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GT/CS at Barrett Jackson Lot 9040


Well-known member
Feb 25, 2003
Flagstaff, AZ
I just got back from the B-J auction, and I checked out this car. The Pavillion is like a used car lot where the owners post a price on the car, and the listed price is $24,900. The car looks like a straight car with nice paint (the color appeared to be too dark for "T" red), a 289, no console, no A/C and a GT/CS side stripe that is way too low (an easy fix). I don't think it will be auctioned off since it is in the Pavillion. As of today, it was still for sale.



Well-known member
Feb 3, 2004
Hey all,

Going off on a tangent here (normal protocol ;-), but... I'm looking at the picture of the BJ CS car's engine compartment. And I see there is a "loop" in the power steering high pressure hose. I've only seen this on my CS. And assumed that it was the wrong hose on mine.
So, my question is- Do any of you who have power steering (on a 289/302)have this loop in the high pressure hose?