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1968 Old advertisements?


Active member
Apr 4, 2010
Hey all,

I love old ads. (graphic design & journalism nerd) Is anyone reproducing the CS magazine ads? It would be fun to find a few and frame them.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2005
Hudson Valley Area, NY
Hey all,

I love old ads. (graphic design & journalism nerd) Is anyone reproducing the CS magazine ads? It would be fun to find a few and frame them.

I don't know if there were any magazine ads but there were a number of newspaper ads and the original brochures.

The brochures are available as originals or reprints - usually can find them on eBay pretty regularly.

The newspaper ads are available through a number of sources as reprints or on eBay and the web through newspaper archives from the time.

I think there is a thread or two on this site discussing them.

Update: Found the thread with some newspaper ads attached

On a related note - I just posted another thread with a link to old car brochures.
I just posted another thread