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2008 California Special Member Get Together


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2004
Martinsville, IN
Yeah, I did a poll on this (on page 2). It was viewed 78 times and only had a total of 8 votes. The majority said they were not inclined to travel a great distance as in a pony trail. A three location deal seems to be what everyone is favoring. On the other hand, I've kind of used this a fuel for me to get off my a@@ and get my car good and road ready. There is enough time for me to do this and put some miles on it prior to. This is just a mark I've set for myself and nobody should feel badly if they can't make that kind of trek. I've missed out on so many of these type of things in the past, I'm going to do at least one. This is it. As much as I would love for the event to be in centralized, I've pretty much made up my mind that as long as it's not Hawaii, I'm going. Most people outside of the west coast probably won't attend, but who knows. As time gets closer, I'm sure there will be someone that will tag along with me. My car isn't even a GT/CS, but I'll be there. I'll assume they would unvail the 08 GTCS in Cali, but wherever they decide to do it, that's where a large presence of us should be.


Well-known member
Mar 28, 2003
I still think the first get together should be for us, not a sales ploy, not a recognition adventure, not an exposure jaunt, simply a simple get together located somewhere that life is slow and simple so we can relax and spend time getting to know each other. I'm all for advancing it from there and maybe making it a 5 year event and then start looking for shows and events to mix in with.

I for one will pass if it's some hectic non stop adventure in downtown LA, been there several times and enjoyed each time but I'm not interested in Knotts Berry Farm or Disneyland for this event, been there done that and when I do it again it will be a family thing. If it's held where there are endless amusment rides or vacation suck ins everyone will be spread out and doing their own thing to incorporate into our meet their summer vacation reducing our exposure on meeting and spending time together. I'm simply interested in meeting you guys and seeing your cars and spending time shooting the shit with you. It would be my hope that there wasn't the interuption or exposure to magazines and treks across the country.

Like I've said before I think it needs to be in a calm laid back resort area offering peace and quiet and possibly a place for an afternoon sight seeing ride. Not 10 billion cars and smog and traffic and distractions galore along with the difficulty in hearing each other while we visit

My 2 cents.

P.S. I'm not trying to get it closer to home and I could care less if it's in Idaho, that's not my point.



Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
There is a couple in Northern Ohio who runs an SAAC event here in Ohio at Mid Ohio Raceway each year. They have a GT/CS. They wanted me to bring mine last year to run the track but, she was still under construction. I have been there several times when they run the vintage cars and it's pretty sweet. Either way it would be nice to maybe have several events in several locations to allow all to attend if they want. The reality of getting everybody together in one place is pretty remote based on the locations of where the cars are now located. Just a thought.



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
[quote author=meadowsdk28 link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=60#msg12643 date=1121804141]
I say we just do this at your place. Seems the easiest to me.

Didn't Steve already offer his house? Or was it his porch? I think he also once said that he'd like to see a lot of GT/CSs parked in front of his house. We might make the Spokane news after all!


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Hey Arlie; I'll still bring beer. Geez, I've said it again. I've gotta stop that. It's gonna get expensive.

Don 8)


Well-known member
Feb 16, 2003
Arvada, CO
Hey, you guys and gals, I'm coming WHERE EVER AND WHEN EVER this event or these events take place. I'm also looking forward to the "group photo shoot" that Paul N. talked about earlier this year, whether it's in Davis, Ca., Idaho, Oregon, Arizona, Wa., Utah, Co., Montana or even anywhere east or south of here. I certainly like all the choices brought to our attention about an '08 thing for us all, also. I wish I had more confidence in myself to host something here in the Denver area, but I feel better just riding the fence, altho I would ASSIST ONLY someone who would and could spearhead, organize etc. such a gathering. I guess my preference would be Ca, Ariz, and north or north east of these areas. But, how's about Ca, Co/Utah, Missouri, Ohio areas if more than one area works. In reality, I would rather this be in Ca. where it all started. Now, back to the group photo shoot, Paul N, are we on for this thing before wintertime or not????? hicountry bob


Active member
Feb 25, 2003
I'm up for going to wherever HighCounty Bob and Paul are going to be at.... Possibly a party Friday night in Vagas, then cruse down some of Route 66, towards LA down to the Santa Monica Pier. Then Sunday hit the Knotts Show. Just a thought.....Bluto ;D


Of course, all of this is way too early to decide on, but one idea might be to have three events--but not all at the same time in 2008.

The first one should be at Knotts' Ford Show, and get as many CS cars in Calif. as possible to attend--and "swamp" the Mustang area "en mass".

The second one should be sometime in may (?) in Denver for the HCS cars, including the '66 and '67 HCS cars, too.

The third one should be early summer "east of the rockies" for all those GT/CS and HCS cars in that part of the country.

Now I need to figure out how to get to all three events. Hmmm...do the 390 4sp. with a Vortec and A/C?, or something like a HP 351W just for the trip? Oh, decisions, decisions..

As for the group photos--once I finish some of the advertising work with my other book (Model rr), I will be able to concentrate on the group photos. However--if there are something like five or more owners with their cars (outside of No. Calif) that wish to do their own group photo in color, I'll put it in the new registry. When I do the mass mailing later this summer--I'll tell folks to come to this site and coordinate their own get-togethers around the country.

Paul N.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
[quote author=68gt390 link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=45#msg12495 date=1121363385]
MCA is holding their Grand Nationals the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of Sept 05 up in Youngstown, OH. This would be a great opportunity for some of the east coast GT/CS and HCS cars to get together. So far I know of at least 3 GT/CS's from Ohio that should be attending and at least 1 HCS from PA. Anyone else out there attending this event?

