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i have a 1968 gtcs for sale it was rolled at 10mph


Sep 17, 2012
respect is given only when it is deserved ! you go ahead and flag my adds and you will get a lawsuit buddy ! your kids started disrespecting me on this site first . i am in california and anyone wants to stop by and see a real california special no problem! but all you crap talkers can pay me 500 for talking your crap just to say something!


Sep 17, 2012
lol your wearing your wifes panties pussy boy you must drive a six cylinder lol


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
respect is given only when it is deserved ! you go ahead and flag my adds and you will get a lawsuit buddy ! your kids started disrespecting me on this site first . i am in california and anyone wants to stop by and see a real california special no problem! but all you crap talkers can pay me 500 for talking your crap just to say something!

Be right back.

Thanks for the idea!


Sep 17, 2012
Boshard restored the car twenty years ago and he is a well known thunderbird and mustang restorer


Well-known member
Jul 17, 2006

Edward Bodoh

Well-known member
May 26, 2012
Suisun City

Everyone. So i have been a member here for a few months now. Like to check out the threads and classifieds every few days minimum. Read almost all of them...as one can find very good info here. And good help too. With that said I followed bambams 1st thread and then the 2nd one. Seems like things don't add up with the car...and the thread ended up quite sour. Whether or not the car is fake or not is beyond me. As I definately am not a pro quite yet at telling if one is fake or not. But what i do notice on a somewhat regular basis in here....is people are quite rude. Some of you act at times (by what you type obviously) like the owners of corvettes or thunderbirds at local car shows.

I remember the first post (I think) I entered here....was quite excited that I just bought my martied GT/CS. But at that time didn't post any pics...and got a somewhat rude comment RIGHT OFF THE BAT. I continually read somewhat rude comments in here....which I promise wouldn't be said to anyone's face. You act like kids these days who think it's manly to TYPE aggresive words to someone via text.

In the bam bam threads case...some comments were professional and some weren't. Even early on in the thread. Embarrasing. He posted his phone number early on and said to call...why didn't you professionals with eagle eyes call him then. Carrying on this thread was childish entertainment.

Props to the knowledgable people who share in here...hopefully I get that kind of good help when I start my resto. When someone FIRST posts in here be a little more friendly. Besides you personally are not getting ripped off.

Take your noses out of the air a little.

Just because you own a GT/CALIFORNIA SPECIAL doesn't make YOU special.



Well-known member
Jan 7, 2006
Brisbane Australia
wow, has this gone off track... :rolleyes: rant away!

and "These cars are very much like a Shelby".... uummm.... please. You are kidding yourself.

No contest, as prices show. (unless you own one of the 3 CS or 9 HC 428's, then the price gets closer) Kinda like saying an R code is "very much like a Boss429", as they both have hood scoops... :wink:

My drum brake C4 C code ain't anywhere near a Shelby. l love 'em, but it is what it is... a Mustang with some make-up. :kiss:
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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2011
West Hartford CT
We now have 5 early cars that Marti does not recognize as California Specials. The dates are all basically within a week of each other so I still think some early coupes were pulled off the assembly line and converted into California Specials at the San Jose plant, no matter what the old registrar says.

They are:
C132803 Date=23A Actual build date = Jan 27
J131333 Date=22A Actual build date = Jan 23
C133798 Date=26A Actual build date = Jan 25
J134396 Date=27A Actual build date = Jan 25
C136238 Date=31A Actual build date = Feb 5

All the trash talk aside: I find this part of the thread the most interested versus the question of the total number of CS's built.


Well-known member
Mar 29, 2005
wow, has this gone off track... :rolleyes: rant away!

and "These cars are very much like a Shelby".... uummm.... please. You are kidding yourself.

No contest, as prices show. (unless you own one of the 3 CS or 9 HC 428's, then the price gets closer) Kinda like saying an R code is "very much like a Boss429", as they both have hood scoops... :wink:

My drum brake C4 C code ain't anywhere near a Shelby. l love 'em, but it is what it is... a Mustang with some make-up. :kiss:

Yep, a dressed-up Coupe. I love'em, but it is what it is.


