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. Looking for GT/CS "Regional Representatives"



Want a job? Sorry, no salary, but hey, you get to coordinate local GT/CS get-togethers!!

I thought of asking everyone here who would be interested in being reps for owners in their respective areas for get togethers, picnics, parades, other Mustang shows, etc.

What I thought I'd do is get a few folks to act as coordinators in: So. Calif,
the Pacific Northwest, New York/NJ area, the South, and Midwest, Colorado (HCS), and Okla-Texas. I'd take care of No.Calif.

Once we have a few reps established out there, In my next mailing, I'd print their e-mail addresses (and maybe phone numbers) for GT/CS owners of all yrs. to contact and make themselves available for any events that they would be interested in.

Your thoughts and input??



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Sounds interesting.

I wouldn't mind being a contact for the Northeast area.

Could you expand a little more on what you envision this person doing?



Well-known member
Nov 1, 2007
The Great Northwest
The Pacific Northwest position has been filled. Filled it last year.

We have our NW sector in full swing up here. I have my co-captains at large.

Northern Pony

Well-known member
Aug 28, 2007
I can do this for Western Canada. Located in Calgary, could probably accomodate B.C.s Saskatchewan and Alberta.



After I posted this idea, I forgot to include Canada and Australia, and Europe. There are several GT/CSs there, too.

What I had in mind is that these representatives would be that central person in an area to arrange events, so owners in those specific areas could meet, have lunch, work-on-your-CS-days, participate in other Mustang Club events, etc..etc. (SAAC does this, too). Even if it was just two owners meeting for dinner, it's worth the effort. If several GT/CSs showed up all lined up to enter a Mustang show, it would certainly impress everyone!!!

Once the reps are established, I would list them in next mailer I do to the 900 or so people on my mailing list. Then, owners can choose if they would like to participate in their area (or another area if they wish to travel). What I would suggest is that they communicate via email first, then go from there. I've been vigilant with protecting my mailing list, and we all know about potential problems with privacy, etc., so I'll just provide the contacts, and then it's up to the reps and owners (and enthusiasts) how and where it goes from there.

I would also ask the webmaster, Jon, if we could have a sticky at the top for folks here to find out about their rep, and updates for what's going on. Reps could also post at this sticky for events or get togethers at a local restaurants, etc.,for casual get togethers.

I was inspired to do this by the recent impromptu event in Seattle, where folks traveled quite far to get together. I am very impressed with how Amy pulled that together under such short notice. She even arranged a "GT/CS Parade" through downtown Seattle to the delight and amazement of the locals there!!
( BTW--Amy, you got the job for the Northwest, er..uh..after I interview that owner in Sequim :p).

There are probably 1,800 (or less) of the '68 GT/CS left, and about 20,000 of the '07-'09 GT/CS out there. We need to just have fun, and get together across the country (and in Canada, and Australia).

Paul N.
Jan 7, 2008
Ardrossan South Australia
G'day Paul,
I would be imterested in doing somthing in Australia but I think there are only about 12 or 13 in the country and scattered all over the place so could be hard but not impossible



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Maybe I'm missing something ...

Wouldn't the "rep" be the one going out to people as opposed to people contacting the "rep"?

The rep is the one that would need the contact information to invite and notify people of the upcoming event not the other way around.

For example:
Last year I started an email list for Carlisle.

I was going to bring a paper list this year for people to fill in as much or as little contact info as they want so we could plan other events.

73pony (John) from NJ is interested in working on some GT/CS get togethers in the Northeast area too.

I think the easiest thing to do is something similar to VMF.
Maybe Jon can setup regional sticky threads or sections.
Then the "rep" and others could post an event there on the site and extend it to their personal list as well.
That seems the simplest thing to me.

I guess I must be missing something ... or it's just too late here in the Northeast :grin:
Jan 7, 2008
Ardrossan South Australia
Scott sounds good we should keep in touch


P.S. There is one station (ranch) in Australia called Victoria River Downs that at its peak was 35 suqare miles bigger than the state of Texas and that is a fact, it even has its own post code (Zip Code)


Maybe I'm missing something ...

Wouldn't the "rep" be the one going out to people as opposed to people contacting the "rep"?

The rep is the one that would need the contact information to invite and notify people of the upcoming event not the other way around.

For example:
Last year I started an email list for Carlisle.

I was going to bring a paper list this year for people to fill in as much or as little contact info as they want so we could plan other events.

73pony (John) from NJ is interested in working on some GT/CS get togethers in the Northeast area too.

I think the easiest thing to do is something similar to VMF.
Maybe Jon can setup regional sticky threads or sections.
Then the "rep" and others could post an event there on the site and extend it to their personal list as well.
That seems the simplest thing to me.

I guess I must be missing something ... or it's just too late here in the Northeast :grin:

Being a rep would mainly be a regional person listed on my next notice to registered members of the GT/CS Registry.

Owners could contact the reps about what was "going on" locally, and if, or how to organize a get together. The rep would be a central person to contact. it wouldn't mean that you'd actively have to go out looking for GT/CSs, unless you want to.

I just wanted to provide owners with a local person to talk to, and to coordinate any type of get togethers you'd want to do. It's basically a networking situation, and it's very casual in nature. A lot of it depends on the response, and where owners may live.

Some people might want to drive a long distance (like OZ) to just meet other owners.

I just would like to provide people with the option to know each other through their GT/CS, and just have a good time.



Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Thanks for the reply Paul.

I was just trying to get my head around what you were thinking.

73pony and I have been talking about doing something here in the northeast already in addition to Carlisle. I'm planning on attending his clubs show at the end of the month.

So in any case - you can still count me in for the NE USA.



You and 73 Pony would be perfect.

I was wondering if we should have small (triangular)pennants made to fit at the top of our antennas for car shows, so our marque stands out.

I've seen car clubs do that. Not too big, about 12-18 inches long.

I think that together, we have something really awesome here in the works for everyone!

thanks! Paul.


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2006
Holstein, Iowa
I will try to work on something in my area this year. I know I got lot of interest in the GT/CS at the Blackmustang Club. I also have been passing information at local car shows.


My intention is to establish GT/CS Mustangs, whether early or late model, in the hobby by:

1. Having them recognized as "real" Mustangs with a real heritage, and eliminate the confusion by educating the public and other Mustangers "who've never seen one".

2. Provide restoration and service information in the book so just about any owner can bring a very competitiveMustang to a car show (and/or impress on the street).

3. Create a "reputation" in the Mustang hobby that the owners of the GT/CS are knowledgeable, friendly, and part of a solid group of other owners and supporters (whether you live by many or very few other owners).

ALL of these things can be done, and by having a regional rep, it provides the contacts and comraderie between owners to make for a better Mustang marque. By the character of these message boards, I know that we can do this, and it's time to take that next step.

For those who are the "lone wolves" where you live, you'll have the knowledge that the rest of us DO support you when you go to a show and you may be the only CS there.

That is the purpose, and intent of what I'm trying to do.
