the chrome lid. Thx, Casey
  19. case12

    Starter or Battery?

    Need some help. 351W engine. C4 trans. Starter engages but wont turn engine over. Try two or three times and it usually will finally work normally. I am afraid I will get stuck out somewhere and not be able to start. I have replaced the starter with a recon one, which died (dont know why -...
  20. case12

    289/302 Gtcs

    Nice looking GTCS. Maybe the girl will help sell it. She looks younger than my daughter. :rolleyes: Pros- Nice car with Marti report - an original Candy Apple Red. Convenience light group on console (I dont see this often). Factory AC/PS/PB and argent wheels. Cons - They got the...