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2008 SAAC Convention: where is it?



Would anyone know where SAAC (Shelby American Automobile Club) might be planning to have their 2008 Convention?

thanks, Paul.


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
SAAC 32 will be held at Toole, UT, which is outside of Salt Lake City. Hope to see you there,


Thank you SO MUCH, Russ! Awesome!

OK--here is what I suggest. I have to ask SAAC (namely Rick Kopec), and propose that we ALL get our cars up and ready for a huge GT/CS and HCS convergance (migration??) to SAAC 32. This would be the BIG 40th anniversary event for the GT/CS. We would also include ALL of the 2007-2008 GT/CS cars, too, that wish to come along (as well as the CE, and SCS, and SDS cars).

After my book is out, the interest should be bigger for the GT/CS, and folks will have information on how to restore their cars (that is, more information). We can use this site for sharing info to get all our cars in perfect running and councours condition for the trek to SAAC 32.

I think this is a goal we ALL should go after! We have just under two years to do this.

What do you think? Northern Calif, Oregon, Washington and B.C. Canada GT/CS (and HCS) cars can meet at Sacramento for the trip across The Nevada desert, on U.S. Highway 50 (shades of "Vanishing Point"?). The Southern Calif, and Arizona (etc.) cars can come up from the south. We would all meet in Salt Lake.

Anyone inbetween can meet anywhere they wish with others, and/or clubs can sponsor (??) small events along the way.

East Coast cars can meet in St. Louis <??>, and come west.

This could be a great group effort!
What do you all think? Shall we do this for the 40th??
It's usually during the first week in July, 2008.

Paul N.

p.s. as a side event, SAAC also has an annual Las Vegas Shelby event, also, but I can't remember when it is...<??>


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
My wife and I attended the SAAC event in Las Vegas this year and it was held in February. The weather was great and we had a great time. Carroll Shelby was at the Friday night dinner, where he handed over the keys to a lucky winner of a new Cobra!!! There was open track at Las Vegas motor speedway, a car show and chili cook off on Sunday and two days of great touring/driving around the Las Vegas area. We also had a car show on Saturday night on Fremont Street, with the overhead light show! It was super to see all the Shelbys and Mustangs at SAAC Does Vegas 10. I would encourage you to write to Rick Kopec and see if SAAC would be willing to have the GT/CS folks "crash" the party! Good Luck! My dilema will be which car to bring......the Shelby or the CS!


An e-mail is in the works to SAAC. Then, I'll post a (hopefully) sticky about this event for the 40th Anniv. of the GT/CS and HCS.

I'm hoping to get at least 100 CS cars to attend. Utah is somewhat in the middle of the country--logistically for the GT/CS, and in the heart of the HCS cars.

This would be an awesome sight--100 or more GT/CS cars lined up. 18 was impressive for the party last month, too!

I got my car to restore, maybe with a tri-power on the 390. I drove with the Las Vegas Shelby Club members in the American Pony Drive in '94 from Vegas to L.A. It was awesome--the sound of all those cars in the desert!

More to follow....thanks, Russ!


I just heard back from Vincent Liska, the '68, and '69-'70 Shelby Registrar (SAAC).

He tells me that SAAC 32 will be in Toole, Utah, but in 2007.

We could either go for next year--or hope for the West Coast (or midwest) in '08.



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003
PNewitt said:
Thank you SO MUCH, Russ! Awesome!

What do you think? Northern Calif, Oregon, Washington and B.C. Canada GT/CS (and HCS) cars can meet at Sacramento for the trip across The Nevada desert, on U.S. Highway 50 (shades of "Vanishing Point"?). The Southern Calif, and Arizona (etc.) cars can come up from the south. We would all meet in Salt Lake.

If I went, I would be going over to Missoula, Mt. and down I-15, so there is an alternate route for a caravan. I would have to delay the start of my rafting season, but it would be worth it.



Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
We should probably do something in "08" for the 40th anniversary of the GT/CS.


Rhonda is right. We have the time to do it right, and I think something should be planned--for '08.

The spring Shelby event in Las Vegas is a good "trial run" for an event, but '08 is the time to do it right.

Since Utah is in '07, it's kinda too early. SAAC hasn't decided where to do their convention for '08 yet. I hope that it's on the West Coast--L.A. / Anaheim would be perfect!

This is on my mind--and I'm open to ideas. I want to include the '07 and '08 GT/CS cars, too (as well as the '07-'08 HCS, and the CE, SDS, and SCS). I need to do some sort of map, locating cars from the registry with pins, and then find a common place where most could attend without going too far.

Having about two years will allow for everyone that needs to do major (or minor) work on their car--will have the time to do it.



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Sounds like a plan.

If finances (for the restore work) and timing work out it would be great.
Would be a long drive though all the way to the west coast.
Sounds like a trailer trip.


I know, at this time, these ideas are getting a bit "obnoxious", since I know people like to have a plan they can focus on.

Somehow, we'll try to get something set for you all "soon".

I had a thought--what about a two-part event for 2008? One event in, or neat Denver for the HCS people--and the east-coasters, so they don't have to come "too far"., and something big in California.

This would be in the spring of '08, unless, of course the SAAC Convention is in California in July '08.

In the meantime, aiming at Knott's for next spring is a do-able thing. I'd like to get as many cars as possible to attend. Last years' group was real enthusiastic!

Paul N.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
PNewitt said:
I had a thought--what about a two-part event for 2008? One event in, or neat Denver for the HCS people--and the east-coasters, so they don't have to come "too far"., and something big in California.

Paul N.

When did they move Denver to the East Coast? :grin:
Seriously though that would save a day and over 2000 miles.
A quick check shows ...

1 day 6 hours to Denver and 2 days 2 hours to San Jose.

Interesting thought though. Hope this is something I can workout. somehow. Don't get much of a chance to cruise with CS's or HCS's out this way.