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I am so old now that...



Well-known member
Nov 22, 2004
Martinsville, IN
[quote author=hookedtrout link=board=4;threadid=1757;start=15#msg11256 date=1117999682]
Last time I went I slept through half the first movie and all the second and woke up to an empty theater lot with my wife asleep on my shoulder and our son asleep on hers. [/quote]


We still have two around our area. One is run down, but the other one is still thriving. Open every night. Really clean and doing all kinds of promotions through-out the summer. Just like the olds days. The most hokey things. Flying saucer night. Concerts, etc... Indiana just voted daylight savings time in so starting next year, those drive-ins are history. It won't get dark enough to play movies until after 9:30 pm. I don't think people will stay out that late for a double feature.