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Book Info Question No. 1: Electrical



As I appreciate the ideas--and the offshoot variations, although I think for the book, I'll stick to the original-type information.This will get owners back to what was what, originally; then they can decide on what to do from there.

The nice thing about this website, is that it's a great place to see outside ideas, and variations from original, upgrades, etc.

I do think that some owners might like to go with LEDs, as a substitute for wiring that is not in good shape, and/or poor ground, connections, corrosion, etc.

I'd rather see everyone know where to go back to, and diagnose the problem. We have a lot of 40-year wiring, and some of it may need to be replaced. It's this restoration I will stick with in the book.

I DO appreciate your comments, and I like this revised regulator idea from NAPA. Maybe there can be a resto section here for "high-tech upgrades" like this.

thanks, Paul.
(not hiding, just in a crunch time with a project for a week or so)

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
That could be your instrument voltage regulator going bad. It's located on your instrument cluster.
Joe is right on!! It is small regulator on the inside of the cluster. You need to remove the speedo cable and the tinnerman nut above the ash tray. Many times I just pull the ash tray out and the ash tray bracket. Three small screws, but you need a stubbie philips. Pull the rest of the outer dash screws out and put a towel on the column and slowly pivot it out. You need to pull loose the windshield wiper wiring normall and it should come out enough to replace the little two terminal regulator



Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I replaced that regulator with a new one but it woudn't stay in the bracket on the back of the cluster. Cheap POS kept popping off so I soldered it in. Must have toasted the internal workings of it with the soldering heat. I have an old one off a '68 Cougar dash that I might try this weekend. I've had the cluster out so many times I don't even install the screws any more!

robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
I have been accused of velcro motor mounts in my cars to assist in my frequent swapping of engines!!! You are way to much like me!!! No screws in the cluster. Too Funny!!! I relate to that!!! Sometimes you have stuff apart so often it kills you!!

Man have I been there!!! but I can tell you are driven to success, even at the sake of sanity!!!



Well-known member
Apr 25, 2003

By the way, everything I learned came from rvrtrash (Steve). I think he is one of the best sources of electrical information we have.


Why thank you Paul! Sorry I didn't reply sooner but I've been busting my butt, putting in my spare time, working on my Fairlane Convert instead of checking the computer.
