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Need your input: Paul Newitt writing a new GT/CS Recog. & Owner's Manual


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
Hi All, for those not on SAAC, here is a note from Paul. Thanks, Casey ---

"I would like to take a moment to thank a couple of people that have helped me with the GT/CS Registry.

Bob Teets runs the ('66-'68) High Country Special Registry in Colorado, but has gone beyond the call of duty. Over the past few years, he's meticulously jotted down information of over hundreds of cars that he's found on EBAY, or through the internet, or on the street. I must have 250-300 index cards that's he's sent me, about 25 at a time from the past few years. Hand written notes on each car, owner info, and he even printed out Marti Reports that were on the EBAY sites when he'd find cars. He's done a TON of work for me,and now that the registry is coming together, I wish to thank him dearly for his hard work!!

Jon Hanna has sent me huge printouts of GT/CS cars, with owner info from his website. Every once in a while, I'd get a big printout in the mail, and the last one was really big. Thanks again, Jon.

I take this information and have to cross reference it--which is very time consuming. But, I appreciate not only Bob and Jon's work, but everyone who has sent me information on their GT/CS, including taking photos, Ford paperwork, Marti Reports, etc. I really do appreciate it. It's made the Registry what it is today.

Thanks again, Sincerely, Paul."

frank s

Well-known member
May 31, 2009
San Diego CA USA
Will you/your car be in the registry/book when/if it's published.

Has anyone been threatened with exclusion/removal because of remarks made to/about Paul M. Newitt?


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
There are two threads in the "Sticky" part of the forum that discuss how to submit your car into the registry and provides the updates on the book. Casey

frank s

Well-known member
May 31, 2009
San Diego CA USA
There are two threads in the "Sticky" part of the forum that discuss how to submit your car into the registry and provides the updates on the book. Casey

Yes, I know. Let me expand on the second question I asked:

Supposing - theoretically speaking - you had done all the hoop-jumping, received no acknowledgment from the Registrar, and after a decent interval had sent a letter of inquiry. Suppose the Registrar took your inquiry as an insult, and offered two simple alternatives: he'd accept your apology, or send back your materials and leave you high and dry, out of the publication.

Would you view the Registrar's action as reflecting a certain negative light on the perceived validity and legitimacy of his work? I mean, if he has the information in his hands and (theoretically) rejects it for reasons of personal hypersensitivity, doesn't that suggest the product is less than scholarly, maybe even highly inaccurate, considering the flak he has received here and his (theoretical) potential response?

I'm just saying ...


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
"theoretically speaking" aside, are you saying this happened to you?
If so, do you have it in writing?
If so,did you submit the car's data/registration through THIS site?

I don't mean to give you the 3rd degree, but I'm a simplistic type- not putting much value on inuendo. Thanks for further clarification.


robert campbell

Well-known member
Apr 10, 2007
Will you/your car be in the registry/book when/if it's published.

Has anyone been threatened with exclusion/removal because of remarks made to/about Paul M. Newitt?

I have a pm from Paul that confirms that my car is not a GT/CS. Based on my support of Amy and my allegiance to Tim “Midnight Special”. It is so telling of the man. Meet both of them (Amy and Tim) and you be the judge. It is important to know how Paul has twisted this group of fun loving, genuine people. It is important for all the members of this site to have knowledge of it to ensure they know how they have been manipulated. Tim and other members have numerous pm’s from Paul that are more injurious than mine. They choose to not bring them forward as I have.

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frank s

Well-known member
May 31, 2009
San Diego CA USA
Yesterday I received my registration materials back from The GT/CS Registrar. I'm reckoning that disqualifies him from the title: he had my registrations in hand and rejected them because I "disrespected" him. Seems to me a genuine registrar would be willing to put up with a little honest skepticism (which he took as disrespect) in order to accomplish a thorough job. Makes me wonder how much of a quality job he has actually done - or will do ...

I also reckon that any serious GT/CS owner/fan who wants to fill in the blanks and learn about my cars (and any other rejectees and removals) will have to get the information from somewhere. I'm thinking about several different locations to post the material, places where a search engine will find it (and find the story about why it is there and not in The GT/CS Registrar's "book").

Not that I care so much about being rejected and not having my cars' particulars appearing in a vanity-published book, but it seems only fair to those who really want to have complete coverage of the options, colors, and locations of all ~20,000 S197 GT/CSs. And it won't cost a cent.



Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
This is most unfortunate & disturbing. I DO hope you have registered your C/S on this website. I find it to be rather bizarre that the self proclaimed registrar quit the very website that enabled the book endeavor in the first place. I know there was friction between Paul & other members of this site (me included in the latter days) but that in and of itself does not justify Paul's course of action (IMO) in quitting the recognized C/S & HCS website. Not to mention the illogical step of signing on to a website that had nothing to do (or history) in specializing with this particular Mustang model.
I have an e-mail from Paul telling me that we are no longer to communicate with each other, and that he will not sell a copy of his new book to me.
My C/S is registered on this site (as I hope you did yours) because I believe this site to be the ultimate authority & recognizing agent of the C/S & HCS models. Most anyone can author a book and claim to be the 'official' expert, but truth be known- the true expertise & knowledge is HERE.
Keep the faith - we have THE group here.


PS: Edited out a remark that after consideration, I thought to be sarcastic.
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Well-known member
Dec 4, 2004
This is most unfortunate & disturbing. I DO hope you have registered your C/S on this website. I find it to be rather bizarre that the self proclaimed registrar quit the very website that enabled the book endeavor in the first place. I know there was friction between Paul & other members of this site (me included in the latter days) but that in and of itself does not justify Paul's course of action (IMO) in quitting the recognized C/S & HCS website. Not to mention the illogical step of signing on to a website that had nothing to do (or history) in specializing with this particular Mustang model.
I have an e-mail from Paul telling me that we are no longer to communicate with each other, and that he will not sell a copy of his new book to me. Oh well, I guess I'll have to stumble along for the rest of my life in utter & complete ignorance of the car that I own. I've owned, repaired, restored, modified '68 Mustangs for 25+ years, and I think I have a fair level of knowledge of them. I love my C/S because it is rare, and I have a strong knowledge of this model/year. I'm content with that.
My C/S is registered on this site (as I hope you did yours) because I believe this site to be the ultimate authority & recognizing agent of the C/S & HCS models. Most anyone can author a book and claim to be the 'official' expert, but truth be known- the true expertise & knowledge is HERE.
Keep the faith - we have THE group here.

Neil (Banned & condemned) Hoppe

We are a family Neil, and we'll stick together. :smile:

frank s

Well-known member
May 31, 2009
San Diego CA USA
Thank you aemoo28, Neil, and Rhonda, for your responses. Strange stuff out there, sometimes. Makes for interesting episodes, but not always satisfying.

I'm looking at flickr.com as a place to display my GT/CS information. It's relatively easy to make a "set" that will include pertinent material and it appears to let search engines in, although I haven't confirmed that lately.

I'd register the cars with this site, but they are both S197 GT/CSs, and don't seem to be compatible with the registration form.

Thanks again,

Frank S


Well-known member
Feb 26, 2007
Canton, Ohio
I'm new here, and don't really know or care about the events that have led up to this point. What I do know is this: I have a new car that I am really proud of and would like to update it's information in the registry, but I can't, because it just seems too hard and that there are too many personalities involved. And this seems really sad because everyone here seems so helpful and nice:smile:


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
I'm new here, and don't really know or care about the events that have led up to this point. What I do know is this: I have a new car that I am really proud of and would like to update it's information in the registry, but I can't, because it just seems too hard and that there are too many personalities involved. And this seems really sad because everyone here seems so helpful and nice:smile:

Are you talking about the on-line registry on this site or Paul's registry?


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2005
Are there multiple registries at this point??

Basically, I'd say there are 2 registries. The one on this site and the one Paul is publishing...but it's not quite that simple.

If you look at the list in red on the left side of your screen you'll see a registry tab. The data entered into that registry was (is?) sent to Paul for inclusion into his registry.


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
I assume that this is the primary registration site. I believe Jon then forwards the info to Paul for inclusion into his registry. (Once Paul's book has been published, there would be no other means to update, other than through this site's registry.)
I PM'd Jon about including the late model C/S's, and he is looking into a format for these cars as well for this website. That info could also be forwarded to Paul if he so desires.
This on line C/S site is available 24/7 for new owners of C/S's & HCS's, old or new, so the info is able to be kept current.
The wealth of hands-on experience & knowledge is here, reinforced by folks ready & willing to help.



Well-known member
Oct 8, 2004
Crystal Lake, IL
I agree with Neil. Register on this site and the information will be forwarded to the registrar. This site also contains the registry information and is a basis for registry information. As the world becomes more digital I would predict that this site will become the registry for the registrar. Casey


Well-known member
Mar 1, 2007
If I were to acquire another C/S or HCS, THIS is where I would register it.



Well-known member
Oct 31, 2007
I am just curious about everthing that is going on with the book that we are supposed to receive and this new book paul is talking about. This new book when is that going to be started and finished and how much is this going to cost. when is the book that we ordered about two years ago be finished. Iam not getting any younger iam 70 years old would like to see the book finished and in my hands