Don ;D

So far I have been able to find 5 GT/CS cars here in Ohio. I know of only 2 that are in the Registery. Several of the cars attending the Grand Natiionals in Sept are not registered. So far with the number of GT/CS's that will be at the above event, I'll try and see if I can't get all the cars together at one time and do a group photo and submit it to Jon to post to the site. I'll also see about getting those not registered to do so if I can. I'll at least keep my fingers crossed and see what happens.

Don 8)


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2004
Martinsville, IN
[quote author=68gt390 link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=60#msg12702 date=1121962720]
[quote author=68gt390 link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=45#msg12495 date=1121363385]
MCA is holding their Grand Nationals ...Anyone else out there attending this event?

Don ;D

So far I have been able to find 5 GT/CS cars here in Ohio....I'll also see about getting those not registered to do so if I can. I'll at least keep my fingers crossed and see what happens.

Don 8)

Maybe I will be able to link up with you at this event, Don. My car won't be ready yet, but I'll bring a picture of it and hold it up for the group shot. I'll get with you off line to do a link up at the event.


Well-known member
Feb 22, 2004
Columbus, Ohio
Sounds like a plan to me.

At last count I figure 4 GT/CS's from Ohio. 2 Out of Cincinnati, mine from Columbus and 1 from up North. Racing Fan is bringing his from VA and hcsstang should be there with his HCS as well.

Don ;D


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
[quote author=PNewitt link=board=1;threadid=1835;start=60#msg12698 date=1121961214]
Of course, all of this is way too early to decide on, but one idea might be to have three events--but not all at the same time in 2008.

The first one should be at Knotts' Ford Show, and get as many CS cars in Calif. as possible to attend--and "swamp" the Mustang area "en mass".

The second one should be sometime in may (?) in Denver for the HCS cars, including the '66 and '67 HCS cars, too.

The third one should be early summer "east of the rockies" for all those GT/CS and HCS cars in that part of the country.

Now I need to figure out how to get to all three events. Hmmm...do the 390 4sp. with a Vortec and A/C?, or something like a HP 351W just for the trip? Oh, decisions, decisions..

As for the group photos--once I finish some of the advertising work with my other book (Model rr), I will be able to concentrate on the group photos. However--if there are something like five or more owners with their cars (outside of No. Calif) that wish to do their own group photo in color, I'll put it in the new registry. When I do the mass mailing later this summer--I'll tell folks to come to this site and coordinate their own get-togethers around the country.

Paul N.

Paul, do you mean "could be" or "should be"? If you mean "should" please explain your reasoning for the times of year. Thanks


I guess I should have said "could be". I was thinking of how the Knotts event is always in mid-April, and "if" anyone wanted to do more than one event, they could have the time to logistically get to more than one across the country.

This, of course, is all theory right now, and "kickin' ideas around.

Paul N.

Diesel Donna

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2004

Oh I will go anywhere to a GT/CS get together! I agree about the California venue because of the CALIFORNIA thing and all. Vegas is good too. If it ISN'T in the summer time Lake Havasu City, AZ. (population 50,000) is good...we have the London Bridge here ...but after you see that ,there's not a lot more to do unless you have a boat or a 4x4 with you, but you can rent those here anyhow. However it is in very close proximity to Rte. 66...there is a neat little day trip run to take from Kingman to Oatman. The Fun Run is every May out of Seligman, Az....goes along Rte 66 a long ways..but that is open to any classic vehicle. I prefer a GT/CS only group.
I think if we were in a large city situation it would be harder to keep a group together especially when out of state folks are not used to big city traffic. Me, I can go anywhere, any type of traffic, doesn't matter but I prefer the laid back easy going kind of thing. Doing something together after the Knott's show is good too. I don't know if everyone is familiar with the Knott's Berry Farm Fabulous Fords Forever show but the mention of meeting there doesn't neccesarily mean we would meet there because it is an amusement/theme park. It's just cuz we are already there in a group, and it is a Ford show. I think that was the intention of meeting there anyhow. I am open to whatever is decided.
Did I understand correctly that there will be a 2008 GT/CS? HOT DIGGITY! I had already decided that I want an 08 model, same color as my 68. Dang...that means I might have to sell something else.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003

Didn't Steve already offer his house? Or was it his porch? I think he also once said that he'd like to see a lot of GT/CSs parked in front of his house. We might make the Spokane news after all!

OK People, I'm getting in gear here. Here's my proposal. June 16th/17th we have a local car cruise/show. We could all get together and do the cruise Fri. night (think Reno/Hot August Nights on a lot smaller scale) and then on Sat. either do the car show or I could put together a 3-4 hour drive through N. Idaho so you could see the scenery, with a stop for lunch and BS'ing. An alternative would be to go to Silverwood Theme Park (www.silverwoodthemepark.com) or something else if everyone wants. Sat. night I would host a Bar-B-Q at my house, unless there is a bunch of people and then I would find an alternative location. I could check on local hotel/motels and see if I could get a group rate with seperate parking. If you are interested, I need you to email me and let me know if you are definately coming, what kind of place you normally stay in and the max. you want to spend, what kind of food you want, and what kind of activities you want to do (I vote for the cruise by the way). I'm serious about doing this and need to start planning now, so let me know. I might even, with Jon's permission, have some californiaspecial.com dash plaques made up to honor the event.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
June of 2006. Sorry. There seemed to be a concensus that we should have some regional "mini-meets" before we did a big one in 2008, and since there were lots of ideas for locations but nothing definate, I decided to step forward so the idea wouldn't die.