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289/302 Gtcs



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Here is my car (sunlit gold) with the GTCS pedestal - a small round cylinder that puts the Lucas lights about center in the grill.

Also, here is the ebay car (candy apple red) with the Shelby pedestal - a small square washer (about 3/4" tall) that puts the Lucas lights close to the bottom of the grill.

The Shelby pedestal was presumably smaller since the Shelby hood was different and came lower into the grill. Thus the square pedestal centered the Lucas lights better in the Shelby grill. The GTCS cylinder pedestal was designed to center on the GTCS hood and grill.

That is my theory at least. Presumably some dealers may have used Shelby pedestals on GTCS's when the Marchal fog light recall occured for both.



  • Shelby_pedestal.jpg
    87.5 KB · Views: 35
  • GTCS_Pedestal.jpg
    105.4 KB · Views: 38

still looking for one

Well-known member
Apr 26, 2006
The red coupe and the '"66 Vert.

Mustanglvr said:
This is a very nice, well optioned car. It has a few flaws, but nothing major. This would be a good car to buy.

The 68:

I agree, good color, overall condition (from the picture) nice options.
But there were some mistakes, like the script, made on the resto.

But why is the pre-teenage looking girl with the car?

The 1966 convertible.

What happened to the backup lights, and the side scoop trim? The "model" posing on the car didn't distract me from an incorrect resto.

I am no expert like the rest of you people here, but it seems to me that a rotisserie restoration on a $20,000 or up car, you would attend to the details on the trim. Someone dropped the ball. Putting a GIRL in the photos by the car, even if meant as a nod towards the retro, doesn't change that.
It's about the CAR, read my lips on the internet.

I agree with Arlie, these cars would need to be checked out carefully, before bid. The seller unnerves me....

Dave's Classic

Active member
Mar 27, 2006
Aldergrove, BC
Don't get me wrong, I respect any attempt to save a car. I checked the bible [Newitts book]. The Marti report shows a March 8 build date well before the April 19th Marchal cut-off. Seeing as it went to California it should have gotten the recall. One could assume the dealer used the mount in the lucas box rather than fabricate the corract one. I also noticed the lack of side scoop grills, matting and pop rivets [which bugs me, what was wrong with stainless screws?]. The rear stripe and rr emblem would problably get me also. Does Dr. Von Quack have any openings? The leather wheel is a nice addition, but I don't think Ford thought of it! Being a C code car, like mine, it doesn't qualify for the GT package making the valance correct. All that being said, can I have it please. The child can go for her nap now!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
BroadwayBlue said:
I thought it was just me but something does look weird about it.
Maybe that you can see more because of the Shelby pedestals
It does have the wrong grille. The horizontal bars should not be offset.

Dave's Classic

Active member
Mar 27, 2006
Aldergrove, BC
The grill looks OK to me. If you look at the sides, in some pictures the bars are even. If you look at some of the under hood shots you can see the grill rivets look original. I think I read that Ford , due to costs, changed the exterior option gruop. Early in 68 Ford deleted bumper gaurds as standard equipment and made them optional in a pckage together with wheel opening mouldings. I am getting therapy. Dave.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
It's just the lighting. For some reason it's got some honeycomb thing going where every other bar is bright.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Apr 17, 2006
still looking for one said:
The 68:

I am no expert like the rest of you people here, but it seems to me that a rotisserie restoration on a $20,000 or up car, you would attend to the details on the trim.

No offense, but if that was a rotisserie restoration, then I am going to wake up tomorrow finding out I won the lottery. Even an older resto would show much better than that car. The underside is far from the best and neither is the engine bay. Thats almost as bad as when I read Frame Off on a Mustang.