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What a special day to have a birthday. Happy birthday and Merry Christmas to both of you!
PS. Merry Christmas to everyone who contributes so much to this hobby!! I hope the coming year brings the joy of turning the key on your 'Special' car!!
Sometimes I think you have tooooooo much time on your hands. I always treat people like they are Something Special. LOL (On a lighter note, I see the camera still adds a.......couple hundred pounds, well at least on me that is, That darn vest always made me look FAT) LOL
Just back from family gatherings. Thanks so much for the warm wishes. I feel so good on this site, what a great gang you are all.
Both my older brothers remembered me last night, again, that I scrapped their christmas time the year I was born. They were 12 and 13 years old then... LOL