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I always wanted that plate PNY XPRS but that was long gone in California.
I now sport 68 AGAIN......and people STILL come up and ask...what year is that?
I got the same thing with my El Camino, so I put one of those lil stickers you have custom made and it said..It's a '74......and they STILL asked me what year it was.....ay yi yi
You are the reason I did not get my first choice!!! The reasons keep piling up on why we should get them together. Would be a sweet picture to get yours, mine and BBeatty together for a GTCS threesome!!!
You are the reason I did not get my first choice!!! The reasons keep piling up on why we should get them together. Would be a sweet picture to get yours, mine and BBeatty together for a GTCS threesome!!!
Paul: Sorry about that, but that was my first choice!!! I'm hoping to have my car completed in the Spring. I'm closing my office and taking off next week to put some work into it. I'll keep you posted on my progress. Merry Christmas!!!!