Staff member
Aug 18, 2002
Enough with the name calling and personal attacks, from BOTH sides. Please be mature and constructive in your posts everyone.

Bambam, you seem to be focusing on only one or two negative comments. The group is trying to help you out. The documentation provided (Marti report) shows your car as NOT being a true GT/CS. Normally that would be end of story as that's what most people use to verify a true GT/CS.

But folks here are giving your car the benefit of the doubt and trying to help identify if it really is a GT/CS because of it's early build date, despite a Marti report saying it isn't. If you have any other documentation or info that helps verify the car it would be helpful to post it. Or if you don't want to post it here then at the very least be prepared to prove it to any potential buyer. Because with the info shown to date it appears not to be real GT/CS.


Sep 17, 2012
Boy we are on to a new day! i do not want to continue to argue with people on this web site ! and i appoligise for any of my unprofesional remarks! but joe please give it a rest ! the car is not a clone and if you guys care about the history of these cars that much ! then send someone over to my house and i can show you the documentation of the restoration of this car 20 years ago i can also show the documentation of the auction i bought the car from twenty years ago and you can come check the rear wiring harness and see that it was clearly done by the factory and that the rear tail and glass work was no ad on ! but if your so mad that you are willing to call this car a clone with out doing that then i would have to question the integrity of your web site and say that this web site is not an acurate place to keep track of these cars ! because the people on the site are to into there attitudes and not enough into finding the true count of cars left! so please someone give me a call because im really not that much into arguing with anyone ok! like i said sorry for the attitude i had a bad day and it will not happen again! and i thank any of you for taking any time to help me!


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Yes it would!

By the way, you should receive your parts and Marti later this week.


Well-known member
Aug 13, 2005
Looks like many posts have been deleted from this thread, so with that, lets try to move forward in a positive direction and try to help OCBAMBAM sell his car, and/or help any potential buyer make an informed dicision. Arlie, your documentation on the early cars heeds merit that this could be a factory conversion from a stock vehicle already assigned a VIN. I'm not sure Ford records/Marti information would neccessarily show the California Special Option. We have five cars now, all built in within a week of each other, which are currently wearing CS clothing, and all have no CS option listed on the Marti Report. Clone Conspiracy Coincidence, IMHO, unlikely.

OCBAMBAM has offered to have the car inspected and I for one would like to see it inspected by someone who knows what to look for and put this to rest. Until a definative is reached, he deserves the benifit of the doubt. If it does check out to be a factory CS, than that just furthers our knowledge and suspicions about early converted cars.


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Bambam I hope this doesn't offend you but I couldn't read the post as written so I cleaned it up.

Boy we are on to a new day. I do not want to continue to argue with people on this web site, and I apologize for any of my unprofessional remarks, but Joe please give it a rest!

The car is not a clone and if you guys care about the history of these cars that much then send someone over to my house and I can show you the documentation of the restoration of this car 20 years ago. I can also show the documentation of the auction I bought the car from twenty years ago and you can come check the rear wiring harness and see that it was clearly done by the factory and that the rear tail and glass work was no add on

But if you’re so mad that you are willing to call this car a clone without doing that then i would have to question the integrity of your web site and say that this web site is not an accurate place to keep track of these cars.

Because the people on the site are too into their attitudes and not enough into finding the true count of cars left. So please someone give me a call because I’m really not that much into arguing with anyone ok?

Like I said sorry for the attitude I had a bad day and it will not happen again, and I thank any of you for taking any time to help me!
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Well-known member
Jul 8, 2012
I deleted my posts because looking back at it now it just leaves a sour taste in my mouth as to the downward spiral that happened, which was classless and redundant in it's nature. It's not my style so my apologies to everyone involved :grin:

On a side note, if cityofangels17 wants to go take a look at this car, that would be super. Perhaps get a better assessment on the damage, and look at the documentation, and above all, check the "GT/CS specific" items to help get the car verified so it will help Dan with his sale
Sep 12, 2012
Los Angeles, CA
I wouul be more than happy to contribute to this website and solve this dilemna. Im no expert so maybe someone can tell me what sppecs should i be looking for lol
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